hello hello!


Mar 25, 2023
hi all, my name's dino! like daenerys and vellichor, i'm a staff member from another warriors site and i'm here after receiving assistance from the lovely staff team here to solve an issue on our site. i like to read, write, and doodle in my free time. figured i could take a peek around! iii am a little unsure how active i will be here since i'm very wrapped up in my other site currently but i will definitely be present for a time <3 cool to see another active warrior cats roleplay community out in the wild!

(p.s. dani and velli are stinky)
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Hey there!!!!! It’s so good to see you all 0:

I’m Jay, one of the admins here as you probably have already figured out lol
We are all so excited to see what characters you bring here! I’m most active in Shadow Thunder and Wind currently but I’m present in some capacity in all the clans. So I’m sure we’ll interact!

As always feel free to reach out to myself or any of the other members of the staff team with any questions! Can’t wait to see ya around