pafp Hello, Hi || Feast

Sep 15, 2022

The feast was in swing and everybody was having a nice time it seemed. Good, he thought. Even if there was an undertone of distrust in the air, things were going smoothly. He was happy, but still nervous. He had, out of curiosity and politeness, tried a frog. It was different, not sure he liked how cold and squishy it felt, but if Shadowclan eats these regularly, they couldn't be that bad, right? Well.

After he let his stomach settle and decide how it felt about his first frog, which was fine, he looked around and noticed Pitchstar with a....Noticeable lack of energy. Was this how he was normally? His only experiences with him were the situation at the border and watching him at the gathering. Both instances had him much more lively. Naively he thought maybe he had just misunderstood him, and decided to pad over to him.


This is the part where he's supposed to say hello. Right.

"H-hi." He greeted nervously, trying not to shuffle his paws too much. Now what does he say. WHAT DOES HE SAY NOW. SAY SOMETHING NICE, YES. SOMETHING NICE. " We picked a nice day for this, huh....?"

That was so basic. He could do better.

"I-I'm Yewberry."

Come on, talk like you don't have anxiety.

" W-we didn't have good first impressions so I figured...We could get off on the right paw this time."

Pitchstar probably didn't even remember him, who was he kidding. He sat there, practically holding his breath and waiting to be batted away like a mossball.

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the feast passes by in a blur around him. pitchstar does not focus, cannot even if he wanted to, on the murmur of his clan mingling with sootstar's. it's dulled to a buzz in his ears, a fly he cannot swat away.

that is, until a voice rattles in his skull, too close to be passing chatter. pitchstar's hazy eyes snap up onto... some windclan bastard, who stutters over his words. like starlingpaw does. the shadowclan leader worries with the inside of his cheek, his dreary thoughts drifting to his injured baby sister. is she alright, back in the camp?

pitchstar doesn't have ample time to dwell on starling's wellbeing. it seems the dam has broken, and now the tom in front of him won't be quiet. the pale windclanner comments on how nice the weather was for this outing, and pitchstar frowns. today feels anything but nice, with this metaphorical thundercloud hanging over his head. "i suppose so." he lies.

the tom continues, despite pitchstar's foul mood. introduces himself as yewberry. "pitchstar," he responds on instinct, before realizing that yewberry should already know as much. but he doesn't get the chance to beat himself up over such a foolish mistake, before yewberry is mumbling about how their first impression wasn't good. the leader's frown deepens, if such a feat was even possible. their first impression... wasn't good. what the hell was that supposed to mean? what had pitchstar done that wasn't good? he searches his brain, trying to pull out the memory of his first interaction with this yewberry. but he comes up empty-pawed; it seems he'd been too focused on getting into sootstar's face and threatening her former medicine cat to notice yewberry's presence that day. "sorry? what the hell do you mean?"

He was so stupid what was he doing. Talking about the weather. That was so stupid, surely he has better social skills than that.

Though he wasn't surprised Pitchstar didn't remember him in the slightest.

"We met at the border when you..." When you were unhinged and about to go on a rampage- "Paid a visit about what happened between the medicine cats." He explained.

He was too angry and scared then to consider how Pitchstar felt at the time, but now that he thought about it....If his mother died nine times in front of him and then his aunt was attacked at a meeting with other medicine cats, he would be a little unhinged too.

He paused for a moment.

"You look I thought you needed company." He said softly.

  • There are strangers everywhere.

    Betonyfrost had known this was going to happen, had even stupidly looked forward to it, ("a chance to meet some cats from the other clans, face to face, properly!") but now WindClan is here, milling about camp like rats in the Carrionplace. They look and they judge; Betonyfrost knows they do. It causes an itch under Betonyfrost's fur-- her pelt gives a distinct twitch-jump. Laying on an anthill would be preferable.

    She focuses on chewing at a half-shed claw, doesn't cant her head towards conversation, doesn't let her ears swivel to better listen in.

    She doesn't bite down on her claw hard enough to splinter it.

    Betonyfrost cannot deny that she stands up, she cannot deny that she turns, bodily this time, and lets her eyes flicker over this-- this WindClanner talking to her leader, making assumptions, judging. He looks about as pathetic as he sounds. Wouldn't last a day in the marsh, and yet here he is spilling feelings and unwanted sympathies all over the place.

    Annoyance bubbles into anger, always tethered in her chest. Betonyfrost swallows her anger, swallows it again, and then a third time just to keep it down. That WindClanner hadn't actually done anything wrong. Betonyfrost isn't being reasonable.

    "And you thought yours was the company he'd want?" Betonyfrost asks, an undeniable sarcastic bite in her voice. She isn't being reasonable. She's always swallowed her anger before. She isn't being reasonable. She should stop now before-- "You sure cheered me up. Good for you."

    //😔 ic opinions... shes normally better behaved than this​
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shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 14 moons | tags
ah, right... that incident. a normal cat would've held an inkling of understanding for how threatening another's clan counts as a rocky first impression. but pitchstar toes the line of instability, dances along the edge of the precipice, even at the best of times. unfortunately for yewberry, pitchstar is one step closer to plummeting today.

he bites his cheek and curls his claws into the spongy soil. "right," pitchstar drawls, dangerous and slow. "when i'd sought justice for my aunt. i suppose that counts as a bad impression to you, yewberry?" the poison drips from his tongue. his mind screams, they hate you. they hate him, when all he has done is try to keep his clan safe.

nothing he does will ever be good enough, will it? pitchstar could sit back and do nothing, and he'd be called incompetent, cowardly. he demands retribution for a crime, and that makes him dangerous, a villain in the story.

yewberry observes that pitchstar seems sad. the leader scoffs. "sad? no, no, no. i'm brooding." sadness is weakness. pitchstar refuses to admit to his fragility, especially to the face of another. "don't act so condescendingly." it's making him sick. stop treating me like i will shatter upon the lightest touch.

betonyfrost appears; or had she always been there? in the haziness of pitchstar's mind, he cannot remember. she challenges the windclan warrior, and a better leader might've scolded her for her unreasonable behavior. but pitchstar is not a good leader. he knows from the looks others give him that this is true. so he'll pick his poison, and allow this to unfold, heavy-lidded eyes watching yewberry for the other's response without sympathy.

This was a terrible idea, what was he thinking.

"N-no, you're perfectly valid in standing up for your aunt- It's just.... Nobody was happy so I figured...." He replied quickly. He was valid in being angry, yes. Yewberry couldn't deny that.

Brooding.....Was there a difference between brooding and being sad? He wouldn't dare ask. He had already come off as condescending, apparently. "Oh.... I wasn't.... trying to be...."

And then Betonyfrost chimed in and his fur rose and anxiety and the overwhelming urge to run won the day.

"I-I- You're right, I... I'll go." He managed, unable to handle the tension anymore.

He turned tail and ran, disappearing into the crowd.


Halfshade had seen foxes kill a cat more mercifully than what was happening before her eyes, the bicolor queen did not move to assist out of pure shock as she listened in at a distance with a partially eaten frog between her paws and both eyes widened in abject horror. Did no one in this clan know how to hold a conversation? By the time she thought to go rescue the poor thing he had taken off in a panic and honestly she could not blame him but since she was standing anyways she padded over with a laugh, "Oh, aren't you two just the most social of butterflies." It was a little sassy but her tone remained unmalicious and she paused to take a seat alongside Pitchstar and Betonyfrost to occupy the spot the tiny WindClanner had once been in.
Dreadful company these two, but she could use the laugh and perhaps a bit of a more confident personality might let them be a little more agreeable.
Some cats just weren't too good at this talking thing and one of them was their leader! She supposed charisma wasn't always necessary for leadership but it certainly helped. If this clan turned into a warmongering group like her old home she was leaving with no questions asked.
"You know the little fellow was just trying to be friendly, yes? Little stupid on the word choices, but if you don't want this alliance then tell them to leave or give them a little slack." Frankly she didn't like the alliance. She had no fondness for WindClan and would have been happier just being left to their own devices, "Why are we allying with them anyways out of curiousity? What can WindClan give?"

  • In watching that WindClanner retreat, Betonyfrost knows she should feel something about it. Remorse, guilt, shame. She should be embarrassed; Betonyfrost is typically so good at keeping her temper down, and yet she feels lighter for having let it out. She shouldn't make a habit of it-- she can't live her life spitting at everyone who so much happens to annoy her, but she'll remember this feeling, the pressure relieved from her chest.

    Halfshade tries to ruin Betonyfrost's improved mood, and this too is something Betonyfrost will remember.

    Betonyfrost turns her head away from Halfshade, thinks with venom, you aren't my mother, but doesn't say. She swallows, and this time her anger stays down. Sheathed in the way a claw is, hidden but ever-present. She doesn't try to justify what she had said, nor does she even make an effort to acknowledge Halfshade's words.​
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shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 14 moons | tags