private HELLO MY DARLING &. willowroot


Jul 27, 2022

it's... been a while since she's done this. she isn't sure why. it wasn't like she didn't want to be around willowroot, no that wasn't it, but maybe she just wanted for them to be okay doing what they were doing. they had been so busy being a lead warrior but now that they'd stopped... maybe... they could do this again. poppysplash paced nervously, muttering quietly to herself words of agitation before she shook her pelt out and decided to just get over whatever the heck she was feeling. why was she so nervous to talk to her mate about this, anyways? maybe because she hadn't planned the last time. it just happened. she regretted nothing, but she wanted this to be perfect.

"okay, just get over it. as if she would reject this... oh i fucking hope so."

she hisses. the anger is so common but it's not directed towards the love of her life. it's directed at herself.

"hey, willowroot. uhm... walk with me, my love?"

the molly asks, nervously pinning her ears back as she approached her. as beautiful as the day they met. she was not nearly as nice and how willowroot managed to get her this was, she doesn't know. oh, such kindness is reserved for her wife and kits, but she doesn't care. willowroot deserved so much in this life, for sure.
( ) it feels like it's been moons since her last proper date with poppysplash. they patrol together, of course, and rally their children into messy training sessions, but one on one time is rare in this season of strife. still, willowroot regrets nothing. even if it's been a while, even if things are only getting more complicated, and everything is growing too fast, her dappled love is consistent. poppy knows what gets under her skin, what makes her purr- everything is simply when poppy's near. so, it doesn't matter what they do, as long as they do it together. all this to say, willow has no qualms with the business of their lives.

still, at her mate's call, the smoke femme lights up. it's clear as day the adoration painted across her face as she turns to greet the woman. "sweet girl," she murmurs, butting her head affectionately against the other's shoulder. "of course, darling." poppysplash seems uncommonly nervous- the last time she's heard this tone had been during the spectacle that had been her pregnancy announcement. stars, if one day they kit again, willowroot silently begs that mudpelt will be nowhere near the medicine den.

slender paws crunch over pebbles as the two felines set off towards the shoreline. dark blends with light as willowroot pushes gently against her mate's side, twining their tails. "what's eating at you, poppy. you seem anxious." eyes of fern glance in the other's direction, worry and love swimming in their depths.

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it will never fail to give her butterflies when her mate so tenderly refers to her as a sweet girl. their sweet girl. it gives her purpose and a certain sense of euphoria to hear it. her heart rate doesn't slow, however. she's still as nervous as she was when she first approached willowroot, but nonetheless she walks with them.

"you know me a lot better than i know myself, love. i just..."

she has to take a deep breath in, trying to find some sort of grounding. she doesn't wanna push herself into a panic attack– stars know it's been a long time since she's had one. if anything would cause one, it would certainly be this.

"you can say no. and i know how i acted the last time but... i have never been more happy than with you and with our kits. i... do you want to have more? more kits, with me? don't feel like you have to. i know how exhausting it might sound, to be pregnant again. i would never force you to do anything but it would make me really happy. I think our kits deserve more siblings."