sensitive topics HELLO SEATTLE;; therapy

general warning of characters discussing recent topics and deaths within the clan, things have been brutal

There had been so much death, so much worry and fear and pain and it had all come so quickly. It was part of being in a clan, part of being part of the grander scheme of things, and though she was sure all the deaths so recently now were in StarClan happy and watching over all of them now it didn't mean that cats wouldn't be scared, wouldn't be trying to figure out if it was all worth it in the end to be here and not just run away to twolegs to be their pet, guaranteed to be fed and taken care of with no chance of death due to the claws of another. So she had requested and so she had gathered, and now those that could spare the time or really needed to be here were doing so, sat within the clearing of the beech copse not so that they could train with claws and learn to hunt but to speak and grow together as a clan... as a family. "It has been a lot recently, seeing so many leave us so soon, but we're here to talk about it and make sure everyone is doing okay... or as okay as they can be at the moment."

She looked upon those gathered for a moment, from warriors to apprentices, mismatched ages and experiences coming together to show the one emotion they'd all been feeling recently - grief. "If anyone wants to talk you can, you can seek me out in my den after and we can have a one on one if needed too, but things need to be talked about instead of being buried. Those of us who are older remember yellowcough and the rogues and the amount of death that happened then, older still are those who remember the battle for the clans and how much had happened there and we all know how hard it was to feel what we felt after our first brushes with death... our first friends dying so I expect no judgement here for those going through it for the first time." If any were to scoff she'd quickly make them leave, for this was a topic Moonbeam had no patience for disrespect for. "If anyone just wishes to speak or ask any questions feel free to do so, get it all out whether it be anger or sadness or just curiosity. I'll answer what I can and I'm sure others will too." It was an open floor of discussion.

  • -- tagging @EVENINGPAW and @PEBBLETAIL since it was discussed with those two in discord, no need to wait!

    this takes place in the beech copse!
  • flesh wounds
    aches & pains
    ꕥꕥ illness
    ꕥꕥ breathing
    ꕥꕥꕥ traveling
    ꕥꕥꕥ broken bones
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ poisons
  • 85735138_Ng21HDz61WrGyCp.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    15 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual polyromantic ; mated to beefang, crushing on redacted
    currently mentoring none
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics

Snakeblink came because he worries for his clanmates, not for his own sake. His mind is empty of any subject to bring up, any hurt to lay into the open air: he is so used to pushing such feelings deep down until they are no longer a hindrance that the thought of voicing them is entirely alien to him. And uncomfortable — it makes him a little nauseous, although that could just be the perpetual looming sense of dread that he carries with him (which is, of course, unrelated to the aforementioned feelings.)

In spite of this distance he has put between himself and the exercise — he truly meant to come only as a witness — he can’t help but listen to Moonbeam’s presentation with genuine curiosity as he sits next to the pale medicine cat. He likes that idea of hers. Knowing what burdens their clanmates will make it easier to deal with them. Only one thing troubles him and he tilts his head closer to hers to ask:

”What about you, Moonbeam?” He keeps his voice to a soft hiss, though it would be hard to make his words truly private: the copse is very, very quiet. ”You are spread thin enough as it is — will taking our confessions not be a heavy burden to take on your own? Unless you share it with your fellow medicine cats,” he muses with a slight frown. He would not begrudge her the support she needs… But he also would not like to know the other clans’ medicine cats are aware of RiverClan’s weaknesses.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • 2h3Dnip.png

    Snakeblink • he / him. 57 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

Splashdance twitches her tail as she sits nearby. Almost identical to Snakeblink, she does not wish to attend this for herself. She's unsure if Midnightash would've tagged along herself (her blue eyes search for the mottled molly as Moonbeam speaks,) but at least if she's here, she can transfer the teachings to the other in due time. Not to mention... whilst she hadn't been close to many of the deceased, the unfortunate circumstance of a dead mother and some orphans had triggered something in the dark furred molly.

She wonders if, wherever Gladefrost was found, blood spattered the snow. (She then wonders how snow would've been there, in the first place.)

Moonbeam opens the floor for conversation, and Splashdance is not the first to step forward. She anticipates one of the chatty apprentices might, instead, but Snakeblink's tone rings clearer. Instead of positing his own sorrows and fears, the tom turns the discussion on its head and asks Moonbeam to pick her own mind. Splashdance reclines in her seat, her gaze fluttering towards Pebbletail with a quirked eyebrow before simply... waiting for a turn, she supposes.​