HELLO SUNSHINE — springtime warmth

Little Wolf is glad her kits had not had to experience the brunt of leaf-bare. Born in the tale end of it gave them enough time to experience snow but not hunger, not pain or cold. They could stay curled up against her belly, warm and safe with full bellies until new-leaf came and the forest would regrow and the prey would become plentiful again.

She knows it is new-leaf by the change in the air, rich and beautiful but also by the warmth she feels when she steps out of the nursery for the first time that morning. The sun hits her pelt immediately, enticing a purr from her throat and all thoughts of what she had originally set out to do leave her mind in favor of spreading out in the new-leaf sun, letting her black coat absorb the rays and heat her up. "What a gorgeous day, does anyone want to share tongues?" she asks to no one in particular

Leaf-bare's claws had finally decided they were tires of their razing rend, and had given them respite. Though he would miss the crispness of the air and the glimmer of crystalline snowfall on an undisturbed morning, he would equally relish the loss of numb pawpads during fruitless herb-hunting journeys and a lack of real meals. A time for indulgence and enjoyment would soon be upon them... the season of new leaf was preparation for that.

He felt the setting of his joints as a luxurious stretch trembled across his form, the twitch of muscles relaxing the tightness that sleep often brought. And oh, it had been a good sleep... one with a dream he knew was wonderful yet did not recall. Shady's pleasantry-touched tone reached his ears, snagged his attention with an offer.

A small smile curved his maw, the tiniest shift that only those who knew him well would recognise as approval danced verdant in his eyes. Accompanied was a small nod of his head. Sharing tongues was never something that Berryheart had ever been particularly taken with, often preferring to groom his fur to his own particular liking... but this morning felt a special one, and he would indulge just this once. Besides, any mistakes could be rectified later.

"Don't spoil my good looks." A rare joke from the flame flecked tom- well, a half-joke, at least. If he was groomed to absolute perfection he might have a little less than humour about his tone.

With each day, Pebblepaw grew stronger. More and more he'd pushed himself to move around camp, navigating difficult spaces and leaping short distances with a now slightly off-center tail. He'd slipped out of the medicine den early that day with bright eyes, trying his damnedest not to bump into any clanmates that wanted to share the early morning with him. As if trying to be close to his denmates once more, the lilac tom was splayed out on the tree stump in camp, their light belly absorbing the heat of the greenleaf daybreak. The sun warmed his frazzled face, the slightest hint of a smile neutralising his pointed angles of it. Sleep did not find Pebblepaw easily, and relaxation was often ripe with the fear that something would go wrong at any moment but for now, such thoughts were behind him. With his siblings likely resting a short distance away, Pebblepaw felt happy. He tilted his head to the side as more of his clan began to stir, his gaze locking onto Berryheart and Little Wolf as the latter offered to share tongues. Large ears flicked, he wanted to join them but would it be right for an apprentice of his stature to ask?

A paw hovered off of the stump as they rolled onto their stomach, brought close to the apprentice's chest as he considered the conundrum. He usually only let those closest to him share tongues, the defeatist within the tom telling him that no one else would be willing to. He was beginning to wonder quite how true the statement was with the faint praise he'd received for his courage in the dog fight (He wished they hadn't called it courage. He had been so, so scared), but his comfort zone was a difficult thing to get out of. 'I can at least try, but... the sun hits me quite nice up here.' "I'm glad I'm not the only one who wanted to enjoy it..." He mewed quietly, his voice likely carrying just enough for the pair to hear. "Are your kits still sleeping?" He asked Little Wolf, his head cocked gently to the side. With how often Skykit invaded the medicine den, he had to wonder if she'd even slept by her mother's side at all the past week.


𓍊𓋼 ⠀ . ׁ ⠀ she is no stranger to sharing tongues. seemingly born with no sense of personal space, sharing tongues was nothing more than a casual pastime. in fact, it was a pastime she often needed. so often dirtying herself in the fertile oak soil, burrowing close to the undergrowth to hunt or searching for grubs hidden beneath overturned stones. leafbare’s unrelenting chill lifting just enough for her to comfortably rummage about whenever wolfwind took her from camp. the molly is strolling into camp, a squirrel hanging from her jaws and multicolored fluff dusted with dirt and leaves, twigs and burrs jutting from the thicker parts of her coat. she plops it down right on the pile, overhearing nearby conversation — and immediately coming to find it. sharing tongues? sign her up!

hey, miss little wolf! hey mister berryheart! didja see what i caught? “ she’s bouncing on her toes, rocking excitedly. they seen it, right? it was sitting right on top! she’s nearly buzzing with energy and need for praise. she plops down next to pebblepaw, patters her paws on the ground in front of her eagerly, “ it was a fast ol’ thing, but not fast enough! “ she lifts a paw, draws her rough tongue over it to swipe over her face, dislodging dust from round cheek fluff. pebblepaw asks of the queens kits and tufted ears perk — little duskkit and skykit were the cutest things, but they sure did keep her busy most of the time.

but little wolf had called for sharing tongues, and she certainly needed it. so while waiting frecklepaw rolls half onto a flank, body a half crescent towards the apprentice at her side, “ pebblepawwww, can you get my back?” she simpers, batting her eyes playfully to punctuate her offer, “ i’ll get yours, prommy!

  • FRECKLEPAW —————— cherry waves.
    f. she / her. apprentice of thunderclan, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. fluffy cream tabby / tortoiseshell chimera with seaglass eyes. her namesake shows shows himself in shades of vibrant ginger patches across her form, interwoven in mottled patches of red and black. unspecified maine coon heritage from sunfreckle’s side brings her to a size expected to rival her parents, with large, round paws and long, tabby - splotched limbs. as she grows, kittish fuzz has lengthened, leaving her bulk thick and fluffy, concealing the toned muscle beneath in swathes of red - orange.

    — lesbian, single. smells like warm stone and oak leaves.
    − six months, voiced by madeline peters as scootaloo.
    penned by antlers​

  • IMG_1436.png


Little Wolf smiles warmly as her younger brother approaches. Berryheart had been so busy lately, so preoccupied with his duties, it felt like they hadn't had a chance to catch up in forever. She misses spending as much time with him and her mother as she had before but she knows they have things to attend to that are more pressing than her and she doesn't mind supporting them from the shadows. "I'll see what I can do" she replies teasingly. Of course, she knew the way all her younger siblings liked to be groomed she had only been doing it since they were kits after all!

"Good Morning Pebblepaw!" she chirps, pausing in her grooming to converse. "Yes, they're as snug as a squirrel in a tree right now but dont worry I'm sure they'll be up and terrorizing the camp soon" she laughs lightly "Enjoy the peace while it lasts!" Pebblepaw was right, Skykit did seem to have an affinity for her brother. Perhaps the smell of herbs was soothing for her, or perhaps it was that his tortoiseshell pelt reminded her of her own. Either way, Little Wolf was glad to allow her to spend time with him as long as she wasn't impeding his medicine cat duties, of course.

"That's an amazing catch! I bet Wolfwind is proud" she purrs in appraisal. Frecklepaw was shaping up to be a great hunter! It makes her a little jealous, she wants to get out there and sink her own claws into some prey! But she had her kits to attend to and she was content for now to watch over them.