camp HERALDS AND PARADES ↷ [ patrols ]

// this thread, along with the patrols, will be retro to the windclan skirmish!

"Crawl out of your hidey-holes, everyone," demands the gravelly tone of ShadowClan's second-in-command, "it's high time that we'd gotten some patrols done." He stands positioned at the lithic crux of Clanrock, his tail swabbing along its surface in avid movements. Feverishly yearning for the day where he climbs to the top, Smogmaw's gaze washes over the gathering clanmates with a predatory radiance.

Preceding his words is a nasty hack, and he ducks his head to expel a wad of fluid before he faces the assembled cats once more. The bitter scent of anticipation mingles with scattered disinterest in the air, and both are compounded by the pungent musk of the territory around them. "Alright," he meows, "I'm going to lead a patrol to our border with ThunderClan. It's to my knowledge that we like to exchange unpleasantries with them forest-dwellers—for the sake of ShadowClan not becoming surrounded by enemies, we will try to keep that at a minimum... this time around." Earthen-toned eyes comb through the rabble at his paws, halting on the profiles of those whom he intended to bring along. "With me will be @SHARPPAW., @S A B L E T U F T and @loampaw, @GRANITEPELT, @Tornadopaw, @Rainecho, and @Magpiepaw. We shall be leaving the moment I finish here."

Smogmaw would sigh as his vision goes elsewhere, steadily mustering the patience to address the elephant in the room (whatever that metaphor means): the patrol along WindClan's border. "@GECKOSCREECH," begins the tom, "you're taking a patrol out towards WindClan. Take @coyotethroat, @Tornadopaw, @ROOSTERSTRUT, @CHITTERTONGUE, @Ravenwatcher., @Maggotfur., and @spectermask and @EERIEPAW. Pretty please." He would leave it at that.

"Finally, I've got a list of names for a jaunt out into the swamp," he says. "@CHILLEDSTAR., take @FORESTSHADE, @Sundewtail, @FERNDANCE and @Wolfpaw., and @Crowpaw. out on a hunting patrol. Bring us home something to fill our bellies, if you can even find anything amidst all this wind."

Out of the wealth of duties which coincide with his deputyship, arranging patrols easily clocks in as the most detestable. Just standing there, at the helm of the clan, rehearsing a poorly put-together script for minutes on end. It's enough to make him impeach the soundness of his own mind.

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