camp HERE COME THE GRANNIES / nursery icebreaker

Nov 28, 2022
tags: @Howlfire @butterflytuft @Halfkit @Softkit @Silkkit @sunlitkit @sunshinekit . but no need to wait! this thread is open to all the nursery-dwellers, and anyone can be the cat apri passed the mossball to :3

It's been hard to shake the awkwardness of a new den, three Clans' worth of queens and kits that she now has to get to know all over again. Apricotflower has seen bits and pieces of the kits' personalities in action, listening in on the kit-Gathering of five Clans with muted delight, but now with them all squished in the ShadowClan nursery she finds herself at a loss for words. She also doesn't remember most of their names, which is embarrassing.

"Alrighty everyone!" The cheerful queen announces one chilly morning (is it just her, or is ShadowClan warmer than RiverClan?), rolling a small moss-ball between her paws and the soft ground. As muzzles turn towards her, she sits down triumphantly. "We're going to play a game so that I can remember all your names and faces. I'm old, you see," she continues with a conspiratorial wink, "so I need a little fun fact to associate with ya! When I roll this moss piece towards you, you've gotta introduce yourself, say what Clan you're from, and then tell us one fact about yourself. It can be something you like, something you want to be when you're grown up, your favourite Clanmate, anything at all."

The thing with RiverClan kits, she's found, is that when given an opportunity, they have some of the most interesting things to say. SkyClan didn't have any in the nursery at the time, but Apricotflower hopes that the youth of ThunderClan, WindClan and ShadowClan had some fun things to share. She'd love to tell Robinpaw about these.

"I'll start us off! I'm Apricotflower, from RiverClan. My fun fact iiiiis ..." She hums, plumy tail-tip twitching. Something simple. Her mind alights on Robinpaw once more, fondness colouring her gaze for a moment. "My kits are apprentices now, but I stay in the nursery to help with the new queens and their kits! My mama did this job too."

With that, she would make eye contact with one of the others close at paw, and scoot the moss-ball across towards them.

Softkit had been sitting contentedly next to Vixenkit when a stranger's voice made her ears perk up, and her pink eyes curiously scoured the nursery until they fell on the speaker - it was one of the queens, this time, calling everyone together with a calmness that hadn't been present when the kits had gotten together themselves to play Clan gathering. Softkit had learned quite a lot from that playtime, but she supposed it was only right that everyone in the nursery get to know each other, at least by name. After all, who knew how long they would all be together?
Listening attentively, Softkit watched as Apricotflower rolled the mossball in her direction, and she gently caught it with her paw, looking around the nursery. She wasn't sure why anyone would want to stay in the nursery after necessary - as comforting as it was, wouldn't it get cramped when a cat got bigger? Perhaps it was just the amount of kits in this nursery on account of the rogue situation that made Softkit think that way. Apricotflower seemed very content, and she said her own mother had stayed in the nursery, too. There had to be some appeal.
"My name is Softkit. I'm from ThunderClan." Softkit introduced, her voice akin to her name; it didn't bother her, but it might have been hard for felines that were further away to hear. "My fun fact..." Softkit furrowed her small brow, having not had the time to think of what she wanted to share as her 'fun fact'. "My fun fact is that... I want to see what StarClan's really like." It was clear that she didn't mean she was waiting to die; simply that she was curious about Silverpelt and its endless skies. With that, Softkit tentatively nudged the mossball away from herself.

[Mentioned @Vixenkit., anyone can be who she handed the mossball off to!]

Older cats would never not be weird to her. They were always coming up with games that were disguised as fun but had an ulterior motive, and it seemed older cats from other clans were not an exception. When Apricotflower speaks Halfkit resists the urge to just tell her what she thinks of this 'getting to know each other' game. Who cared? With any luck, the nursery would not be this crowded anymore soon and all these cats would be gone and she never would have to think about them again.

For once though, she sits quietly, her eyebrows knitted together as she listens to the others talk. Apricotflower says that her kits are all grown up and yet she stays in the nursery and Halfkit cannot help but wonder why any cat would ever want that. "You don't like being a warrior?" she asks, confused. Who didn't? Wasn't being a warrior the most awesomest thing in the world? Softkit is next, the half and half she cat watches the moss ball roll into the other kits paws. Softkit names herself then she says the most ridiculous thing Halfkit has ever heard. She wants to see StarClan. She bites her lip to keep herself from saying something, probably something about how dumb of a wish that was. Unless she meant she wanted to be a medicine cat, but who in the world actually ever wanted that?

Before she knows it, the moss ball is being rolled in her direction, and she reaches out with one two toned paw to stop it. Ugh, did she really have to do this? "My name is Halfkit, I'm from here" ShadowClan is all she has ever known, she had heard the other kits complaining about the mud and the dreary atmosphere, but she had grown up with it and life being any different sounded strange to her "Mmmm and for my fun fact..." she rolls the moss ball under her paws as she thinks. What would make her sound the coolest? "My dads the deputy, but he went off on that big cool journey to save us. He's going to be a hero and I'm gunna be just like him one day" Just like him, just like Applepaw, just like her mother. She has big paw steps to fill.


”Oh my…” Maplepatch’s soft voice murmurs as the mossball is rolled to her. Something about this was quite nervewracking. An interesting fact? Maplepatch’s mind whirls as she struggles to think of anything ‘interesting’ about herself. What could she possibly share with these cats? She gives a bashful glance around, ”Oh… that is sweet… Halfkit.” She mentions to the small kitten both to stall and acknowledge. She had heard the calico was Smogmaw’s kit, named after her very own mother who had recently passed away. How heartbreaking.

”Uh- well! I’m Maplepatch. I’m a ThunderClan cat and well… an interesting fact about me… I’ve had three litters. I’m here because the fourth is on the way.” She jestures proudly to her swollen stomach, a smile of sheer pride growing on her face. Perhaps it wasn’t so interesting to share her pregnancies in a den full of queens but… this is what Maplepatch prides herself on. If there is any fact about herself she’d like the clans to know it was all of the kits she’s raised and loved, all the warriors she’s given ThunderClan, all the warriors she will continue to nurture, raise and love.

Gently she noses the ball forward and rolls it into the next cat’s paws.
  • » Maplepatch
    » ThunderClan Queen
    » She/her ․ Mate to Seedspring
    » Long-haried chocolate tortie with amber eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
Bumblekit watched from a distance as the cats passed around the moss ball, a game that usually had her bounding around and participating with glee. But today, her heart was still heavy from recent events, and she felt more inclined to observe rather than join in the activity.

The presence of her parents had certainly helped to ease some of her sadness, but the experience of the past few days remained fresh in her young mind. For now, she found solace in quiet corners, watching the cats enjoy their time. Until her eyes locked in on the object of her desires.

As the moss ball landed in Maplepatch's paws, the little black kit couldn't resist inching forward, settling near the expecting she-cat. Her curious yellow eyes briefly flicked to Maplepatch's rounded belly, but she was more interested in being part of the gig. Her joy showed as she eagerly took hold of the moss ball. "Congratulations, Maplepatch!" Bumblekit offered her sincere wishes, feeling a sense of wonder and happiness at the idea of more kits.

Then, with a hesitant but friendly tone, she introduced herself to the others. "Um... Hi! My name is Bumblekit, and I come from RiverClan." The mention of her clan's name stirred emotions within her. "My mama is Willowroot, and, uh, my mom is Poppysplash." Bumblekit felt a mixture of pride and nervousness but was relieved to see that the gathering cats regarded her in calm interest.

With renewed vigor, she continued, her youthful spirit shining through. "I really love going on adventures with my sister, Carawaykit, and racing fish's shadows by the riverbank!" Memories of chases by the water brought forth a giggle. She batted the moss ball gently between her paws for a few more moments, before giving it a playful nudge in the direction of the next cat, her wide eyes gleaming with interest.

//Mentioned @carawaykit
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It was strange for Howlfire to think that there was a very real possibility her kits might be born in ShadowClan. She hated the thought of it deep down - knowing she was so far from home, none of her loved ones were present, and she only had a handful of familiar faces to keep her company. At the very least the queens she did find herself surrounded with were pleasant and accommodating enough, making this whole daunting experience a little bit more bearable.

She listens in quietly as Apricotflower began the conversation, introducing herself and giving up a random fact about herself. "I commend you for wanting to stay and help in the nursery," Howlfire mews gently. "But did you never want to go back to your warrior duties?" It's a genuine question from her. Whilst she herself could not imagine giving up her warrior duties to care for kits, she was curious why one would choose to stay.

She listens intently as the others have their turn. There is another queen - a she-cat from ThunderClan - and three kits. The innocence of the kits remarks brings a gentle smile to her face.

"My name is Howlfire and I am from SkyClan," Howlfire begins when the attention shifts to her. "This is my first litter and I'm pretty nervous! Some of you may not know but Blazestar is my father! Whilst I couldn't imagine ever being leader myself, I have a lot of admiration for him and what he does for our clan."

she was peacefully content, a small purr coming from her as her monochrome head rested on white paws, and her sister was beside her. she had dozed into a soft slumber- until apricotflowers voice woke her up to play a game. her words were blurred together from still waking up however.

how frustrating it was to be woken from a nap, and with tired eyes, she looked around. she wasn't going to get a nap in soon, she decided, sitting upright to stretch out her body before sitting down with her tail resting on her toes. sometimes, she wished she had fluffy fur to keep her warmer on the colder days, but she also realized watching other cats that it was a nuisance to clean.

she'd listen intently to Softkit, and how she wanted to see what starclan was like. she wasn't sure if that was a positive thought or not, but knowing her sister well, it was curiosity. and that was fine with her.

she listened to halfkit express he wanted to be a hero too, and wondered exactly what that meant. it sounded like someone to save the clan, and she hoped that the dangers that befell them now was not to be continued. they just needed to fight the rogues off, they sounded scary, and hopefully they wouldn't come here too.

her gaze flickered to maplepatch, who apparently has had three litters with a fourth on the way. that had to be exhausting, seeing all the other kits play, especially as they got older.

the next one was bumblekit, who liked playing with fishes, and going on adventures. it sounded dangerous to her, but she wanted to be brave for her sister. she also wanted to experience that stuff with Softkit. she didn't want to feel left out, so of course the kitten would follow her if given the chance.

blue optics would look towards howlfire, expressing she was the daughter of Blazestar. Vixenkit knew Blazestar as the leader of Skyclan. and she knew Skyclan enjoyed climbing trees. and a lot of them were kittypets. she didn't exactly know what that meant though.

the ball rolled forward to her, and she let it hit her toes before it came to a stop against her. she didn't know what she wanted to say to the others, but she knew she had to say something. "I'm Vixenkit." She started with a pause to think. she decided to copy a bit of others way of explaining things. "My papa is Spiderbloom, and my daddy is Whitelion. My papa is sick right now, and tired a lot. Its... sad. A part of me wants to be like Berryheart. Helping the injured and sick. But... I dunno to be honest," she mumbled. It seemed like a hard job for the medicine cat, and lately he's been looking really tired. She didn't want to bother him with dumb questions of hers.

She would place a paw on the ball, before swatting it to the next cat, maybe a little too hard. She didn't really know.
( ⁀➷ )  Fallow likes this game, as an observer. It's similar to what she tried to do when she first got to ThunderClan, though she's pretty sure whether someone is nice or not is far more helpful information than an interesting fact. Lets her know who to avoid. ...Though, everyone just said they were nice, so it wasn't much help. Hm.

Fallow is busy cataloguing everyone's words, the number of cats here almost dizzying. All the ones her age had kit in their names. Should Fallow, too? It feels like giving in, in some intangible way. She's lost in thought when the ball hits her, a bundle of moss thwacking against her leg with a bit too much force, drawing her unwilling attention.

Ah. Right. She's supposed to participate in this game. Fallow grasps the moss-ball hurriedly, tiny pinprick claws digging in. She swallows hard, looks at all the eyes on her. "'M Fallow," she relinquishes hesitantly. "From, uh... ThunderClan, 'cept not really. Wasn't born there or anything." She tears bits of moss-ball of as she speaks in a low mumble.

And then... a fact. The idea of telling these cats anything about herself makes Fallow nervous; even her name feels like too much. Something simple, then. Normal. It's quiet for far too long before speaking, not loosening it hold on the moss-ball. "I like... mushrooms." Her voice is awkward as she admits it. "The spotty ones are my favorite." Her mama had brought some to show her siblings, a few days before the owl came. Fallow had nibbled on one when she wasn't looking, and its mama had laughed in such a startled way, before she caught herself with the concern of sickness. It brings a little smile to Fallow's face to remember.

...But she remembers where she is quickly, and that smile soon returns to a scowl. She shoves the moss-ball away as though affronted by its presence, on to the next cat.

  • //



while this certainly wasn't a game that carawaykit would have picked out, she guessed it was alright. she had already met most of the kits, the queens, everyone jam packed into shadowclan's nursery. it was easy to get to know cats when they were less than a whisker length away at all times.

apricotflower went first, and then softkit from thunderclan who wanted to see starclan, followed by halfkit who's father was the deputy, on the journey nonetheless. her sister was too. as much as the kitten yearned for stories about the grand travels, mosspaw wasn't the most exciting storyteller. perhaps she could hound halfkit for a better retelling.

maplepatch followed, an expecting queen. four litters sounded like a lot, the poor calico probably had all of her paws full. she sent a beaming grin to bumblekit as she spoke, they did have fun together. it was nice to know the sentiment was shared. the ball rolled to howlfire, and then vixenkit, next was fallow who liked mushrooms, and bears and owls and wolves. finally, the ball rolled to her. she trapped it between her paws excitedly.

"i'm carawaykit and i'm from riverclan," she hums, tail sweeping to wrap around her paws. a fun fact, but it had to be something cool, something that all the kits would remember her for when everyone went home. "and i fought a snake!" it was true, but if asked how that story ended it was unlikely that she would share so willingly.

  • CARAWAYKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, three moons
    carawaykit is a pretty longhaired silver tabby kitten with green eyes and a lithe frame. born into riverclan, she loves her home and has a deep fascination with becoming a warrior to provide for it. a highly spirited and adventurous kitten, she enjoys playing games and pushing boundaries.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblekit, tidekit, mosspaw, hazepaw, antlerpaw, and buckpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

When the mossball rolls towards Brightshine, she swats her paw down quickly to grab it. There is a playful glitter in her eyes as she scans the group, her eyes lingering on Carawaykit, the last to go. "Woah!" She exclaims in response to her fun fact, eyes blowing wide. "You must be a very brave kit, Carawaykit!" She trills, giving the tiny RiverClanner a grin.

She blinks cheery emerald eyes down at the mossball and chirps, "I'm Brightshine, I'm from WindClan." A fact many might not enjoy, a fact she takes no pride in, but it's the truth. She doesn't let it bring her down. With a big grin, she lowers her head as if about to share a deep, super secret secret. "I was born underground!" Her eyes are wide, claws flexing to emphasize the spookiness of her fact. She ends her turn with a childlike giggle before batting the ball to someone nearby, her tail swishing behind her.
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bio ₊˚✧ ゚. he can't deny the curiosity that stirs at the discussion of the unique experiences of the kittens and queens, he's hungry for experience and information in a way that will never be satisfied, his rare escapes outside the camp being the best experiences of his short life, hearing about the aspects unique to each space sends a chill of delight through him. however vixenkit discussing her family jars him, the pit in his stomach is something that demands his attention, demands him to focus on, not yet far enough removed to the death and destruction at home. he regards the those in the nursery with bad temper, irritation pinching him at the cheerfulness. his ears lean back to pin back against his head. bitekit feels exposed without his dad's leg to retreat behind, he isn't sure where his dad is - he lost track when they were fleeing from riverclan. the mention of underground doesn't catch him like it should, the curiosity is enveloped.

"i don't think it matters." bitekit hisses from the corner he's stuffed himself in, swatting away the mossball with fervor, sending it careening. choosing to puff his chest out rather than shrink into the wall he squeak-spits it out like it physically pains him to keep in: "bitekit. i live in riverclan."
The recipient of her moss-toss turns out to be Softkit, a pink-eyed kitten from ThunderClan who wants to see what StarClan's like. What an odd aspiration for one so young! Apricotflower wonders silently, feline brows raised towards the little she-cat. Then she passes the moss across to a vaguely familiar looking calico, who looks right at her and asks whether Apricotflower herself liked being a warrior.

"Oh StarClan, no," she mews with purring laughter, and leaves it at that as Halfkit continues. Smogmaw's daughter ... how heartbreaking. Word had travelled quick among the Clans that Halfshade had died. She can't imagine not having another queen here to help look after them. Apricotflower nods, and curls her tail around her paws. He's not the only deputy on the journey, she knows that much; SkyClan camp had felt far too quiet, too peaceful, without the keen-eyed glare of Orangeblossom out of the corner of her eye. Apricotflower wonders if she'd ever actually bring her moving Clans up muzzle-to-muzzle.

"Four litters?" Apricotflower's meow comes louder than intended as Maplepatch traps the moss, eyes wide and maw softly agape with shock and awe. Maplepatch doesn't look too different in age to she herself ... Eagerly, she presses forward towards the pretty queen, ears pricking. "Maplepatch, that's wonderful! Congratulations! How old are your eldest?"

She's pleased to see Bumblekit speak up. While not necessarily the shiest of her littermates, Apricotflower is proud of her little denmate for adding herself into the conversation. Her attention swivels between Halfkit and Howlfire as the young SkyClanner presses her further, giving her chest fur a couple of bashful licks and shuffling her nicked paws. "Honestly, I was a terrible warrior. Always had been, even back before the Clans! But this way I can still look after RiverClan. Congratulations on your kits, by the way. You're quite lucky, all things considered; if you kit here, you'll be surrounded by help for your first time."

She watches eagerly as Howlfire passes the moss-ball to its next target, curious to meet another of their denmates. It's passed to little Vixenkit of ThunderClan, who wants to be like Berryheart someday. That's a noble thought! From what she knows, he's a good and kind medicine cat. Another of her Clanmates speaks up, Fallow who isn't Fallowkit, curiously enough, but the unspoken question goes answered quickly as the little one admits she wasn't born a ThunderClanner. That makes more sense! She tucks little Fallow's image away in her mind to ask about in future as the mossball heads for Carawaykit. She huffs a small purr as the little tabby brags about the snake she'd fought, but very pointedly does not share the fact that she'd promptly been bitten by it.

Brightshine pipes up next, the first WindClanner to lend her voice to their little gathering. Despite being a WindClanner, she seems relatively nice, and Apricotflower rewards her story with an "Ooohh" as she reveals she was born underground. A harsh, shrill voice however, immediately makes her wince. Ah, she knows that bitter little meow.

"Come on, Bitekit." She coaxes him gently, even as he sends the mossball careening away. A little part of her deflates somewhat at the sight, but she's determined to get a fact out of her furious little denmate. "What's your favourite prey?"
Butterflytuft, for one, is grateful for the chance at an icebreaker. She has not found the ShadowClan camp to be very...comfortable. The shadows and moss that drape over every tree and stone make the territory a ghastly place, nothing like the warm green pine forest back home. But she must make do, as awful as the experience is for the cowardly queen. She sticks close to Howlfire, pelt brushing the other's for comfort, as she listens to each queen and kit share their names, clans, and a fact about themselves.

She grows more nervous by the heartbeat, absolutely despising public speaking, even if it's only in front of a handful of cats and their kits. But alas, grumpy Bitekit sends the mossball soaring towards her. It lands at her white-dotted forepaws and rolls to a stop, earning a surprised blink. She glances back up as the RiverClan queen chastises the young kit, trying to get him to share something about himself. "If you share something, I'll share something, Bitekit," She mews softly, forcing the stammer out of her voice. Spending time with kits is what she's good at, after all. She shouldn't be afraid of this group. She smiles sweetly and thinks to herself for a moment before trilling, "I'm Butterflytuft of SkyClan. This is my first litter, too, and, um...let's see...I'm very fond of flowers. I'd love to know what flowers grow here in the marsh." Bashfully, she ducks her head and gently rolls the ball back to Bitekit, hoping he upholds his end of her deal.

bio ₊˚✧ ゚. having a tendency to get rambunctious, aside from sleeping he can't say he spends much time in the riverclan nursery as such, he shifts uncomfortably at the number of cats, the coaxing serving to lull him into a sulk. the agitation that pricks at his paws remains. a sour stare is directed at apricotflower at her request, he doesn't want to talk but he regards her kindness with bitterness, and as such blatantly ignores her question, turning his head away immaturely.

bitekit listens to butterflytuft with a tilted head to hear her soft words. the talk of flowers remind him of the waterlilies at home, and he notes this is another area of shadowclan nor any clan he knows nothing about. however the prompting promotes his ears to shoot back that have since eased up. he leans towards carawaykit and bumblekit also of the same clan trying to take some solace in the familiar scent of home.

i like knowing everything! i like exploring! i like seeing dad! what flowers are you talking about? are the correct answers for him, what he instead chooses is: "i love sneaking out of camp. camp is boring." bitekit bites, probably doing wonders for riverclans reputation, or moreso, his own. although the statement is untrue to a degree he certainly can't do the aforementioned often. he sits preening, ready to soak in the reaction the announcement would undoubtedly prompt. prepared for a scolding he sits back, whacking the ball with a paw, presumably to another feline.