camp here comes the sun | first appearance in camp


chain of memories
Apr 8, 2024
જ➶ Here, she's actually here. For her it is exciting and an adventure. Something to stand for and to be one with. A united front as they call it and being involved with something greater than herself is amazing feeling. Her steps are light and curled ears pullef forward as she looks ahead and the first moment she lays eyes on the camp she is flabbergasted. "I never seen so many..." She whispers to herself as she gazes around. There are kits playing, grandpapies and mammies hanging out in the sun. Others talking amongst themselves. Some moving to and fro and kids following after the olders excitedly chattering about training. "Like a whole big family. This is amazing." With a light bounce she steps forward and sniffs, eyas concentration on the smell which is distinctively Skyclan. She wants to get off on the right paw and so without much thought she talks to the closest cat that she finds herself near.

"Hey there! I'm Winona and I just got in. Happier than a dead pig in the sunshine to be here. I'm hopin to do right by yall and prove myself a great Skyclanner. What's your name?" Her attention is glued on them now as she sways her tail back and forth. Honestly she is ready to work. To move. To thrive.
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New faces inside the camp walls are common. Figfeather is use to it, SkyClan was a open and friendly clan. Even prior to Orangestar, Blazestar had often welcomed new cats in he deemed capable and trustworthy enough. Not all of them stuck around but most of them made it to become successful warriors of SkyClan. It makes Figfeather wonder with every new face she saw if they'd one day be a respected warrior of the clan even going as far as to be a lead warrior, it wasn't impossible, as Bobbie and others have proven.

Figfeather has not been as bubbly as the newcomer sense her young apprentice moons, but she offers the blue furred she-cat a smile anyways. "Hi, I'm Figfeather." She introduces with a twitch of an ear as a breeze tickled it's tuft of fur. "Are you to be a daylight warrior?" She asks, catching a strong trace of twoleg in her scent.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

A stranger. Maybe he shouldn't come out of the nursery at the first sight of a stranger, considering that that could be dangerous, but - that's exactly what he does. A little bedraggled ball of curly white fur stumbles out of the nursery, his awkwardly long legs wobbling a little beneath him like those of a fawn as he crosses the camp towards this stranger.. Kitten or not, he appears more like a phantom, ghostly white and wispy like smoke. He would see many more strangers in the moons to come, though of course he hadn't really learned that yet. "Happier than a what in a what? You're weird!" Whitekit says, pulling a face, though he doesn't really mean anything truly malicious by it. "I'm going to be a great warrior too, so you're gonna have to keep up, 'nona!"

Slate is just as confused as Whitekit when the unfamiliar gray-ticked molly greets the camp with a sentence that makes zero sense... at least to him. Either way, her words oozed sunshine and optimism, Slate's own personal kryptonite. He might as well be a walking storm cloud in comparison, thundering and crackling with lightning every now and then. "What is she talkin' about?" He grumbles toward the nearest SkyClanner with a side glance.

One of the more accommodating members of SkyClan, Figfeather, decides to take the blow and be the main target of this newcomer's cheer and excitement. When the other warrior questions whether or not the molly would be a daylight member, Slate huffed, "Hopefully. I mean, probably." At least, if she were to be a daylight warrior, she wouldn't be in SkyClan's camp all day and all night talking about dead "pigs" and whatever other nonsense. All the while, the lead warrior does not bother addressing Winona directly; introductions are not his forte, after all.

  • *
    he/him; lead warrior of skyclan
    a hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​

The strange way this former kittypet talked intrigued Chrysaliswing, with the snail's pace drawl and the odd language, as though she had a lifetime to drabble on and on. Still, heterochromatic gaze narrowed into slitted daggers, regarding Winona with the usual air of suspicion that trailed after his countenance, wisps of wariness and war upon any environment that he happened to taint. "I doubt anything dead would be happy rotting in the sunshine." The sardonic chimaera simply grumbled, his own intonation sharp and the farthest from palaver, as though it were a steel-carved blade. His verbose, quote-on-quote fangs were drawn easily as the cornered adder bared its sabers. None were spared from his spittles of anger. The longhaired warrior sat a ways away from Winona and the congregating crowd, round muzzle wrinkling at the outsider-scent that the other still wore heavy and almost prideful, a coat garish and so primed to be shed (or torn ungracefully and graphically). She seemed a little older than the usual joiner, of which tended to be young and sprightly and very annoying, like a couple of bouncing grasshoppers or buzzing flies. So, perhaps she had already been hardened to life itself - if she hadn't learned then, she would surely now.

  • OOC:
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 23 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

જ➶ A bright grin plays on her lips as she listens to the other. Curled ears pulled forward as she nods with a bright bob of her head. "So, y'all all got them funny names, right? I like 'em! Can't wait to earn my own!" After all that is what she came here for and she does not expect to have it easy. Oh no, she knows how to work and has been working till her nofurs left the ranch. She went right along with them but her itchy paws always have her moving from one place to another. But she always ends up back with them just to check up and make sure they are okay. One ear twitches as she tilts her head. "Daylight warrior? Ah, ain't that them ones that mosey on back and forth? I gotta go visit my nofurs sometime so I'll probably have to be one of 'em." She didn't think she could ever leave them unless something really bad happened to them. As she finishes her sentence her gaze flicks down to a young wispy curled little kit. Her eyes become wide and she coos brightly. "Well, aren't you as cute as a little chick."

There is amusement in her voice though as he gets confused about what she is saying and for that she gets it. Not many understand her way of talkin'. It doesn't bother her and she looks slightly amused as the young tyke speaks about him also being a great warrior. "Well I hope I can keep up with ya. Ya gonna hafta show me a thing or two." Her tail sways back and forth as she looks around once more. Noticing Slate and only giving a bright smile his direction even though she doesn't hear what he says. Then another voice catches her attention and she looks toward another feline. Chrsyaliswing. Though she doesn't know them yet she gives a small chuckle. A light laughter that carries on the wind. "Why wouldn't it be? Ain't that what it's supposed to be doin'? I know I'd be happy with doing my job right." Afterall, ain't no other job left for a corpse on the ground but to rot and feed the earth and the worms.

Horsepaw's reaction had been much of the same though with a twinge more bewilderment and bubbling anxiety but she's slowly been adjusting to the lifestyle of a clan cat even after a couple mistakes while she learns what it means to be a Skyclanner. She's glad to know however she wasn't the only outsider, she wasn't born into this life and knew nothing like it but she'd been readily accepted and had a mentor teaching her the ways and there were other cats she could talk to. This new older molly would be one of them, though she still has the distinct look and smell of a kittypet sadly, she still walked a different path then that of Horse but at least she'd be someone Horsepaw knew was adjusting as well. She wouldn't feel so alone. She talks very differently and she looks caught off-guard by her analogy still she approaches with a little more confidence then she would've even a week before. Her tail still hangs low and her head dipped submissively she's still looking for her stride.

There's other clanmates around them eager to meet Winona and learn about her, she was curious like Figfeather and the others if she'd be a more permeant day and night resident or a daylight warrior and seemed she was. No-furs though, that's something she's never heard Two-legs be called, she's heard up-walkers but never no-furs her head tilts and she wonders if this strange she-cat had been born a kittypet or had become one like she'd became a Skyclanner. She's unlike any of the other Daylight warriors that was for certain. Her head tilts at the way she describes death "Ah.. I don't think the dead have jobs, they're just husks left behind" that's what her mother told her and while her families beliefs differed from that of the clans there were similarities - clan cats left their bodies down here to join their ancestors called Starclan when they died she was told.

"I'm Horsepaw by the way... I used to be named just Horse before joining" she explains with a meow "It's nice to meet you Winona"

"Welcome to SkyClan, Winona," the queen greets the other cat in a soft tone, a warm smile spread across her muzzle as she speaks to the newcomer. She remembers quite well what it was like to be here for the first time, to be drawn in. She, too, couldn't bring herself to leave her people completely, but also couldn't bring herself to stay away from the clan altogether. Being a daylight warrior had been the perfect mix, and now as a mother, she found herself even more content at the idea of raising her children to have that same choice, to be where and what they would want to be. "I hope you find what you're looking for in being here with us," she says, voice light as she speaks.​

✧ . Greeneyes is more than used to the world he was born into by now and the tendency for new faces to be found within camp at almost any given moment. Joiners, whether full time or daylight, have never been uncommon — he wouldn’t be surprised if he’s gone a day without introducing himself to someone new.

Today is no different, of course, save for the strange words this particular newcomer speaks. The lead warrior blinks at the gray-ticked she-cat, trying to process what she said. “ Is that what a pig’s job is? Dying? “ Whatever a pig is, it doesn’t seem to have too fulfilling of a purpose. No clan to defend, or even a twoleg — or a… no-fur, in Winona's case? — to share a nest with? A ginger ear twitches at the idea.

Well, anyway… I’m Greeneyes! “ he chirps an introduction to the newcomer — another funny name to throw into the mix, “ Welcome to SkyClan, Winona — I hope you enjoy it here! “​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    GREENEYES AMAB. He / Him. Lead Warrior of SkyClan.
    ✧ . A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ✧ . Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ✧ . Mentored by Sheepcurl ; Former mentor to Falcongaze
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack

Silversmoke had learned that there was little reasoning with kittypet logic, at least, when it came to the idioms that they shared. Pigs were an animal he'd heard about in passing, things with pink skin and ears like leaves, but surely they had a job beyond simply dying. It seemed pointless to live just to die, not without doing some other duty first. Moving closer, the Lead Warrior listened to Greeneyes' and Horsepaw's 'counterpoints', agreeing with a gentle rumbling noise from the back of his throat. "I'm sure they have something to do before they die. Everything should." Should was not the same as would, with his contrarian view, he looked to Winona to see if she agreed. Before that, at the mention of Winona becoming a Daylight Warrior, the tom's ears flattened in disappointment. Muted by Orangestar, Silversmoke could only hope that she would not turn out like some of the others, abandoning the clan to be with Twolegs instead of doing the duty they'd promised to uphold. After some time, he lifted his head upwards. "Silversmoke," came the warrior's curt introduction, cautious, but not unfriendly. "Lead Warrior of SkyClan. Make yourself as useful as you say you will, and we won't have a problem."