here comes the wolves — hunting


i can and i will
Feb 19, 2023
.if i can still breathe ———


——— i'm fucking fine.
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THE TORTIE’S HULKING FRAME CAME BARRELING THROUGH THE THICK FOLLIAGE, cursing as he plowed through. The sneering male glanced over his shoulder every so often to make sure the dumbass was still following him, albeit slower than usual which didn’t settle well with the hulking brute. Damnit. He huffed, pausing his long strides to wait for the smaller male to catch up. “Hurry the hell up pinkie!” He snapped, watching the other shuffle towards him with tired mismatched hues. “We’re almost there.” He muttered once the other was closer, ignoring the way the other slumped against his bulky frame becoming boneless against the welcoming warmth the male emitted.

Keane tsked at the sight of Yuhwa, worry gnawing at his inside. Fuck. He lowered himself to the ground, nudging the smaller male onto his back, ignoring the way his wounds burned from the contact. Suck it up, dumbass. As long as he gets the smaller individual to their temporary camp, in the pines, hidden in plain sight. Just the way he liked it. It allowed them protection, something he knew damn well the trio needed, having taken on the position of leader. He wasn’t leader material, but who else was going to take Adriel’s place after the male vanished, nowhere to be found save for Kavan’s heartbroken cries that pulled at his emotions until he met the same fate. Get a grip loser.

He nudged Yuhwa’s helm and settled across his neck to dangle slightly over his scarred shoulder. The brute huffed out a laugh despite the worry clawing its way up his throat, yellow optics swirling with fondness despite the scowl he wore splattered across darkened lips. Idiot. He struggled to get Yuhwa in a comfortable position for the both of them, ignoring his muscles whimpering at the jerky movements, in addition to the cobweb plastered against his wounds bubbling red, reminding Keane he had reopened a few.

He grumbled, shaking his helm to begin his journey to their makeshift camp, allowing the smell of the forest to comfort him, overpowering the bubbly, sweet smell Yuhwa oozed. You better get your ass into gear Mason and come back. He remarked grumpily. The tortie needed to look over the raven-furred male’s wounds anyway, even if none of them knew what they were doing other than through trial and error.

Upon arriving, he settled Yuhwa down in their nest, nudging the male into a more comfortable position, watching the rise and fall of his chest before spinning on his paws to head further into the pines in search of something to share with his fellow … Keane wasn’t sure what the hell they were.

His bright yellow hues scanned the ground, tongue peaking out between darkened lips to taste the air, noting the subtle change in pressure to his left. A feral grin appeared in tandem with his hues darkening, shuffling forward to check out whatever animal would fall victim to Keane’s sharp teeth.

Slithering out from beneath a bush, Keane noted a rabbit nibbling on something, nose twitching in tandem with its obnoxious chewing. He scowled at the sight knowing well enough it wouldn’t feed three cats, especially when two were as bulky as they were, requiring more than the average cat to keep up their strength. I ate last time. He remarked despite the hunger gnawing at his insides, which he ignored. Yuhwa needs it, you damn glut. He scolded his rumbling stomach, wondering if he should find something for Mason, but the tortie wasn’t sure when the damn brute was returning. Better be soon or I’m hunting his ass down. He quipped.

It didn’t take much energy to pounce, jaws curling around the whimpering rabbit, relishing in the familiar snap of bone. The familiar weight lay heavy on his tongue, eyes crinkling in triumph. “Yuhwa better appreciate this.” He muttered with a mouthful of fur, intending to return to camp to check on their weaker partner still nursing a few injuries from their last fight with dogs until shit went south when humans appeared carrying long pieces of wood.

He flinched at the memory, shaking his helm with a rippling snarl that bubbled up from his throat. Get it together.

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