here comes trouble — bananapaw


bad decisions make good stories 09/30/23
Feb 19, 2023
.you're a little ———


——— tragedy, aren't you.
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THE CHIMERA HUMMED HAPPILY AS HE moved about through the undergrowth, enjoying the freckles of light that dotted his odd-hued fur. His vibrant mismatched hues sparkled with curiosity, mouth full of an array of vibrant flowers he managed to snatch up on his way to the clowder’s temporary home along the edges of the pines. Oh! Those would look good with blueberry’s eyes. The bubbly tom thought with an excited trill, bounding over hoping to make Mason a flower crown.

His nose wrinkled as the stems tickled his muzzle, sneezing lightly into the ground. His maw parted, releasing the colorful flowers with a choked wheeze. Holy mackerel—Yuhwa puffed out his cheeks, willowy tail twitching at the disorderly array of flowers scattered below his feet. “Oh, shoot.” He huffed. Stupid sneeze. He whined, wiggling his haunches to gather the flowers he’d collected, piling them up in one not-so-neat mound. “Perfect!”

His lips curled at the sight, collar resting heavily against his chest, reminding him of his mate, vibrant hues dulling significantly at the thought. His ears flattened against his helm, sighing softly. Not worth getting sad about, I suppose. He straightened himself, tail flicking as he busied himself with picking flowers, careful to not tear them as he diligently worked, getting lost in the familiar notions, body swaying with no particular tune in mind.

“I might have enough to make a few more.” He reached to tap his chin with a claw, head cocked in thought. “I might see if—” His pink tongue poked out, claws fiddling with a half-done flower crown with shades of yellow and oranges in honor of Keane, grinning triumphantly. You won’t be able to say no this time oranges! The chimera snickered, shaking his helm at the grumpy expression he knew the large brute would wear the second he sets his eyes on them. “‘S not looking too bad.” He hummed, holding the flower crown out in front of him, observing the delicate paw-made object with pride.

thoughts speech

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The day was bright and a overbearing sense of joy fluttered in her chest as paws trotted along the all too familiar path to Skyclans' camp. It was early in the morning as the need for a head start entered her routine and she paused for a moment as she traversed the terrain. There was muttering coming from nearby as she hopped over a root in the ground and it was a voice she didn't know. The scent was also very foreign to Bananapaw, and she tilted her head to the side curiously. There was a hesitant glance back towards where she was suppose to be going, but her paws had another idea in mind.

The young tawny and white cat moved along the forest floor quietly, gaze trained on what appeared to be a cat in the midst of some flowers. What was he doing? Then the cat moved and she could see what had been occupying their paws- some sort of plant thing. What was it called again? She couldn't rightly remember but she did know those where difficult to make with paws. Some cats got lucky with extra toes to be able to do such craftmenship, but she was not one of them.

Bananapaw then moved her paw forward and ended up slipping on a patch of wet grass, hitting the ground hard and bouncing her jaw off the floor. She gave a small huff in annoyance and lashed her tail back and forth. Though it was enough commotion she probably blew her cover in the bushes, and she padded out with her ears back and lifted her chin defiantly, "You're on Skyclan land! State your buisness," She tried to appear scary, to be a wild cat, but it fell flat as her voice cracked.


———————————————⊰⋅ ⋅⊱———————————————
.you're a little ———


——— tragedy, aren't you.
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THE CHIMERA JUMPED, HEAD WHIPPING TO STARE AT THE FELINE with wide optics, maw hanging open in surprise. Without thinking, the male rushed forward with a worried trill, mismatched hues swirling in concern for the stranger. “Oh, gosh—Are you alright?” He trilled.

In his haste, he dropped the colorful assortment of flowers, willowy tail flickering, maw parting with a sheepish grin, backing away. “Oh? Am I?” His brows furrowed, head cocked. “What’s SkyClan?” His demeanor shifted from concern to curiosity. Keane would have a field day. He thought, snickering inaudibly. The mismatched tom made a mental note to mention it, willowy tail twitching.

He shuffled, not quite seeing her as a threat he jerked his head towards the patch of flowers he’d been collecting. “Collecting flowers!” He chirped, maw widening into a friendly grin, mismatched hues brightening. “‘S making flower crowns.” He hummed, helm bobbing as he shuffled over to hold the assortment of yellow and orange flowers. “See? Aren’t they pretty?” The chimera hummed, mismatched hues crinkling at the sight. “Would you like one, too?” He trilled in question.

thoughts speech

.°☀ But every time I see you cry

The little cream she-cat felt her pelt burn as this cat asked if she wsa alright, and she puffed out her chest to try to seem bigger- scarier. "I'm fine! You-," Then he asked what Skyclan was and she blinked a few times- an outsider? Or well it wasn't common to come across a cat who didn't know about the clans. Bananapaw fumbled with her words to repsond but the chimera cat went onward about what he was exactly doing out here. Flower crowns? What was that? She glanced behind her towards the way to camp- should she alert someone? Maybe Quillstrike? Or even Chrysalispaw? They both could handle things if it came down to fighting and chasing off this cat.

Though her curious behavior got the best of her once more and she tiled her head to the side, "Whats a flower crown?" She asked in genuine curiousity. Bananapaw then padded past this chimera cat to see what he was doing up close. Her little nose sniffing at the flowers and she shook her head as pollen lodge itself in her nose.

There was a hesitance in the young she-cats posture as she looked at this strange cat, "Do you make them yourself?" She asked after wards, a million questions buzzing in her brain at any given time. Bananapaw then seemed to flush brightly at her mistake, "I-I'm Bananapaw, Skyclan lives in this forest. We're part of the five clans that rule here," How else could she explain it? A group of cats that just lived together? That seemed more silly than her original way of explain it.

With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 11 moons. chatty.
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — overly friend, likes most

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
.you're a little ———


——— tragedy, aren't you.
———————— ————————
THE CHIMERA WATCHED THE OTHER WITH A CURIOUS TRILL, GRINNING AT the sight. His head tilted, humming as he watched her move about the small clutter he made from various flowers and left-over stems he’d bitten or clawed off. “Oh! They’re—” He paused, snorting. “They’re pretty accessories, I suppose.” He hummed, head cocked with a thoughtful expression, mismatched hues twinkling.

“Plus, they’re great gifts!” He chirped. “‘S what I’m doing now.” He bobbed his head, shuffling to sit on his haunches while observing the other.

Yuhwa cocked his head, blinking owlishly at the other, nodding subtly with a sheepish grin. “Mhm!” He shuffled his paws, reaching to hold the flower crown he’d been making, brows furrowed in concentration. A sliver of pink peeked out between darkened lips, inspecting the crown for any imperfections before deeming it good with a satisfied huff.

“Huh? Oh! That’s neat.” He glanced at the other, head cocked with interest. “I’m Yuhwa! I came here from …” The chimera paused, ears flattening against his helm. “Never mind that! I’m here with my clowder.” He hummed, ears perking up not seconds later. “Oh? There’s more of you? What’s it like? What are the others called? Do you guys—” He flushed red, maw snapping shut with an audible click. “Sorry—” He grinned sheepishly, willowy tail curling loosely around his paws. You and your motor mouth, Yuhwa. He sighed, shaking his helm.

thoughts speech

.°☀ But every time I see you cry

Mossy green hues looked up at the older tomcat for a moment as he explained what a flower crown was, an accessory? A gift? This peaked her interest as she looked down at the scattered flowers and many of them had been looped into a circle. Then he introduce himself- Yuhwa. That was a different name and she didn't know if she'd be able to repeat the word back to him without sounding like an idiot. She smiled though and opened her mouth to further the conversation about flower crowns when she was bombarded with questions.

Bananapaw thought she talked a lot! Also what was a clowder? Was that another name for a group of cats? She'd have to ask later but she grinned, "Don't be sorry! I don't mind questions," She responded with a bounce on her toes, "There is more of us! There are five clans and they have so many cats in each of them! Theres us, Skyclan who live here by the twolegplace! Then theres Thunderclan, Shadowclan, Riverclan and Windclan! They all live from the moors to the forest to the swamp!"

"I'm actually on my way to camp for training today, you should come by and visit," Bananapaw offered with a bright smile. Thistleback brought in Johnny after all, and she didn't see why they couldn't just show each other around! Then she remembered something, "Whats a clowder? Is it like a clan?" She tilted her head to the side curiously.


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 11 moons. chatty.
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — overly friend, likes most

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
.you're a little ———


——— tragedy, aren't you.
———————— ————————
HE LISTENED ATTENTIVELY, MISMATCHED HUES GLOWING with wonder the longer Banana spoke. I always knew there were a lot of cats, but never thought they’d be a part of something bigger. He thought, owlish hues twinkling with curiosity. His mind brimmed with questions, wanting nothing more than to quell his curiosity about the other clans, but held back, teeth digging lightly into his tongue. No need to make them more overwhelmed! He was a stranger, after all.

The chimera bobbed his head, head cocked with a curious trill. “That’s amazing! Never would have thought cats lived that far out.” He hummed. Of course, he came from great distances with others in search of a home. They were close, but perhaps he should look more into … these clans? He had nothing better to do other than lie around until Mason and Keane deemed him fine. He was fine, but he knew they meant well, especially when they were the only three left. “I bet it's easier living in such a large group.” He mused, reaching to tap his chin, frame buzzing with piling questions he so desperately wanted to let loose.

“Oh, dear—I’m sure they’re expecting you soon!” His brows furrowed in worry for keeping the she-cat from training … whatever that entailed. His maw parted to question only to clamp it shut at the mention of visiting. His gaze widened to the size of dinner plates, maw parting with a giddy chirp. “Oh! I’d love to visit!” He was sure Mason and Keane wouldn’t mind … right? “I could show you how to make a flower crown!”

He hummed, blinking at the mention of what a clowder was, head cocked in thought. “I suppose? It’s … It’s like a tight-knit family, but not quite? I’m surrounded by my close friends and family.” He chirped. “Only not all of us made it.” His grin grew emptier at the thought of who they lost, shaking his helm with a hum. “They’re great! We trust each other with our lives and then some! Cuddles are great too—” He rambled, waving an unoccupied paw.

thoughts speech