here comes trouble — yuhwa , mason


fate leads the willing and drags the unwilling
Feb 18, 2023
.anger makes you stupid ———


——— stupid gets you killed.
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THE OBSIDIAN-HUED MALE SHUFFLED, LEANING LAZILY AGAINST THE TRUNK, molten copper hues scanning the terrain for a familiar face. His willowy tail lay, curled loosely around his paws. A sigh slipping past darkened lips, leaning fully against the trunk with a rumbling hum that vibrated his frame. Where the hell is that idiot? He gave the area a once-over, worry pooling into his stomach the longer he sat, muscles twitching, itching to find one of the few cats from his past.

He shook his helm, banishing whatever awful thoughts he had. He shouldn’t be too worried, not if Keane and Mason were anything to go by, although the last time he saw them they looked worse for wear. His molten-copper hues narrowing at the memory, shuffling to find a more comfortable position with a tired sigh. Hope those two don’t do anything stupid. He grunted. StarClan knows he’d hunt their asses down if they did. Don’t need another damn heart attack. He was getting tired of seeing his adoptive kits bloodied and beaten. The sight alone would have sent him to an early grave. Should have been dead a while ago. He thought morbidly, head cocked, staring up at the canopy of trees with a bitter expression. Too fucking early to be thinking about this. He snorted.

His ears peaked at the rustle of undergrowth, molten-copper hues zeroing in on the familiar half-and-half pelt paired with a sheepish expression with a towering male behind him. He huffed, offering the two a rare smile, gaze softening. “Took you long enough.” He shuffled to his paws, bones popping as he moved, wincing at the pain. “How’s life treating you?” He rumbled, molten-copper hues scanning the two, noting Yuhwa’s wounds had become nothing more than scarred tissue although he couldn’t say the same for Mason who stumbled, grinning weakly. His gaze narrowed, staring at the raven-hued male. “What the hell happened?”

thoughts speech
.you save everyone ———


——— but who saves you.
———————— ————————
HE WINCED AT THE TONE, SHOULDERS SHRUGGING, UNSURE WHAT HE COULD say to explain the depths of his wounds that littered his frame. What could he say? The large brute huffed, opting to sit with a painted grunt, nose scrunching up in annoyance. Damnit. He couldn’t help the snort that escaped, shaking his helm. Chi was right about one thing, wasn’t she? He grimaced at the thought of his ex, unsure whether he should call her his mate or girlfriend. What had been their relationship? Nothing, but heartbreak. That’s for damn sure. He tossed those thoughts to the gutter, ignoring the way his heart tightened within his chest, stomach rolling. For fuck’s sake, get yourself together. He scolded himself.

Azure-tinted optics shifted upward, catching sight of the familiar molten copper he’d grown familiar with. His vision blurring, offering a sluggish grin despite the apparent concern that graced the older brute’s face. “I’m fine, pops.” He grumbled, tail flickering lazily, wrapping around his paws as he flopped, leaning against the base of a trunk. He heard Youkai grumble, inching closer to inspect the shoulder wound, rasping a tongue over the wound. Mason bit back the flinch, grounding his teeth with a shaky breath. Damn, that fucking hurt. “You tryin’ to put me in an early grave?” He joked, wincing at the smack Youkai dealt.

“Too soon?” He grinned cheekily, reaching to rub the sore spot with a puff. The old man trying to give me a damn concussion. He thought, sticking his tongue out childishly. His heart warmed at the giggle Yuhwa emitted, mismatched hues twinkling. Huh. Finally got Yuhwa to laugh. Keane’s going to go ballistic. He thought smugly. After the dog attack, the two had a flash of competitiveness, trying to get Yuhwa to laugh. At least we’re not dead. He remarked, wincing at the rough tongue Youkai used, grumbling about stupid kits as he fussed over his wounds laden with cobwebs.

“I’m fine.” He repeated, watching the older brute scowl. “I’m not going anywhere.” He reminded the other, offering a soft grin. “Don’t plan on dying yet. Besides. Keane’ll just drag my ass back from hell.” He laughed, tone fond.

thoughts speech
.you're a little ———


——— tragedy, aren't you.
———————— ————————
THE SMALLER TOM GRINNED SHEEPISHLY AT THE SIGHT OF YOUKAI, although he supposed he should call him Duskpool, but the name weight oddly against his tongue. He cringed, nose crinkling with the overwhelming emotion. Nope! No, thank you! His attention shifted, staring up at his adoptive father with a sheepish expression, offering a trill in greetings as he watched Mason amble forward until he collapsed against the base of a trunk, wincing at the sight of the wounds that had begun to heal. I should have been there. He thought with a frown.

“Huh? Oh! A lot happened since we last saw you! Well—” He shuffled his paws. “That’s pretty obvious, huh? You look better than you had been, though! Did you finally get some sleep? We should have a sleepover sometime!” He rambled, trying to break the tension that rolled in waves. He remained jittery, bouncing on the pads of his feet with a chitter, willowy tail swishing. “Oh! Yeah—Mason and Keane got into a fight with a few stray dogs. I almost had a heart attack when they came stumbling into camp. Scared me half to death.” He shot a glare at Mason who remained lost in thought, head lulled to the side with an array of emotions filtering across his scarred muzzle. “Keane’s doing better! He didn’t get the brunt of it, but you know Mason—” He carried on, unaware he hadn’t taken a breath. “He puts himself in danger and I hate it because I don’t think I can lose him. I don’t think Keane would have fared better, either. Even if he refuses to admit it. Kinda funny now that I think about it—” His chest constricted, drawing a distressed whine past darkened lips until Youkai’s familiar scent of frankincense, patchouli, sandalwood, myrrh, and rose flooded his nose.

Yuhwa gasped, taking in a shuddering breath, blinking sluggishly at Youkai who let out a soothing rumble, rasping a tongue over his helm. The soothing notion calmed the panicking male allowing him to take in a shuddering breath. His grin turned sheepish, burrowing into his adoptive father’s fur, welcoming the delicious warmth that blanketed him as he listened to the steady purr that rattled his smaller frame. “S, Sorry.” His grin turned weak, listening to Youkai’s voice with half-lidded hues. Stupid Yuhwa. He scowled at himself, tail curling around his stomach, hunching into himself as Youkai shuffled over to Mason to check his wounds. Please don’t take away anyone else. I, I don’t think my heart can take it. He thought, gaze downcast as he shuffled over. I don’t want to lose Mason or Keane. He really couldn’t bear the thought. It brought an overwhelming sickness that pooled into his stomach leaving him tensed, breath coming out in quick gasps. Shoot. Not now—Please! Not now. I don’t need to worry them even more!

His mismatched hues quivered until the flood of driftwood rested heavily on his tongue, calming the male from his monstrous thoughts. He sighed, relaxing into the familiar warmth Mason radiated, head burrowed deeper into his side as the raven-haired male wrapped his tail around Yuhwa’s smaller frame.

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