Here I am on mans road || Loner near the border

Sep 15, 2022

The warmth of newleaf was welcome by some, but not entirely by Yewberry. He hated the heat, it made the grounds of the twolegplace unbearable to tread upon. His paws were cracked and felt like they were burning every time he took a step. He was glad he wasn't on the moors anymore, there was no shade there at all unless you were a tunneler, and even though he was, there was always the looming threat of a cave in down there. Besides, he'd rather be in the shade with cats who don't view him as little more than an ant.

He couldn't blame them, though.

Deciding not to go down this train of thought for the millionth time, he left the twolegplace behind, following the river. Some twoleg dens had fences, and some didn't, so he passed through those instead of one's that likely had dogs in their perimeter. The grass was welcome under his paws, and he approached the shore, keeping a few tail-lengths from the Riverclan border. He dipped his paws in the water, feeling immediate relief from the heat and he gave a quiet sigh. A hollow gaze looked at his reflection, and he pushed aside the impulse to smack it.

He set himself down in the shallows, paws tucked underneath him and eyes partially closed. He just needed a moment.... Then when he was feeling too cold, he'd be on his way. He just hoped any Riverclan cats nearby didn't decide to squish him into the sand like the little pebble he was to most of them. At least on the moors he was around cats more towards his size.
On the most hot days of the spring, the water seems to be the only reprieve. Clay’s glad that the waters have finally receded enough to be deemed safe to swim in; of course, it feels wrong to smile, to enjoy the water in his fur, when Clearsight didn’t get the chance to feel it again. They’re going to be moving back into their camp again soon, hopefully—and Clearsight won’t get the chance to see that again, either.

The brown and white tom doesn’t bother to shake the water droplets from his pelt as he treads along the riverbank; he’s supposed to be on a hunting patrol, but hasn’t spotted any decent fishing spots yet. And as soon as he thinks he’s found the perfect spot, a strange scent reaches his nose. An outsider, someone who doesn’t scent of RiverClan. Hazel eyes narrow, and he swings his head to stare in the direction it comes from.

The cat he spots across the river, taking a dip in the shallows, is one he recognizes.

WindClanner. Or rather, not a WindClan cat any longer—but he had been at one point, and these days that’s all Clay needs for his hackles to raise, for his posture to go rigid. Defected or not, anyone who ever thought Sootstar could be in the right is more than an idle threat to RiverClan. Hyacinthbreath is no exception, of course, but she’s her to stay if Cicada has anything to say about it, and there’s nothing to be done about that. Easier to accept the presence of a cat who’d indirectly caused the death of his mate, than to get himself killed protesting her presence.

"What are you doing here," he snarls out, baring sharp canines at the other cat. The other is still on the other side of the river, at least, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t a threat. WindClan had once been on the other side of the river. ThunderClan, too. Until someone who matters gets here, the warrior will stand, tensed and standoffish, awaiting the other tom’s response. He hasn’t crossed the river, which is his only saving grace.

"Cross our borders and I will shove you underwater to remind you we're not to mess with."
Petalnose hissed, making her way beside Clayfur. She had remembered the incident with Selby and that confirmed to her that they were not taking anyone in. Even if they were friendly. She was never friendly to outsiders in the first place so it worked in her favor. Petalnose didn't find a reason to be friendly, hostility was more justified for outsiders. She would take to her threats as well if she was tested. The rush of adrenaline was taken positively to her. She wouldn't turn down the opportunity to fight unless she had a good reason.

After the two attacks they couldn't risk anything, she would not let the other put a toe nail onto the borders without her claws dug into their skin. Her eyes narrowed with suspicion and gleamed with hostility. She noted that he was sitting with his paws in the water. He could have just simply be cooling off. However, she wanted to make it known if he had any temptations. She waited for the Tom's answer to Clayfur's question, humming softly in curiousity. He smelled near the same as Selby. She guessed he was some loner. Maybe even a rouge. Unless they had rolled in something to mask clan scent, she didn't know and that set her on edge.
SKY HIGH"Huh? What's happening?" Crawlingroach had to race in order to catch up to Clayfur and Petalnose, but once he reached them he finally spied the source of the ire. Ah, some stranger was in the river having a soak. Well, as long as they kept a distance and didn't actively go around scaring away the fish then he frankly didn't see any point in getting all blustered up and snarly. Then again he just didn't want to get roped into any form of conflict, no matter how small or big it was.

When Clayfur queried the stranger about what they were doing the young RiverClanner couldn't help but snort a chuckle. "I think the guy's relaxing. I know, a weird thing to see but that's what it looks like. You should try it some time." He added the last part as a tiny whisper, clearly meaning no harm by it, just some senseless fun to help lighten the mood.
Iciclepaw steps between Clayfur and Petalnose, her dappled fur lifted in hostility. She bares her teeth, tail lashing excitably behind her. Would she get the chance to chase an intruder away? She trusts her kin and Petalnose to be capable and fierce alongside her. The idea makes her paw pads tingle with excitement and adrenaline.

But Crawlingroach's words cause the young tortoiseshell's head to snap back. When she answers him, her tone is frosty. "Cicadastar wants no one at our borders, least of all WindClanners." She lowers her ears with reproach. "Or had you forgotten?"

// obligatory mentor tag @Smokethroat


"Yewberry...long time no see. Get lost before I tear you into even smaller pieces than what you already are."
The dark tom's tail lashed as he wandered forward just behind Iciclepaw, shoulders hunched and head lowered in aggression. Petalnose was already there, offering pointed threats. Even Clayfur, generally neutral and friendly is bristling with unease at having an intruder so close and a WindClan one at that. Or rather, ex-WindClanner, but still. Every RiverClanner with any sense would have driven this fool away now, but he still stood there unmaimed. Disappointing.
It was the dark tom's actual remark, callously thrown at Clayfur that has him give sharp glance to Crawlingroach for his casual and aloof approach to this outsider being so close and how cruel the words were. Did he not remember? Did he forget? A WindClanner had killed the tabby's mate not even a moon ago.
I think the guy's relaxing. I know, a weird thing to see but that's what it looks like. You should try it some time.
Clayfur used to do nothing but relax. That even he was so hostile to this outsider was a testament to how foolish it was to give them any leniency at all. Ex-WindClanner still meant he used to once follow the law beneath the moorland queen-her presence stains. Who knows what atrocities this lilac tom committed before he finally left.
"Crawlingroach, send our guest off with a gift of claws." He nods, head tilted, encouraging the other warrior to take the reigns. To teach a lesson he had already taught Iciclepaw long ago.
Here he is again.

He can almost imagine Yewberry's fur is a shade darker—to better visualize his father. But he was not. Ravenpaw did not care about this cat. He would not vouch for his honor. Not that it would be expected of him. Ravenpaw surveyed the loner. He had no prior connection to the WindClan exile.

The aura of a migraine pains him directly behind his left eye. Ravenpaw squints slightly, fangs clenched through the pain. It hurts just enough for him to not give into the aggressive displays Petalnose and Clayfur were giving, but he bristles the fur along his spine anyway to save face. He should have asked Darterwing if he could sleep in today. Dragging behind the patrol, his ears only pricked at Crawlingroach's comment—naive. He was happy that his "punishment" would be to turn claws against the rogue. Ravenpaw wanted to see how it would go. He had already passed this test, but it hadn't been a faceless loner he attacked.


His ears twitched and his fur bristled uneasily as he heard cats approach. One by one they crawled from the undergrowth and reeds, from the flowing willows that dotted their territory. A shame, he was hoping he would be able to have at least a few minutes to himself....

But what was he expecting, being so close to clan territory?

It was better than being near twolegs.

They all spit venom at him as expected. What did they think he was going to do?

"Now why would I cross your border?" He asked coldly. "I'm not here to cause Riverclan problems...."

His hollow gaze narrows at Iciclepaw. " And don't you dare call me a Windclanner." He hissed.

He rose to his paws, not bothering to shake the water from his fur. The small lilac tom looked at Smokethroat, the only cat he really recognized. Send him off with a gift of claws, huh? Of course.

"Nice to see you again too." He said emptily.

He knew he needed to run, but his paws still stung. He wouldn't be as fast as he needed to be. Were they going to kill him? Of course. The reality of his situation didn't scare him though. He was numb, almost.

He looked to the one cat that didn't immediately want his blood, Crawlingroach. He tensed and prepared himself to run.

He didn't want to fight, but he would show these river cats just how slow they were compared to him.
SKY HIGHIt was evident that his attempt to jest had fallen flat... no, it had literally crashed through the ground and entered a cold grave. Crawlingroach winced and was visibly trying to back away in a bid to evade sticking his foot further into the metaphorical mud. Though he wasn't going to get out of things that easily, not if Smokethroat was to have his way. The black furred tom longed to give his long list of excuses as to why he wasn't the best guy for the job but he knew it would only make things worse for him.

After visibly squirming on the spot for the best part of a minute he finally huffed and strode forward to carry out the instruction. He just hoped that he wouldn't embarrass himself too badly in front of his peers. Stepping into the river he gave himself a gentle push with his paws along the river bed to help propel him through the water into the deeper section with ease. At least he was a skilled swimmer and he supposed that this was a prime opportunity to show off a little move he had been working on in private.

The tom made a dive down below the surface, leaving the water still and giving nothing away about his location as he glided through it with a held breath. His dark pelt worked to his advantage in terms of concealment, so as he neared the shallows he finally made his move, assuming that Yewberry hadn't run off yet. Kicking his hind legs hard against the river bed, he then surged up from beneath the water and attempted to smack the ex-WindClanner with his paws in the confusion.
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In a matter of heartbeats, clanmates are at his side, also facing the outsider with the threat of hostility. Petalnose is a warrior who Clay regards with sympathy most of all—despite her lacking memory, she’s always stood loyal and true for her clan. And Iciclepaw, of course, he trusts with his life. She’s grown so much, grown into such a good warrior. Harsh and stoic, like her mentor, but caring when it counts.

Something catches in his chest at Crawlingroach’s words, and he turns narrowed eyes on the other tom. But somewhere, in the back of his mind, he hears the echo of infighting helps no one. Showing signs of turmoil within the clan, especially to an outsider, only serves to make RiverClan seem unstable and weak. He says nothing, doesn’t need to; his niece speaks for him, challenging Crawlingroach, and Smoke follows it up with an order.

The tom across the water hisses at Icicle’s words, insisting that he isn’t a WindClanner—he shouldn’t be called one. But what’s the difference, Clay thinks. WindClanner, former WindClanner, WindClan exile, they’re all the same. Cats from outside of RiverClan have hurt them too much in the past months. They can’t take chances on any loners, much less former WindClan cats. Hell, Clearsight lies in a grave because of the last ex-WindClanner that Cicadastar allowed into their territory.

"Once a WindClanner, always a threat," he rumbles, tail lashing behind him. They’re all marked in some way, destined to hurt everyone around them. He watches Roach cross the river with dulled eyes, hoping the warrior catches the loner. Good. He’ll remember it, that way.
"I thought I told you not to come back here, Yewberry." Her voice is abrupt, cold- eyes half-lidded in a dangerous glare. She's angry, she notices- not at her clanmates, but at the cat she calls her friend. For putting her in a tight spot, for making her have to act like she hates him in moments like these. Crawlingroach is already moving to attack him, and Hyacinthbreath is ready to follow right after him. However, she glances sideways at her friend- then towards Clayfur when he states the words he does. Once a WindClanner, always a threat. She can't help but feel the sting of those words. If he had said his thoughts aloud, though, she'd have visibly shown her hurt. Nonetheless, she holds herself together and waits for the hit to land before she stands at the edge of the river, staring down coldly at Yewberry. Never helping him. Never showing him sympathy- he should have stayed away, stayed with Galeforce. He would be safe then.
❝ there are wounds inside me, gaping holes of disconnect.
can you drown inside your own body? can you suffocate within this mind? ❞

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He watched Crawlingroach slip into the water in his direction. He prepared himself to take the attack, but the water splashing into his face stunned him and allowed the other cats paw to smack him in the face. Yewberry was a very easy cat to knock aside, and so he was. He staggered away and glowered at Crawlingroach.

Once a Windclanner, always a threat.

He looked to Clayfur as he spoke. He couldn't blame him. No matter how hard he tried to bare his teeth in offense, he couldn't blame that way of thinking. Windclan had certainly left it's mark on the forest, and would not soon be erased.

His gaze nearly softened when Hyacinthbreath arrived, but he was still wary. He saw the look in her eyes. Anger, anger that was pointed at him. A pit formed in his stomach as his fur rose. He was familiar with Hyacinthbreath's combat ability, and she looked ready to turn it on him.

"I came out here because this company is still better than those damned twolegs and their awful traps." He said. He wanted to be as far from those things as possible. He knew how to deal with looks of disdain and hatred, but not twolegs and their traps.

To see someone he considered a friend glare at him so angrily though... He couldn't tell if it was real or fake, so it may as well be real.

"I'll leave you to your patrol." He said flatly. He shook his fur out, not caring if it hit Crawlingroach or not.

He began to back away, he didn't expect clan cats to just let him go. They were all bloodthirsty, just had different ways of showing and going about it. Riverclan, in his opinion, was second to Windclan in that regard.

It just seemed the stronger a clan was, the worse they were.
SKY HIGHOh... OH! He actually landed a hit? Crawlingroach was stunned! The tom broke into a brief grin, that is until the ex-WindClanner shook out his fur and sprayed him with water. The black tom recoiled with a screwed up face with a growl in his throat, though he visibly hesitated about striking out again. It wasn't like the guy was making any move to fight, so why should he risk injury by goading the other cat into one?

Crawlingroach believed that Yew was about to leave so he decided to give a half-arsed chase, enough to make it seem like he was doing his duty of driving off an unwelcome visitor whilst trying to avoid a nasty clash of teeth and claws. He just wanted it to be over with so he could head back to camp to hide from duties for a little while, and quite frankly to figure out a way to make things up to Clayfur.