here I am | rta




Keeping to herself is normal. It's what she's been doing since she got to Riverclan and so many things have happened and changed. Gossip is sometimes her main source of entertainment and though she keeps to herself she tries to make sure that she knows what is going on around her. The burly youth makes her way along the shore of the river, muzzle clamped tight on something quite furry. It's dead of course and the thing is quite ugly looking. Tail naked and face too pointef. But the apprentice makes her way toward camp, partially dragging what she believes is just a piece of prey. To her anything is edible and she doesn't shun any meal that she can get. Doing so has kept her alive to this day. As she steps across the stones and into camp the large molly blinks her miasmic hues, watching everyone go about their day. Feeding the other is what is important, right?. Hmm. Her maw twitches before she finally finds someone that looks to be like they haven't eatej yet. Keeping her head low the near woman shifts her thick form towards them and drops the possum down in front of them. "Eat. It's good, I promise."

Her words are slow to come, morphed around large thick bottom fangs that protrude from her bottom jaw. They sound like she thinks hard about what she says and she then pushes her paw against the prey, indicating its good again. Showing that she would know given it is missing a leg and some skin off its back. Hopefully she can go back out to get more. Though the whole time she never makes eye contact, keeping her gaze cast down to the ground as she feels is appropriate.

Shes just lounging, thinking to herself before a shadow dwarfs her and for a second Koi is convinced shes in trouble, ears flattened and eyes wide before they soften, its just Boarpaw, the fellow apprentice. And shes... Pushing a possum towards her. Its half skinned, and, its missing a leg and... She offers a shaky smile at Boar, metaphorical brows raised in both fear and surprise. "W-Wow Boar...!" its all she can say without her own voice shaking like her smile.

Koi is partial to fish, its what she has grown up on, and though Boar means well, well... It... It doesn't look appetizing... Koi, however, is not one to create conflict, so she stretches her head forwards and takes a hesitant bite (she almost throws up, had forgotten the taste of genuine meat). She swallows, forces herself too, forces another smile and keeps back a shudder. "T-Thank you Boar...! But I think, I think you should have the rest. My stomach- it has hurt today, that- that was enough for me." she does her best to keep her tone genuine, eyes darting around in pleading. She can't get the taste out of her mouth, oh dear...

The smell of fresh prey drifted about, but this was a different sort- Fernpaw knew not the difference between distinctive fish-smell, but he could tell that this was different. And not good different. Within camp he spotted two mottled pelts, one significantly smaller and paler than the other- and between them, some great foul-smelling lump. Across fishlike features flittered an expression of pure surprise, and soon did he make the decision to make a clumsy trot toward the pair, craning his neck in interest.

All tact and grace, Fernpaw made clear the complete confusion upon his face. "What is that!?" Slack-jawed, shock wrote itself clear upon his face, with bulging eyes set globelike and ears pinned back slightly in the slightest smidge of disgust. It didn't look... right. Had it been killed as prey, or died of illness? Oh- if it had been sickness that had killed it, he'd have to find out quickly and get the heck away.

( penned by pin )

honeypaw was used to the scent of land prey, having eaten it most her life, so when the scent of something undeniably land dwelling made it's way to the apprentice den, she filled with excitement. she still hadn't entirely gotten used to the taste of fish. she was getting accustomed to the taste, but sometimes still opted for something a little more earthy.

the tabby was quick to her paws to find whatever kill had been brought in, a small bounce in her step. the scent brought her right to where the three apprentices had gathered and her heart dropped slightly. they had beat her to it. she almost turned away, but fernpaw's shocked question piqued her interest. honey moved so she could see what he was gawking about, when her eyes landed on the ugly thing on the ground. she stared in confusion for a second, until recognition sparked her mind.

"is that a possum?" she inquired astonishedly, blue eyes wide. she had only ran into one once when she and her siblings had returned from hunting to their makeshift den and a possum had claimed it. honey had been the one to walk into it directly. it was completely still, not even breathing, and she was sure it was dead. but then it sprung up and let out the most unpleasant hiss she had ever heard, before scampering off.

as she recalled the story, she froze. the one she had encountered revived randomly. was this one going to do the same?

"are you sure it's dead?" honeypaw added in a hushed tone as if speaking any louder would make it jolt alive. she didn't pay much mind to the fact that it was already half eaten. surely that didn't matter to a creature that could revive itself on a whim.