sensitive topics here one day, gone one night | attack

tw: blood, death, mention of choking

ThunderClan had dealt with more than its fair share of rogues over the moons. Not that the group of three knew anything about it. They were all young, cocky, and self-assured, eager to prove themselves against the cats of the forest. There was no other purpose to seeking out a clan cat than to fight.

The trio milled about in the forest for some time, travelling from the twolegplace and making it to ThunderClan land. Despite their desire to fight, none of them were particularly eager to go waltzing into ThunderClan camp looking for one. They acted as though they could, each one bigging the other two up to try it, but none of them committed to the task at hand. Instead, they lounged in the early sun and waited, and waited, and waited. And finally, the sound of approaching chatter stirred them into action. Wicked grins were exchanged between the trio, and as they slunk through the bushes to sneak up on the patrolling cats, they exchanged eager whispers of the fight to come.


Flycatcher was glad that the day had warmed up since he was assigned to this patrol. The early morning had made it seem like the day ahead would be cold and bitter, but the clouds had parted and the sun shone down upon them.

The lead warrior had walked ahead of his patrol, following the scent of a mouse, his nose already close to the ground when he moved away. “Gotta be quicker than that if we want to keep up with the prey this morning!” He teased, before slipping away. Although in better spirits because of the nicer weather, Flycatcher was also in a good mood because he sensed it was almost time for his and Flamewhisker’s kits to be born. Of course, there was no exact way of knowing, but when he had last spoken to his mate she seemed certain the time was near. She had jokingly told him not to stray far from camp lest he missed the birth, and he had calmly reassured her that he would be there no matter what - even if he had to be called from as far away as Fourtrees.

Continuing his pursuit, Flycatcher can spot the mouse ahead, darting between the roots of a tree. He crouches, leaning back into the familiar stance, ready to strike.


The word comes suddenly from the right, and Flycatcher barely has time to pull himself up, before three shapes come barreling out of the bushes at him. His lips part, attempting to yowl a warning, or a cry for help, but finds the air knocked out of him when a large black tom, smashes his shoulder into him and sends him spiralling to the floor. The blue tabby attempts to stand up, but is stopped by the black tom pressing a paw on his shoulder, claws digging into his flesh. The tom leans down, teeth dangerously close to his face, taunting him. Flycatcher had never been the best fighter but he’s fought warriors like this before, he knows what he can do to try and get free.

Flycatcher turns suddenly, the black tom coming with him in surprise. Flycatcher then manages to get his hind paws on the other tom’s belly, putting all his weight into kicking out and hopefully getting the tom away from him.

He succeeded in staggering his assailant, taking the brief reprieve to jump to his feet and call for assistance.

“Help!” He called out, hoping his patrolmates would be near enough to come and aid him quickly. Certainly, Bigfang would give these rogues a good thrashing. “Rogues are attacking-”

Flycatcher cannot get any more words out before the rogue is on him again, and this time not alone, as the tortoiseshell she-cat, and silver tabby tom join their companion. Flycatcher could fight well when pushed but even he cannot stand a chance against three highly aggressive rogues.

He thrashes, kicks, yells, and does whatever he can to get them off of him. At one point, he catches the ear of the big time, biting down as hard and pulling back. He tastes blood in his mouth but he’s genuinely not sure whether it is his or the black tom’s.

The four of them grapple until he hears - and sees - the shapes of the other warriors coming to help him. Despite their sneak attack on him, it seemed that when faced with a fair fight, the rogues didn’t have the nerve to continue.

Flycatcher isn’t sure if they leave of their own accord or whether one of the others chases them away but they leave pretty quickly. With the rogues gone, Flycatcher should have gotten up, or been attempting to at the very least. But what he doesn’t know yet and only slowly becomes aware of as his breathing becomes more laboured, is that the damage had already been done.

A cut too close to his neck.

It wasn’t very long but it was deep. He could feel his blood pooling out of it, could feel it in the back of his throat too. The very thing that kept him alive now threatened to kill him too.One of the other warriors is close by, and his green eyes snap to them swiftly, a panicked expression in his gaze. He’s looking at them for help or comfort. Assurances that everything was alright, despite the fact that it clearly wasn’t.

No, I’m not supposed to die like this!

He was supposed to be old and grey, passing peacefully in his slumber, his life marked by endless loyalty to his clan and kin. His kits would have grown up and had families of their own, their children - his grandchildren - pushing him for stories. But no…he lies there powerless, his life unfairly cut short by some opportunistic rogues. His rapid breathing begins to slow, and his gaze wanders, to everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

Suddenly he is vaguely aware of the presence of others around him. It takes a moment to discern who he is looking at it, but when he sees familiar pelts, he knows his family has come to him in his final moments.

He sees his proud-faced father next to his gentle mother, and beside them are his sisters Cricket and Bee, their expressions sympathetic. And twisting between the legs of Bee, are two young kits. He had never known them in life but they were familiar to him all the same - Butterflykit and Lilykit.

It warms his heart to see them all again but apart of him selfishly wants to shoo them away. He wants to tell them he can’t go with them. He has to get back to Flamewhisker and the kits soon to be born.

“Flame…” He whispers, her name carried away by the breeze.

There is a final, shuddering breath and then nothing. Stillness.

But he wasn’t gone just yet.

His new starry-hued self stirs from his body. And accompanied by the daughters he had lost so long ago, already twining themselves around his legs, Flycatcher ascends to StarClan in peace.

ooc - 💔

It was strange some mornings still to see Flamewhisker take what once was Flycatcher’s place in organizing patrols. The burly warrior had always thought the gray Tom to be a respectable deputy, one that he could’ve seen at the head of ThunderClan when Howlingstar laid her final life to rest. His stepping down had come as a shock.

In present day, Bigfang was still pleased to have Flycatcher as his lead warrior. His mate, Flamewhisker, was a suitable and courageous deputy who brought ThunderClan honor with each stride she took. Still… he can’t understand how Flycatcher let a position like that go. Still he was a happier cat than most of ThunderClan, he was doing something right.

The lead warrior is fleet-footed in the dawn, several paces ahead of the patrol in pursuit of a mouse. His whiskers twitch to display subtle amusement and with a wiggle of his own nose, he begins to track his own piece of prey with @Sproutpaw behind him.

He was instructing the young Tom how to track the piece of prey when he hears it. ’Help! … Rogues are attacking!’

”Quick, brace yourself Sproutpaw!” All paws would need to be on deck, including his apprentice who was inadequately trained. In moments like these, such risks were required. He’d do all he could to keep Sproutpaw safe, but they needed to deliver back-up to Flycatcher.

As they sprint towards the scene they reunite with the rest of the hunting patrol. Together their paws carry them onto the scene and at the sight of a fair fight approaching, the rogues bloodied from their scuffle with Flycatcher tuck tails and flee. Bigfang has half the brain to pursue them- but that’s before he sees the state of the tabby Tom on the ground.

Blood soaks his pelt and begins to pool on the ground surrounding him. Heavy pants rise and fall on his stomach as he struggles to breathe… until it slows, and slows. In the lead warrior’s last moment of life, a look of peace washes over his light green eyes.

’Flame…’ He whispers the name of his life-long mate, then a shuddering breath. Then nothing.

The warrior hovers over his fallen body with a stoney-expression, though if one looked into his eyes you’d see the sorrow flooding in. How had such a strong and noble cat slain… just like that…? How were they suppose to know when they woke that this ordinary morning was to be his last? What if’s cloud his mind, but he manages to rationalize that there was nothing he could’ve done.

”We need to get him back home.” He says after a long moment, shocks and yowls of grief likely already erupted from the other members of his patrol. ”Howlingstar must be told of this. We’ll need to secure our borders.”

He dreads to share this news with the rest of the clan. They’ll be telling a leader her former partner was no longer, an expecting mother that she was a widow, kits that they were now orphans, and an entire clan their friend was dead.
  • >> thorny asked me to make the return-to-camp thread </3 I will be doing so once other members of the patrol get to reply or an hp instructs me to do otherwise
  • » HankBigfang
    » ThunderClan Warrior
    » Former Kittypet
    » He/him
    » A large, beaten-up ginger tabby tom with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A heavy-hitting foe who makes his hits count
    » Excels in heavy, powerful move.
    » Fights to protect and maintain honor
    » Though strong, he is a slow mover. A fleet-footed cat would both easily frustrate and land hits on him.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
  • Sad
Reactions: Thorny

The morning was warm and green, and despite the chill of dawn, it had turned out to be kind, which was all that they could've asked for. The ground felt solid under their paws, unlike the slippery snow and more recently mud due to the melt that had covered the forest floor, new life beginning to unfurl its leaves to start the crawl toward the sun. Copperfang was glad to see it, certainly, hoping that this time it really did mean that new things were coming to ThunderClan -- hopefully a bit of peace, and pleasant newleaf days. The scuttle of prey in the undergrowth is audible, and Flycatcher stays a bit ahead of the group tracking a mouse, Bigfang after his own. The ruddy-furred tom parts his jaws to taste the air, pricking his ears to focus in on the rustle of a bird picking through the leaves to find its own prey.

Before he can so much as get into a crouch, Flycatcher's cry for help cuts the air, and the batting of feathered wings follows. His paws carry him easily through the woods over gnarled roots as quickly as he can go, and it calls to mind the memory of the wolves. Quickly, he shakes the thought off, and he arrives in time to catch the scent of the rogues and see their pelts disappear again into the undergrowth. His eyes only follow for a moment before falling to Flycatcher, a deep cut through his neck, and red streaking the grass where he lay. He stands with Bigfang over the body of their clanmate, another noble warrior lost, bright amber eyes once again clouded by grief. It is another case where he feels helpless, simply forced to watch as another life slips out from under their paws. "Flycatcher.." Dipping his head, his expression is somber, jaw set with sorrow, "may Starclan light your path," he murmurs, eyes closing briefly. The same thoughts going through the large ginger tabby's mind are going through his, wondering if there was more that could've been done, a twinge of guilt curling in his chest. But when Bigfang speaks, he is right, and his eyes open again, looking down at the limp gray form of the lead warrior before them. Being the bearer of bad news after so much had already happened would be exceptionally hard, and a knot forms in his stomach thinking of the grief that would tear through the camp once more. But there was nothing that could be done. "Let us bring Flycatcher home," he agrees, but he waits for the others to move before he does to give them a moment to bear what has happened.

  • speech, thoughts, actions
  • COPPERFANG he/him, warrior of thunderclan, 40 moons
    a SH chocolate ticked tabby tom. generally compassionate and friendly, though this can be to a fault.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by @harmoniapm for discord.
  • Sad
Reactions: Thorny
જ➶ The warm days like these try to soften him up. But ever since the wolves his own nerves are too wired to let his guard down. The forest seem to be full of dangers and he can not allow himself to falter. Especially if he wants to be abe to keep his sister safe. The patrol does have a brighter energy to it. One almost kittish and sweet. It brings a small barely noticable smile to his muzzle as he watches Flycatcher move off after a rodent who is fleet of foot. He, himself, pauses as he angles his ears around. Listening. Bluestride debates on what he will find to be able to feed the Queens and Elders. The smells that surround him are many and his gaze travels up towards the boughs of a tree. The young warrior quickly bounds up the trunk with powerful pulls of his limbs and his eyes zero in on a squirrel that is higher up. His tail sways slowly back and forth, inching forth to pull himself up higher and higher still. But he never gets the chance to get at the squirrel for the sudden shriek of help invades his ears. The prey darts away and so does he. Scrambling, skitter, breaking the bark as he claws his way down and down to land heavily upon the ground.

Rogues! His eyes widen, ice blues almost frigidly jagged as he races across the ground. Convening with the others. Three of them and all swarming their lead warrior. The mouse brained cowards! He wants to give chase and he almost does. Almost. That is till he hears Bigfang and he turns sharply to look at their clanmate. The blood that pools out of Flycatcher is so much. Too much. Blue stands there, still, quiet as he hears the other whisper a final name. Then he is gone. Quickly he turns his head away from the scene and lets out a sharp and jagged breath. Anger pulls at him in dark and dangerous waves before he controls himself. Focusing in on what needs to he done and he slowly nods. "One of us should go head, I can help with carrying him home..."
  • Sad
Reactions: Thorny

Bluestride suggests one of them should go ahead. At first, he's reluctant to split up any more than they had to after the devastating attack, but judging by the way the rogues tucked their tails they'd have some time before daring to try again.

"I'll go ahead. If you run into anymore surprises... shout." He looks at both of his fellow warriors before casting a final look to Flycatcher. Why had things had to end this way? Why did ThunderClan need to suffer any further tragedies?

Turning around he hurriedly retraces his steps back to camp.
  • » HankBigfang
    » ThunderClan Warrior
    » Former Kittypet
    » He/him
    » A large, beaten-up ginger tabby tom with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A heavy-hitting foe who makes his hits count
    » Excels in heavy, powerful move.
    » Fights to protect and maintain honor
    » Though strong, he is a slow mover. A fleet-footed cat would both easily frustrate and land hits on him.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

This was not how Sproutpaw thought his training for the day would be, though he was sure that most of the cats that were on the patrol that day were assuming that it wouldn't have ended up like this, with a battle to the death from some cowardly rogues and the former deputy of the clan. He'd been trying his best to hunt, once again finding difficulty in the execution rather than the idea when the call for help reached his ears and the apprentice found his fur immediately rising on edge as eyes widened.

He stuck close to his mentor out of instinct alone, rushing to the scene of the fight alongside the giant feline before he watched in horror as Flycatcher breathed out the name of his mate before shuttering to a stop. Stunned to silence for once he looked between the warriors as they spoke, ears flicking back the best they could before eyes cast upon the tom's body once more.

The suggestion of splitting up the group to go ahead and share what had happened was an idea that Sproutpaw would never admit that he was a fan of. He knew the life of a warrior meant the constant battle with potential death, but not like this. he didn't like how gruesome it was or how unfair it had been. So when Bigfang turned to head back to camp the chimera did not hesitate to follow in his mentor's pawsteps, ready to leave the scene.

  • --
  • SH chocolate tabby/lilac chimera w/low white, heterochromia, folded ears
    rarely talks, listens to conversations
    6 moons old; ages the 20th every month
    bisexual biromantic ; interested in no one
    currently being mentored by Bigfang
    not easy to befriend/interact with; slow to anger, slow to calm
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat due to age
    peaceful powerplay allowed