here today, gone tomorrow [open/joining?]


bad habits
Dec 29, 2022

In twoleg place, it wasn't uncommon for a cat to just go missing. One day they were there, and the next they were gone, never to be seen or heard from again. Sometimes the truth would catch up to the confused crowds left wondering what happened; a poorly crossed road, a loose dog they couldn't outrun, a poisoned meal. It was seldom ever a 'good' ending, but at least it brought some closure to those who once knew them.

Other times, you got nothing nothing at all.

Such had been the case with Twin, a cat his age who'd run with the same gang of kids he had back in twoleg place. They hadn't been close, hadn't even really spoken a lot, but the chimera tom had been that way with everyone. Still, Wild had never been pummeled by the taller cat even on the occasions when he thought he for sure would be, which was enough for the blond tomcat to consider them close enough to 'friends'. So, when the tom had suddenly stopped showing up, Wild had assumed the worst. It was no secret that the chimera homelife was bad, his father a bastard who was always breathing down his neck and his mother so caught up in her own shit that she couldn't even look after her own kid. Twin had run the streets with all the other troubled kids, causing trouble, starting fights, a chaotic group of young cats being little bastards just like their parents were.

Yup. For all intents and purposes, Wild had assumed that Twin was dead, another casualty lost in the war of life, and as shitty as that had left him feeling, he'd been prepared to cut ties and move on. Carrying around that kind of baggage, rotting yourself from the inside out with negativity, it wasn't really his style. So he took those things and locked them in little boxes, storing them away to stew over later, in quiet moments when weakness could be afforded. Only then would he consider them, and seldom ever without reason.

So imagine his surprise when he learned that the sly fox had simply run away.

Oh, what a sight it had been to see Twins dad sotrming throughout the nieghborhood, shaking down kids and demanding info on where his son had gotten off to. Wild had laughed right in his face when the ginger tomcat had tried to get answers out of him, as if the blond would actually tell that asshole anything even if he had known. So, after learning that the other cat was alive and well somewhere, Wild had taken up the side hobby of trying to figure out ezactly where the blue and black tabby could have gone, if only for the simple pleasure of seeing the pure annoyance on their face once they realized he'd managed to track them down.

Now, Wild would give credit where it was due; Twin had certainly covered his tracks. He hadn't told a sole where he was going, hadn't been seen by anyone the day he left, and hadn't felt homesick enough to chance a visit to anyone. Like a ghost, they'd simply faded out of existance. That is, until he happened across a small group of strays in the downtown area. They claimed to have spotted a cat matching Twins description, the young tom coming into the city with a group of wildcats in search of something. Weird, for sure, but intruiging. Wild hadn't considered that his old friend had bailed to join the clans, mainly because Twin had never seemed like the sort of cat to care about those things.Clans were all about survival, teamwork, and putting in effort, and outside of that first one, Wild couldn't say that Twin had ever given off any vibes that would suggest he was a fan of working with others or putting in extra effort.

But, this was really the last place he had to look. And it wasn't like he had anything better to be doing- he literally wasted his days running the streets causing trouble with a bunch of other unwanted kids, so it wasn't like anyone was missing him. At least this was interesting. Wild had never been this far into the woods before nor had he ever met a clan cat. At least, not a full one. He'd come across a few daylight warriors before and they always had interesting stories to tell, so at the very least this was bound to turn into something interesting even if he couldn't find his friend.

Which is how Wild ended up wandering through the Skyclan forest, oddly at home for a trespassing kid.

Skyclan Apprentice - Male - 6 months - A handsome gold tomcat with blue eyes and black-tipped ears​

  • Love
Reactions: HOUND
( * ˚ ✦ ) Blazestar is out walking again today, simply because the cold is more numbing than the sleep he chases and can't catch. Snow crunches lightly underpaw, but otherwise, the pines are silent. Eerie. He appreciates that, that the world matches what's in his head, nothing but fierce wind and ... solitude.

He hadn't expected to come upon a cat, and he almost doesn't realize there's an intruder in SkyClan's territory until he's nearly stumbled into the young thing. Not a kittypet, like the last one, he can see that. Rough around the edges, thin, scrappy... but young, apprentice-aged.

Blazestar stares at the gold-pelted tom with dull eyes that take several seconds to become lit with understanding. "Who are you? This is SkyClan territory." It's said with confusion, more than hostility. Bewilderment, rather than authority. He lets silence peter out between them before he murmurs, "I'm the SkyClan leader. Blazestar." Meaningless words, but words he must speak. He clears his throat and shakes himself -- a spark of clarity returns to lost blue eyes, but it's taken so long, so long.
Thistleback arrives on the opposite side of the territory, had not even known that Blazestar was out walking about. Still a ghost, but only in idle opinion. At least, the faded flame still gave warmth and light to the endless darkness. The solemn blue-eyed king of the skies, faces a golden stranger.

" another child on the border " Thistleback breathes, nostrils flaring as he tries to detect whether kittypet or stray. Given the state of pelt and weight, one can detect quite easily the neglectful touch of street life. Thistleback wore it as a kid himself. This world made more orphans and drifters than a pine could sprout nettles.

The piebald emerges from the shadows of the long winter kissed forest, toes spreading with every heavy step of his muscled legs to better traverse the unpredictably stable snowy ground.

Blazestar speaks to the golden kid with black tipped ears, introducing himself and asking the necessary questions. Thistleback stops at his leader’s side dutifully, but with the obvious lack of threat. He settles his hocks to the ground in a comfortable sit. " Thistleback " he introduces himself in turn.

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
  • bVBPWus.png

It was a bizarre sight to see Blazestar out and about; their grief-stricken leader looked somehow out of place, even if these woods technically were under his dominion. Somehow it seemed like the fog of sorrow which had fallen over the Clan had concentrated around Blazestar, and that he would be confined to camp out of sheer sadness. But, of course, that didn't make sense - Finchfang knew firsthand that sometimes sorrow was best handled by movement and the completion of rote tasks. So, despite knowing that it was in fact perfectly natural, he started slightly to hear the familiar voice speaking in hazy tones to a young, gold-furred stranger, and allowed the small sparrow he had been stalking to flutter off. Another would seem that it was a popular activity, coming to SkyClan's land, and he felt a sense of deep gratitude that most things had been peaceful since Morningpaw's death. And, this time, it seemed like it was little more than a kitten on their land, and a relatively calm one at that. Curiosity, then, rather than alarm, fueled his descent from the pine tree in which he had perched, landing with a soft thump beside Thistleback. He stood and opted to say nothing, a dark slender shape against the snow, hazel eyes unmoving from Wild.

Fierypaw truly felt for their leader. Losing one of his kits for a fight about food...he couldn't possibly understand what Blazestar went through right now. But secretly he keept a eye out for them in case they would stumble so he could catch them before they fell...That day he had come along on the patrol while his eyes had been on Blazestars back. That was until they came across a stranger on their territory. Now he suddenly wanted to be more at the front to get a better look so stept forward to stand beside Blazestar free side so he could stand at the front now staring right at the other cat. Fierypaw would twitch his nose, sniffing up their scent. They for sure did not come from here. Has he seen them before?. They did look a bit familliar somehow..but it could all be his own brain that was playing a trick on him.

He didn't say anything in that very moment since Blazestar already had asked the important questions and he did not wanted to interupt. It was better to hear why this cat was out here trepassing their land. It better not be to cause trouble or he would chase them out himself. For the time being he would wait while judging them so he could decide what his opinion on this cat would be. For now he was satisfied staying beside Blazestar while staring this tom down with his fiercy lime- green eyes.


Head high, shoulders relaxed, Wild seemed to exhude a comfortability and confidence he had no business having. Too young, too inexperienced, too far behind potential enemy lines. Neivety, perhaps? Or maybe ignorance? No. Neither. Wild knew exactly what he was doing and exactly what the risks were, he just had a horrible sense of self-preservation. Not in a morbid or depressing way, but in the sense that he wasn't one to be held back from the things he wanted over a fear of something like pain or death. Life was already short, liable to taken away at a moments notice, and he wasn't about to spend any of his precious time denying himself what he wanted.

And right now, he wanted answers.

Guess that old saying was right; curiosity killed the cat- maybe. This group didn't have a reputation for being murderous or sinister, and so he liked his odds of making it out of there in one piece.

He made it pretty far into the territory before he was noticed by anyone, and when he finally caught the sound of paws crunching through snow and glanced to the side to spot a tom coming toward him, he paused and waited for them to finish approaching. He'd assumed he was about to be confronted, but when the stranger stepped onto the path ahead of him, they looked surprised to see Wild, as if they'd had no idea he was there and their crossing paths had been a sheer coincedence. For a moment the golden tomcat wondered if the guy was sick or something, the distant look in their eyes and the subdued tone with which they spoke almost unsettling.

"My name's Wild." he answered, flashing the other a polite but charming smile as he observed them with keen blue eyes. He was just about to go on when the sound of more pawsteps broke through the air, and a moment later more cats were joining them on the trail.

"Another child on the border? Thistleback." greeted a stocky tom with spiked up fur, Wild finding his name incredibly suitable.

"So you get kids around here a lot then?" he asked, a hint of interest in his voice. "That's good, cuz I'm looking for one. A friend of mine by the name of Twin. He's impossible to miss- big guy, mismatched eyes, coat looks like two cats were sewn together to make it. I heard he might be staying out here with you guys." he explained, tone even and gaze watchful despite his lax dmeanor.

While the other two cats that arrived with Thistleback said nothing, Wild regarded them both just the same, blue eyes lingering on lime green before offering the ginger tom a playful wink. He was kind of cute, glaring at him with those green eyes.

Skyclan Apprentice - Male - 6 months - A handsome gold tomcat with blue eyes and black-tipped ears​


For trespassing on a other clans territory this tom looked awfully relaxed with themselves and confident. A little bit to confident in fact considering his situation. Ugh. He didn't like it not one single bit. Fierypaw instantly knew he wasn't gonna be a fan of this tom. Just like he didn't like cats who was rude for no real reasons, or those who couldn't show respect to others, he also didn't like cats who held themselves to highly in this world. Who was so obiviously arrogant. Tch. Fierypaw's eyes grow sharper, smaller when the blonde stranger starts speaking. It got confirmed his name was Wild, a name fitted for someone who was untamed, who didn't follow rules. He contunied to listen as more information was given and turned out this smugface was actually searching for someone. A cat who's description only fitted one cat in this clan.

Fierypaw knew something had been fishy with this one. Anyone who was associated with that tom just had to be bad news. The only problem with the story was that Fierypaw found it difficult to believe that Quillpaw actually could have friends. That rude apprentice literally have of the atmosphere that he not wanted anybody else be anywhere near them.

In the middle of his thinking, to puzzle this mystery out he find himself staring into this blue eyes all of the suddenly when their eyes meet. He lifted a noneexisted eyebrow wondering what the hell this tom wanted and - did he just wink at him?!. Fierypaw's eyes went wide and his cheeks heated up taken by the moment but it didn't took long before a bemused frown was settled upon his features, he looked like he just had got insulted and in his mind he had. He would let out a huff, his annoyence growing. Fierypaw knew better to understand this tom was only messing with him!.

" Yeah, we have someone like that around here but there is one problem." He finally spoke, his eyes watching them sharply, mistrust clearly there. " His name isn't Twin, and...that guy is allergic to just the word 'friends' so it cannot possible be the one you are searching for. " He didn't even bother to hide the distaste he had for that guy in his tone. Even so, no matter how much he might dislike that coldhearted idiot he was still his clanmate. He wouldn't sell him out to a stranger like this especially now when the whole clan knew Quillpaw came from a past with bad associates. Who said this guy was not one of them?. Tch. Quillpaw...being nothing but trouble bringing his troublemakers here too.

He would sharpen his eyes even more, his green eyes glowing like fire. " If that is all you came here for maybe you should turn around and head back where you came from." It was not his call to make but sometimes he couldn't stop himself from speaking his mind.