Life worked in mysterious ways. Sometimes it threw harsh truths and kind lies, but you would never know which you would receive until you were in the thick of it. As for Crowpaw? He is unsure about whether or not this is going to end well or even worse than before. Life's way of punishing him for all the wrong he's committed throughout his life. Oddpaw already knows what this is about, considering he's told the other apprentice that all of them were going to speak. To figure out what the heck was going on between them and decide from there what they wanted to do. Owlpaw? She didn't know. If anything she may tell from his stoic expression as he led the three of them somewhere private that something was afoot. Maybe he could've asked Oddpaw to lead this conversation or nudge Owlpaw into wanting to speak to all three of them, but he knew that was selfishness. It was saving his own skin and he refused to be the monster Lupinepaw said he was. I don't want to end up like you.

Finally, he stopped and sat down abruptly. The only company they had beside themselves were birds chirping and the fluttering of wings. Hazel eyes looked expectantly to both apprentices present. "I know... This might be strange for all us." Oddpaw know's what this is about. Don't throw them under the bus! "I asked both of you to be here because there's something serious I want to talk about." Despite the fact that he told Oddpaw everything will be alright, he's not too sure of it himself. How could he anticipate Owlpaw's reaction to this? Would she be happy? Would she be infuriated? And Oddpaw? Nothing is guaranteed. It frustrates him. That there is no clear path before him. A leap of faith is the only path, if he would even call it that he has.

"Making good decisions, and bad ones. Those are all things you may do, Crowpaw. And though they will be hard in the moment… learning from those things is what makes you strong."

Without realizing it, he turns to the sky. Those words were spoken by their former leader who now rests among the stars. A tom he once dreamed was his father and in a cruel twist of fate he was, but only in death. However, before his passing, he had given Crowpaw advice. What would you think of me now? Are you even watching me? Do you care? Black paws shift to relive nerves before looking at both apprentices he's called here. "I can't speak for either of you. You're not me and I'm not you, but... First I want to start off with this." He turns to Owlpaw, "You may not forgive me and that's okay. Owlpaw I don't know what we are exactly. We said we'd like to go on more romantic dates together and I want that too. The thing is, I asked Oddpaw out on a romantic date without realizing it." He's lying a little and Oddpaw would know within a heartbeat that this was not entirely true. Crowpaw hadn't even considered it a date when they took the younger apprentice by the river. Akin to the time he went owl watching with Owlpaw and she had bore her heart to him and he did so in turn.

Silence passes between them for a moment. "I'm sorry Owlpaw." I don't mean to hurt you. Maybe Blazestar frowned upon him if he was watching. Ashenclaw? Maybe her father sheathed his claws while ever enraged he'd do this to her. Honestly, he deserved it. Even if he was young and stupid, he refused to let that be an excuse. If Owlpaw demanded for him to never speak to her again he would do so in a heartbeat. She meant more to him than she'd ever know.

You haven't said why we're here. This isn't like you. Irritation flares in his gut from this truth. He's never been so unsure. He's never taken so long to go about this, but in front of two he cares about most? This is pathetic. They deserve more than this. He shifts his attention to the pair again, with a fire in his eyes. "I like both of you. You both mean everything to me. If anything happened to any of you, I'd chase down however or whatever hurt you until my last breathe. I'm not sure if this normal. A normal amount of like or what the heck is even normal when it comes with wanting to be with someone. I just know I want to be with you both. Learn about you more, whether it's your favorite prey or what you hate most. I want to make both of you happy."
  • @ODDPAW @Owlpaw! they live in my mind rent free, i'm so sorry for this essay SOBS.
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 11 moons
    — undecided / single / open to flirting and crushes
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes with polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou

Usually walks between the three of them were full of chatter, one setting off the other two on a myriad of topics.This time however, the walk was silent. When Crowpaw finally did speak she found herself tensing, so this was a serious conversation. Owlpaw should've expected that really, in hindsight the awkward silence was a good indicator of that.

"You may not forgive me and that's okay. Owlpaw I don't know what we are exactly. We said we'd like to go on more romantic dates together and I want that too. The thing is, I asked Oddpaw out on a romantic date without realizing it."

Her eyes widened at the admission, doing what she did best all she could do was stare at him. Her gaze breaks to look at Oddpaw, standing beside her. What did he think of all this? Did you say yes? Were you happy? She wanted them to be happy, both of them. While she had started to understand what she felt towards Crowpaw, the calico was unknown to her.

She liked him, absolutely. They're a dear friend to her, they taught her to like flowers, he whisks her off on random adventures just because he wants to, he hums and they often get stuck in her head long after he stops. At the end of the day, she wanted him to be happy.

The apology brought her mind back to what Crowpaw had said earlier. He didn't realise that he had asked Oddpaw on a date, she had no reason to not believe him since he has already done this before. Even so, she was a little stunned by this. It didn't hurt as much as she thought it might have? She remained silent, trying to decipher why this didn't hurt her in the way that it's supposed to.

It hurt because she wasn't there with them on that date, not just Crowpaw but… Oddpaw too? She was upset that she wasn't extended an invite to this date but that's not normal right? She's supposed to be upset with the fact that it wasn't her with Crowpaw, not her with the both of them.

Oddpaw once called her headstrong, she supposed that was a good word to describe her. Especially now, so stubborn to figure out where she stood with Oddpaw that she got lost in thought. Maybe it was more than friendship that she felt for him. After giving it more thought this is how she started off with thinking about Crowpaw. Maybe it was a crush? The beginnings of one at least, these terms were still foreign to her though. Right- Crowpaw probably expects a reply.

She keeps her maw closed though, the smoke looked like he had more to say. There was an intensity to him in this moment and Owlpaw didn't want to break that concentration he seemed to hold. At first she couldn't believe what she was hearing. He wants to be with both of us? He wanted to make both of them happy, she should be offended by this right?

There wasn't exactly a set of rules for how this stuff is supposed to go, sometimes she wishes that there was. Maybe things would be easier if she had some kind of guideline to go by. What would this hypothetical rule book even say about this?

“I forgive you” it was simple, to the point. She wasn't sure where to go from here but it was a good launching point at least. The tabby shifted her weight on her paws, not sure what to say from here.

“I… Won't lie to you Crowpaw. It hurts a little bit that you asked Oddpaw out on a date. But, you didn't realise it and you apologised. I care about you a lot, this hasn't changed how I feel at all.” she sighed, feeling a bit of weight roll off her shoulders with each sentence. Owlpaw looked confused as she spoke, like she was learning what she was saying along with them. Her words were hesitant, like she was saying them one at a time but they were sincere.

If Crowpaw would let her she would move closer so she could rub her cheek against his. Give him some kind of reassurance that she meant it when she said that she forgave him. After a moment she moves away so she can see Oddpaw better. An awkward smile finding its home on her maw.

“I've only recently started to figure out what I feel about Crowpaw. I'm not… This kind of thing is new to me.” She could feel her face growing hot as she looked at Oddpaw, quickly losing the train of thought she had. Clearing her throat she continued “I can't label how I feel about you, Oddpaw. I like you more than as a friend, I know that much at least. I don’t know, I just- I've realised what hurts about this… date that yourself and Crowpaw had was that I wasn't there… with you both.”

It took a lot of willpower to not just rush through her words and get it over with. Instead she was taking her time with it, perhaps it was a little frustrating to listen to but she'd rather it be clear. “I think I would like to be with both of you too. If that's a possibility, I don’t know. This is confusing.” Maybe it wasn't a possibility, she just wanted to at least let her feelings be known, even if she didn't quite understand what these feelings were.

He walked alongside Owlpaw, darting his gaze about the three apprentice’s surroundings, their only company being the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves in a gentle breeze. Melancholy thoughts flicker in his mind one after the other as soft. Melancholy thoughts flicker in his mind one after the other, as he follows Crowpaw’s dark form. Snapping back to reality, with a shake of his silver cream head he observed the black smoke settle down abruptly. He takes a seat beside Owlpaw, close, but close enough without touching, he curls his tail around his paws. Half-lidded eyes flick up at Crowpaw, as said apprentice started speaking. I know what this is about. Don’t get distracted. Twitching his tail slightly, he glanced down at his paws for a moment before settling his gaze on Crowpaw. Would.. Owlpaw get mad? Would she break up our friendship? He’s grown fond of the molly, of course. He likes her company, even when they made flower crowns for each other.

The tom watches as Crowpaw addresses Owlpaw from his spot, hearing the dark apprentice’s words of apology to the tabby. An ear flicked as he heard his name be mentioned, he tilted his head to the side a little. Before turning his attention at the older apprentice’s with a fond twinkle in his eyes.

"I like both of you. You both mean everything to me. If anything happened to any of you, I'd chase down however or whatever hurt you until my last breathe. I'm not sure if this normal. A normal amount of like or what the heck is even normal when it comes with wanting to be with someone. I just know I want to be with you both. Learn about you more, whether it's your favorite prey or what you hate most. I want to make both of you happy."

He wants to make both of us happy.. The pale patched calico, watched the interaction between the two. Pale paws shift to calm his nerves, as he tried to figure out where he stood Owlpaw. He keeps his maw closed, as he watches Owlpaw move to rub her cheek against the black smoke’s. Oddpaw smiles softly at the two, not worried about the display of affection between the his dearest friends.

“I can't label how I feel about you, Oddpaw. I like you more than as a friend, I know that much at least. I don’t know, I just- I've realised what hurts about this… date that yourself and Crowpaw had was that I wasn't there… with you both.”

Ears perk up as Owlpaw, addressed him his tail twitched from it's curled up form. "It's okay Owlpaw." He whispers, paws kneading the ground beneath him. Stomach churing with unease, he stared at the red tabby. "Oh.." She's hurt, that she wasn't also invited.. The corners of his eyes crinkle with mirth as he spouts out a genuine reply to Owlpaw. "I also can’t label how I feel about you Owlpaw. I like you more than a friend, I know that much. I’m sorry that we left you out on our date.." Voice trailing off, before speaking again with a curl of a beaming smile. "I would love to be with the both of you also. I know it's a possibility to... date more then one p-person. I don't know.. W-we could try it out and see..?" He stumbled over his words he spoke outloud. He let out a breath escape his maw. It felt so riveting to say those words, it felt like a weight lifted off his shoulders.


  • no ref yet </3
  • ( ah.. a gift! how kind ) ODDPAW : apprentice of skyclan
    — amab ; HE / THEY ; currently 10 moons
    — bi-pan / single / not actively looking / open to flirting & crushes
    — a medium-furred silver and cream calico tom with copper eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, ac7d88"
    — smells of caramel frappe & chilled stone

    -tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone

Forgiveness is unexpected. A sigh of relief leaves his parted maw. Though the relief doesn't last long when she states his actions hurt her. Unpleasant feelings pool in his stomach and all he can do is accept them because it is his fault. Crowpaw remains silent, taking in all that she has to say to him. You... You still like me? You want to be with me still? I don't understand. Flashes of moments in time where he made mistakes no matter how little ended up in other's leaving him. Crowpaw the irritable. Crowpaw the moody. It was best to stay away from him, yet she still wanted to stay by his side. The urge to tackle her into the ground and nuzzle her was strong, quite honestly he's surprised how he didn't do it. Even so his heart races, ramming against his ribcage. I like you. Stars Owlpaw I really like you. All words fail him as she draws near him.

How could she think he wouldn't want her near? As soon as their cheeks touch, he reciprocates. A black tail attempts to curl around her own. Even though you forgive me, I want to do better Owlpaw. Thank you though. I promise I'll make it up to you. When she moves away, he feels a twinge of sadness despite knowing the focus of this conversation is not to comfort him. This conversation is to figure out what they are and how they'll move forward. All of them. It was Owlpaw's turn to speak and he wouldn't interfere. All he could do was shift his attention to Oddpaw. Comfort him. Reassure them. His mind demands, yet he makes no move forward. The situation is rather delicate after all. Who was to say Owlpaw wouldn't tear Oddpaw or him to shreds for rubbing his cheek against the other apprentice.

Hazel eyes widen as he snaps his head towards Owlpaw, maw agape from shock. In most cases this is the point in the story where he should be enraged at the cat he was padding after had eyes for someone else too. However, he didn't feel no sharp pain of jealousy or rage. No thoughts of leaping at Oddpaw or tackling Owlpaw to the ground and asking why she dare like Oddpaw come to mind either. All he feels is sadness that the hurt she felt was not because of him going a date with Oddpaw. No, it was being left behind and that... I know how that feels. The image of that night with Oddpaw under the moonlight by the river decides to rear it's head. And then his own words from before resound. I think I get it now too. Why it felt wrong. Other than her not knowing.

"If it's a possibility, then I want to try it. There's nothing wrong with trying, right? We don't know how this works exactly, which makes this so hard, but I uhm. I want to be with both of you." We can't change the past, but maybe this could be a start? "What if... Owlpaw I know it hurts to be left out on a date and I'm sorry for that. You forgive me for it, but what if we all shared the same nest? And then, all three of us can go on a date?" The black tom looks nervously at the two apprentice unsure if he's said something wrong. He hopes he hasn't. After all if they all wanted to be with each other then they would all go on more dates and he's seen cats share nests. Together. We'll be together and I think it would be nice to sleep in the same nest.

Perhaps he was pushing his luck, but he didn't know what came over him when he went over to Oddpaw and practically pushed him to Owlpaw. It wouldn't be too difficult to do so. "Go ahead Oddpaw. Owlpaw likes you and I like you it's okay. You too Owlpaw. It's okay." You're not even sure about that. His inner thoughts hiss at him while he stares into Owlpaw's eyes. All hint of apprehension is replaced with adoration before he puts a paw ontop of Oddpaw's own while brushing his cheek against Owlpaw's. To be honest it's embarrassing how loud his purrs are. Nevertheless he pushes on, "I like you Owlpaw." Of course, he couldn't leave Oddpaw out. A black tail curls around orange as he draws away from Owlpaw and looks down at Oddpaw who may or may not be having a heart attack in this moment. A smile curls from his lips and the purrs haven't stopped before he rubs his cheek against Oddpaw's own. "I like you too, Oddpaw." It doesn't last long, the black smoke drawing away. It's your turn now.
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 11 moons
    — undecided / single / open to flirting and crushes
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes with polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou

Learning that she liked and wanted to date one cat was hard enough for Owlpaw, she hadn’t considered the fact that there was a possibility that it could be done with more than one other cat. It was relieving to hear, she would say thank you to Oddpaw for saying that if she didn’t think it would be a strange thing to thank him for. She looks up at the mention of her name, letting go of the thought process of trying out dating more than one person for a moment.

Sharing the same nest? Owlpaw enjoyed the idea of it but wouldn’t they need a bigger one so all three of them could fit? “I would like that, I think if we’re all going to go on dates then it makes sense for us to share the same nest. I would like to try, we don’t need to know how this works because we can make it up as we go right? As long as what we’re doing is okay for us then that’s what matters. I’m sure other padding couples don’t know how their stuff works .” She paused, realising that she was rambling. It was mostly to justify this to herself, the unknown was scary to her but they were all going to be warriors soon so she shouldn’t be so scared of the unknown anymore.

She sighed, hoping that what she said made sense. Not breaking her gaze from Crowpaw she pressed her paw against his, thinking about the fact that he apologised again. “It’s okay Crowpaw, really. You didn’t know, Oddpaw didn’t know and I didn’t know at the time. I’m not upset anymore but.. Thank you for apologising.” Maybe she didn’t need to reiterate that she forgave the tom and to reassure him that things were fine but the idea of him being upset just didn’t feel right and she wanted to fix that.

She blinked in surprise as Oddpaw was practically pushed towards her, she blinked at the smoke in confusion. Realisation settled in at what Crowpaw was suggesting and that fluttering feeling that she had finally defeated when looking at Crowpaw came back with vengeance at the idea of doing anything with Oddpaw. It was a recent development to even realise that she liked him more then as a friend, there was nothing wrong with doing this, Crowpaw said it was fine. Still, she wasn’t sure exactly what was okay or not okay to be doing in this situation?

Crowpaw’s purrs were grounding at least, helping her stay focused on what was going on now rather than worrying about what she’s supposed to be doing. She leans into the contact of the tom brushing his cheeks against hers I like you too Crowpaw” she felt like it was obvious but she understood what the gesture was for. Her tail curls around her own as he draws away, smiling at the sight of Crowpaw and Oddpaw together. A part of her worried that deep down she was going to actually not be okay with this, that she was going to be jealous.

Jealousy never came though, she was content with this, happy even. There was a pause from Owlpaw as the tom moved away. Oddpaw seemed fine with Crowpaw rubbing his cheek against theirs so she presumed that it should be fine for her to do so. Her face burned as she shifted so she was closer to Oddpaw, she was certain that he would be able to hear her heartbeat since it was so loud for her. There was uncertainty with her movements, but Owlpaw believed in just throwing yourself into something when you’re experiencing something new. So she rubbed her cheek against Oddpaws, opposite to the one that Crowpaw had rubbed against earlier.

“I like you Oddpaw” her words were barely above a whisper, despite the nerves that were clear on her face she was smiling at him. She remained there for a moment before doing it again, moving away after doing it a second time. Moving back she curls her tail back around Crowpaws, the tabby looking between the two with a fond smile, she hadn’t realised that she had been purring the whole time.
Knowing that he liked and wanted to date one cat but two? It was interesting to calico. It felt relieving to hear that both Owlpaw and Crowpaw wanted to try it out. Sharing the same nest? He absolutely enjoyed the idea of sharing the same nest. They might need to combine their nests together, he nods to himself mentally. Listening to Owlpaw speak up, he agrees wholeheartedly with the red tabby. "I would love to share nests, I think it would be wonderful!" He chirps, with a beaming smile on his face. Oh, he’s so thrilled about this development, he couldn’t wait to share a nest with his partners? Yeah, partners. Padding partners? Hm. He’d need to think of a sweet label for them..

He snaps out of his thoughts and tilts his head to gaze at Crowpaw with half-lidded eyes. Hearing purrs, he felt adoration towards the smoke apprentice as he watched the tom brush his dark cheek against his own patched one. He leans into the contact, with his own gentle purrs escaping his throat. "I like you Crowpaw, i'amour de ma vie." voice coming out in a murmur between his own purrs. Then pale patched tom squeaks in surprise as he is practically pushed into Owlpaw. Realization hits him as he thought of what the black smoke was suggesting and that made his heartbeat quicken and swell until it thumped in his chest. O-oh. It was a recent development, that he liked her more than a friend. He was still a little nervous of doing anything with the red tabby in front of him. Crowpaw said it was fine, so it must be right?

His tail curls around his paws, as he watches Crowpaw move away from him. He swivels a silver cream ear to hear a shuffle of paws, he turns his head to gaze at Owlpaw. He tilts his head to the side in a curious manner, seeing her uncertain movements he leans in the contact the red tabby graced him. A curl of a smile made its way on his face. Hearing Owlpaw whisper out a "I like you Oddpaw" he felt the tips of his ears warm. He rubs his cheek against hers, before speaking again with a whisper. "I like you Owlpaw, ma biche" slipping up again to speak his mother tongue towards Owlpaw.

He gazes at her when she moves away from him, his rumbling but gentle purrs getting louder then they ever had. Feeling his partner's paws atop of his own dainty ones, made him mentally vibrate so many warm feelings. Copper hued eyes full of adoration settle on the two apprentices in front of them, all while his purrs rose.


  • no ref yet </3
  • ( ah.. a gift! how kind ) ODDPAW : apprentice of skyclan
    — amab ; HE / THEY ; currently 10 moons
    — bi-pan / single / not actively looking / open to flirting & crushes
    — a medium-furred silver and cream calico tom with copper eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, ac7d88"
    — smells of caramel frappe & chilled stone

    -tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone