camp HERE WE GO AGAIN &. chilly morning

He was told the days would only get warmer. It's a fact that he'd believed in hopes that the cold would cease to send shivers through his small form. A fact that only turned out to be a lie.

He can already feel it when he wakes up, this morning. Cold air seeping into the apprentice den, Toadpaw is shivering from the moment he awakens. Why? Why must it be so cold? The boy sinks into his nest further, hoping to find a semblance of warmth within it as a horrific thought runs through him. It leaves him more frozen than the air around him does: what if it snowed again?

A white blanket of cold against his paws, Toadpaw isn't looking forward to the idea of its return - to having to spend his day in it. It was supposed to be warm. The snow must stay away.

Toadpaw curls up tighter in his nest, ears flattening against his head as a frown begins to pull at his face. He'll just stay here a little longer and hope it warms up soon.

With the arrival of newleaf, the weather had gotten warmer and the snow that had plagued them for weeks had finally melted. Despite the warmer weather, there were still days when it was freezing cold and Flycatcher would not have been surprised if the snow threatened to fall. Certainly, it got cold enough for the ground to get frosted and dewy in the mornings.

After waking up early, Flycatcher makes his way to the apprentice's den, searching for one or both of his apprentices. Poking his head inside, he spots Toadpaw first. "Feeling cold Toadpaw?" He asks, noting how tightly curled the apprentice is. "Almost feels like leafbare again doesn't it?"

It's a swift moment of dread, when Toadpaw sees a grey head of fur pop into the apprentice den. Oh, can't he stay inside for longer? Why must Stonepool come collect him for training so early? Couldn't he wait a little longer, wait for the sun to better come out and warm the camp?

If he could sink into his nest further, if he could hide within it, Toadpaw would.

To his relief, it's not Stonepool who's stepped into the apprentice den, rather Flycatcher. Perhaps it's worse, that the deputy has shown up before Stonepool, but he'll chance it for a few more moments away from the cold air outside.

The boy nods his head. "I thought... I thought it was supposed to be warm now?" he asks, tucking his paws beneath him, an attempt to warm them up faster, in case his time to shelter in what little warmth trapped within the den was nearing its end.
Raccoonstripe does not think much of the loner's kits Roepaw had dragged into their Clan so far. Ragwortpaw has a brain smaller than a mouse's, and Toadpaw... the dark tabby is curled into his nest, whining about the cold. The striped warrior resists the urge to roll his eyes -- after all, Toadpaw and his littermates had been born in leaf-fall. They didn't know anything about the forest warming back up again.

He sighs and sits beside Flycatcher. "It will. But every new season is like a kit learning to walk." He waves a paw vaguely in front of his face. "It stumbles, every now and again."

The tabby sweeps his tail across the camp floor and eyes Toadpaw critically. "You'll have to get used to it. Warriors must work even in the most bitter cold. The Clan would never be fed if we all curled into our nests when the weather was bad, would we?"