Here we go again || Thunderclan patrol

Dusk had fallen and with it, patrol time. He hated the Shadowclan border, but Rabbitnose considered himself a responsible adult and wouldn't cause problems on purpose.

"Alright! We're here," he said. "Let's get to it! If Shadowclan is here, try to be nice, or rather, try not to start anything. A fight is the last thing anyone needs. "

He approached the border with pep in his step and wasted no time making sure his scent was as obvious as possible on the trees lining the border.

Yes he was still bitter about Pitchstar purposefully crossing their border that one time.

@FINCHCATCHER @sunspirit

Leaf-bare. It was worse than the adults had described it. Already she was starting to see the affects, not just in her clan-mates but herself as well. But she supposes it is one thing to hear about it and another to actually witness it, to live through it.

She needed to get away, away from the faces that looked at her and her aunt with hungry eyes, pleading for them to do something they could not. They were not miracle workers, after all. They could not take the cold or the hunger away. All they could do was pray, send words to Star Clan that everything would be alright. She whispered them every single night before bed. Please let things be okay, she would ask the stars.

She does not know what has possessed her to come here today, a need to get out, the hope that some unfortunate animal had been hit and she could take its body back to the camp, or maybe it was because she missed her mother, but she finds herself at the thunder path, their border with Thunder Clan, and it seems she is not alone.

She does not smell them, the stench of that Star clan forbidden path clogging her nostrils, and so she pushes her way out into the open and spots them. She would turn away if she wasn’t certain that they had spotted her back. She wants to curse under her breath. Company is not something she has been looking for right now, especially not the company of another clan. Still, she wasn’t rude. "He-h-he-ll-l-looo" she calls in her stuttering speech, wincing at her own words. "Ho-hows how’s it uhm h-howwww h-hows I-I-I-It g-g-gooooing o-over over th-t-th-there?" she asks, thankful the thunder path was quiet right now, lest she have to raise her voice any higher than it’s usual lithe.

If you don't like me, that's your problem
No one noticed her slip out of camp only to trail behind Starlingpaw. Melding in and out of shadow Tornado continued her pursuit, stopping once citrine eyes landed upon a half wilted flower. Quietly she approached the golden bloom, plucking absent mindedly at the marsh marigold rather roughly, ripping it out of the soggy soil roots and all. Starling and her aunt used stuff like this right? She remembered Bonejaw using some fancy looking plants when healing up the monotone apprentice after her opossum attack. Lifting her head a bit higher to keep the marigold from dragging upon the ground, Tornado quickly tottled after Starling's retreating form. Her brows pinched together at the acidic smell of asphalt. All of this was new to her. The sight of the thunderpath and the subtle yet stark change of scenery on thunderclan's side certainly piqued her interest. Finally reaching Starling's side the girl spit out her mouthful of shredded plant matter. "Starlingpaw do you think you could use this stuff for your fancy healing-Who's that?" The brutish kitten asked, peering past the her clanmate and over at Rabbitnose. Hard yellow eyes hold the warrior's attention for a moment longer before glancing back at the medicine cat apprentice.
When I let it bother me, that's my problem

The fire-pelted tom pads behind Rabbitnose, green eyes darting around quickly.

He's on high alert. A patrol to a border he'd rather not go near is enough, but to add darkness to it? Finchcatcher hoped nothing would go wrong. Hoped that a run-in with ShadowClan - specifically their leader, the screechy thing - could be avoided.

Rabbitnose instructs them, tells them to be nice, not to start anything. Stars, Finchcatcher didn't need to be told twice.

He gets to work, only to pause when an unfamiliar, staggered voice echoes across the way. He turns, eyes wide, fur spiked, only to flatten down when he realizes it's just a kid that speaks - not a warrior or their leader. Though, he'd rather not speak to ShadowClan's apprentices, either. Would rather be far away from the clan. Someone would need to talk though, if they were to avoid any conflict.

"Fine," he finally speaks, tail twitching behind him, "It's going fine over here. How's it going over there?"
much to the misfortune of the thunderclan patrol, pitchstar does show his gaunt face. and it is clear that the shadowclan leader is not pleased. tornadokit has disobeyed one simple rule. one simple rule that, upon being ignored, had caused his mother's death. if slitherpaw and marrowpaw had never snuck out, never wandered onto the thunderpath when they weren't supposed to even leave the tunnel without supervision, briarstar would've never had to save them. she would've never been struck by that monster. she would've never died.

seeing that same rule broken, at the same thunderpath that his mother had died upon... it makes his blood boil and his gut twist. "tornadokit!" the tabby all but screeches as he races over, planting himself between the disobedient kit and the thunderpath. "what are you doing out of camp?! and at the thunderpath, of all places?!" he doesn't care that she's practically apprentice-aged. all he can see is tornadokit wandering onto the thunderpath like slitherpaw and marrowpaw had. starlingpaw racing after her, like briarstar had. a monster barreling down on them, flattening his baby sister into the ground, just like that fateful day.

he doesn't even acknowledge the thunderclan patrol. all he sees is blood pouring out onto asphalt.

His attitude softened as he saw Starlingpaw greet them. He gave her a bright smile. He only had issues with Pitchstar, and not the little molly before him. She seemed so sweet, he hoped the swamp wouldn't ruin it.

"Hello! We're doing just fine over here. I hope you all are doing well and keeping warm?" He replied to her.

He didn't like Shadowclan but....The thought of their younger cats freezing to death made him feel sick.

His ears pointed up in alarm when he saw Tornadokit. He nearly mistook her for an apprentice, but as Pitchstar came in to view, he was corrected.

"Kits sure know how to get in trouble...." He said to himself, but still loud enough to be heard. He frowned, his fur risen and now paying more attention to the thunderpath. He wouldn't wish being crushed under a monster on anyone.

And he was absolutely the type to risk his life for another clans kit.
If you don't like me, that's your problem
Before Starling can answer her question she hears her own name shouted in a way reminiscent to her lost father. The tone implying there were swift consequences to be had and that she was in a heap of trouble. The sound alone made the black smoke jolt with surprise and she could have sworn that her soul left her body for half a second. Before Tornado could turn to face him Pitch was already upon her, glaring with disappointed eyes. His towering form shields her from view, blocking her from the strange smelling path and the thunderclanners across the way. She swallows thickly, mustering up the will to speak, and once she opens her mouth Pitch is shouting again. The young laperm clamps shut, ebony ears falling against her head as she unknowingly presses against Starlingpaw. The contact is comforting to a degree, but it does not completely calm her from Pitchstar's reprimanding.

"I was just trying to gather some plants for Starlingpaw." She begins steadily blinking citrine eyes once then twice to clear the burn of tears that threatened to fall. She didn't understand, couldn't understand. Before shadowclan she walked everywhere with her parents, never confined to a single spot for hours on end. Staying locked up in camp, enduring stagnation day in and out was eating her alive and she needed to do something, anything. "I wasn't going to go over there Pitchstar, I promise." She adds, her voice cracking along the edges as she looks over at Starlingpaw and then back at the angered leader.
When I let it bother me, that's my problem
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

She scented ThunderClan, and it takes all she can not to sprint from the treeline and bolt for the asphalt under her paws. But Emberstar isn't there, and why would she be? It's daylight, border patrol time. She gives the cats on the other side a curious look, wondering just what sort of warriors make up Emberstar's Clan.

Pitchstar's screaming jolts her out of her thoughts. She gives a sympathetic look to Tornadokit; she puts on a brave face in front of their leader, but Flickerfire can detect tears behind her promise. "Tough luck, kid," she says distractedly. "Pitchstar doesn't play about the Thunderpath, and neither should you. Starlingpaw can take you away from the Thunderpath, I'm sure." She flicks her tail dismissively, gazing at the ThunderClan patrol again.

Instead of trading niceties, she calls out, "Heyo! How's Emberstar doing?"

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