camp HERO OF THE DAY // playing

Nov 14, 2023

Basilpaw didn't feel like training today to be honest he would much rather stay inside in his nest to play with the pretty white stone his secret admirer had given to him!. So the perfect plan had been cooking inside of his head this whole morning on how to skip his training session with Spiderwing today. It was waterproof for sure. Basilpaw were quick to move into action as he would hurry himself outside and looked right and then left to make sure no one was watching him right now. Once everything was clear he hurried himself out and jumped right into a pile of snow that laid in camp and there he would hide. Spiderwing would call out his name multiple times searching everywhere beside the pile of snow that was!. Eventually she would give up on trying to find her apprentice in camp and had left with a patrol to search for him outside camp instead. Unaware of the potential chaos he might just have started Basilpaw left his hideout once being sure he was safe to leave. Proud that he had outsmarted his own mentor the apprentice would sneak himself inside the apprentice den once more with a snicker. To his delight he was the only one inside and so he rushed straight back over to his nest to take out his white pretty stone along with a stick and some stones he had find during one of his many patrols with Spiderwing which he had brought back as toys to play with.

He placed all of them in front of him with the stones to the side and the stick put in front of the white stone that laid separated from the rest. Picking the stick up with his paw Basilpaw started to move it. " Shadowclan bow before me because i Granitestick have your leader as my prisoner!." Basilpaw tried to use the most dark and evil voice he could master, and he would move the stick to stand on top of the white stone which was to represant Chilledstar. " Oh no!, evil Granitestick are back and have our leader!, what should we do?!." he let go of the stick so he could move the stones around which were suppose to be his clanmates. He then put them back down again to grap the white stone. " Oh starclan, who is gonna save us now?" Chilledstar spoke with desperation and defeat. It was then Basilpaw placed the stone back down and rose to his paws to stand tall. " Do not fear shadowclan! because i Basilkiller are here to stop this tyrann!." he acted out with a voice darker and stronger then his typical one. He then used a more feminine and soft voice to act like the crowd who started to cheer out his name as their savior. Taking a step forward he pointed a paw at the stick. " Granitestick!, let go of Chilledstar this instant or feel my wrath!."

" Never! " The villain snarled with the voice of Basilpaw. The grey tom then crounched down to the ground with eyes locked on the stick that laid helpless on the ground. " In that case you give me no other choice!" Basilpaw jumped forward and attacked the stick, biting it with his teeths before rolling over on his back as he kicked at the stick with his back legs while giving out kit-like growls.

*+:。.。 "I wanna play too or else I'll tattle on you!" Singekit's squeaky threat would announce his presence, his small form blocking the light from the apprentice's den entrance like the unwelcome arrival of a grim reaper. Probably not the best way to go about forging bonds, but being vulnerable enough to request to be invited in a play session he could be - and most likely would be - rejected from was still not his strong suit.

But boy, did the boy want to play!

The unfortunate truth about being a high-energy kitten in a community that doesn't allow your one desire to throw yourself into the great wilderness before you're big enough to avoid getting kit-napped by a common owl is that he has time. Lots of time. Too much time, frankly! And with so many of his playmates now busy-body apprentices, he had less friends than seconds in the day. That meant he was stuck just sitting at the nursery entrance grumpily people-watching. So people-watch he did, and in doing so he watched Basilpaw's antics. The older feline was positively wild, and Singekit was in awe watching the cat dive into a mountain of snow to avoid going out to train. Singekit would've been offended that he avoided something Singekit was dying to be a part of had he not been to focused on being awe-struck by the shenanigans. Singekit had to know what all this effort was being put in for to do! So as soon as Basilpaw made his escape and ran into the apprentice's den, Singekit was quick to follow.

Peeking over the lip of the entrance, his heart soared with childish glee as Basilpaw acted out the coolest fight scene Singekit had ever seen!

He could see in his mind's eye the evil Granitestick, his frightening voice booming over a helpless clan, demanding their humiliation lest they lose their beloved leader, ChilledRockstar! Singekit could never imagine Chilledstar themself cowering in fear, but perhaps Granitestick had used some underhanded trick to fell his beloved leader! Either way, Singekit's fur was on end as he watched the scene play out. Rock-cats cried out in terror, Chilledrockstar wailed to the heavens for Starclan's help - but Singekit knew they would not come! The clan was doom! The rocks were helpless to the mighty stick! Who would ever save them - save Chilledstar! I mean Chilledrockstar!

Basilkiller would, that's who!

From the shadows, the powerful apprentice stood tall, his voice thunderous over the wails of the rock-cats and stick-villain! Basilkiller - what a great name! Singekit was a bit upset he didn't come up with the idea himself - Singekiller sounded cooler, but stealing ideas was lame so he'll resign himself to Singefang for now. But the envy was washed away as the rock-cats cheered with joy, sweeping Singekit right back into the drama. He rested his chin on his front paws, wiggling his rump as he watched with wide-eyed the events unfold!
How could Basilkiller possibly defeat Granitestick if Chilledrockstar couldn't!? Starclan, he'd have to be tough!

But with a confidence that knows no bounds, Basilkiller challenges Granitestick! He imagines his former denmate, small though he is, standing up to the taller, fiercer, evil-er Granitestick, his evil paw firmly on Chilledstar's injured head. The bravery! The guts! Singekt has to fight back a gasp when Granitestick responds with a threatening howl - NEVER! For he knew he was stronger than Basilkiller!
Or was he?!

In the next moment, Basilkiller was upon Granitestick, tearing the evildoer to shreds and rescuing the rock-clan from his evil splinter clutches! Singekit wiggled his tail joyfully as his former denmate fought, and more than anything Sin wanted badly to join in! So, the boy sprang forth from the sidelines, shouting his demands, hoping against hope that Basilpaw - Basilkiller - would allow him to help out!

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    2 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPCx NPC (brother to Swallowkit)
    Shadowclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold ruddy
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: None currently

Betonyfrost takes in the unfolding events with only half an ear—watches with a sardonic amusement as Basilpaw emerges from gathered snow like a gopher from a hole, and then twists over herself to lay facing away from where Basilpaw gathers what Betonyfrost can only categorize in her mind as supplies. She isn't curious about the stick or the stones collected—Basilpaw wouldn't be the first apprentice to slip their mentor in favor of a game, and he certainly wouldn't be the last.

It's only when Basilpaw begins speaking—playacting—that Betonyfrost's attention returns, her chin laying on her shoulder and her green eyes narrowed in distaste.

"How quickly such terrible things have become inspiration for your little fantasy," Betonyfrost bites, "Have some shame, and quiet down." Her green eyes flick to Singekit, "That is, the both of you. Worse than frogs in Newleaf."​
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 27 moons | tags