Hero & The Enemy | Antlerpaw

As they padded along, Mosspaw gave Antlerpaw a sidelong glance. Only for a moment, then she focused her gaze ahead of her once more. The tension from their argument the day prior still hung over them. Her ear flicked. Even though she loved her sister dearly, she silently wished she had been assigned to a different patrol. She just wanted to put their little spat behind them, like adults. It was all so petty. Her sister had gotten all worked up, had called her a mousebrain, over a nest. Mosspaw did not understand her sometimes.

A real warrior would not be bothered by something so small. That was why she was not even going to think about it any more. She was only going to think about this patrol, and not worry about what Antlerpaw thought.

Mosspaw glanced at her sister again.

Her ear flicked again.

Besides, she had been right. She knew she had been right. Hissing in another cats face over a nest was childish and stupid. The deputy himself had said the same thing she had, what more proof did she need? Would it take the word of the stars themselves for her sister to admit she had been right?

Mosspaw had been right and Antlerpaw had called her a mousebrain for it.​

isn't it exhausting
always rooting
for the villain?
Antlerpaw strutted out of the apprentices den. She had already been out and about today, with her mentor of course, and his other apprentice who just ground her gears, so when Mosspaw couldn't keep her beady little eyes off of her it didn't take her long to stalk over, tail flicking, and ask just what in Starclan's name was wrong with her. "What in Starclan's name is wrong with ya?! Why can't you keep ya eyes off me, huh? I can set'm straight if ya need me too!"
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly