private He's flown, he's fled ✶ Kurt


Make me a bird of prey
Feb 11, 2024

Outsiders joining SkyClan was a common occurrence, it was what set them apart from the other clans after all. This openness left them subject to ridicule, something that Owlheart still didn't understand. Was it really so bad that they recognised that there was something important that kittypets and other outside cats brought for the clan? Perhaps she was too soft or too naive but she was pretty certain that it was rather that the other clans were jaded. This all being said, she was used to seeing all manner of cats at their borders.

There was something different about Kurt, at least to Owlheart there was. While she hadn't asked him plainly at the border he didn't smell like other cats. He also didn't really talk like the other outsiders looking to join either, it was baffling that he decided to attend at such a late hour just because of stories. Yet underneath the initial shock she found herself curious about him. Besides, she was starting to become more social with her clan-mates that had been her for moons on end. So it only made sense for her next step of trying to step outside her social comfort zone to be through starting to talk with the comers more. Kurt seemed friendly and she wasn't normally one to hold her curiosities or thoughts back, so it only made sense to try and speak with him.

After a few minutes her debate over if she should try to branch out and speak with him ultimately landed on yes, talking and asking questions would be a good idea.. White paws hesitantly walked towards him, feathery tail swaying haphazardly as she approached. “Hello again, I hope you don't mind if I asked you some questions?” She didn't sound apprehensive cutting right to the chase, she had decided earlier that she was going to do this. Overall she was nervous, it did have less to do with him and more to do with her own introverted hurdles. If Kurt didn't mind her asking questions then she would continue, though taking a moment too long before realising that she should speak next. “You mentioned that you had finished a show when you came to our border. What did that mean? Is that why you don't smell like most cats who come from the Twolegplace?”


Finding his way around this group of wild cats, this SkyClan, had proved to be more interesting than Kurt might have previously imagined it might be. He knew that joining them, even in the small capacity that he did, would bring about changes, but he possibly hadn't thought ahead quite enough, and his choice to join might have been a tad quick on the draw. Regardless, he was here now, and he would make certain that his presence didn't go unknown.

He'd been prodding at a mouse on the fresh-kill pile when he was approached by one of the cats who had welcomed him when he'd shown up at SkyClan's border - he recognized her as the one that had asked for his business being at the border so late. A smile manifests on his maw and he flicks his tail in welcome when she speaks, talking of how she wishes to ask some questions of Kurt.

"Ah, of course," he sits, beckoning the she-cat to do the same so that they might talk more comfortably. She wants to know of Kurt's show, and he's more than happy to tell her what he meant by a show. "I perform shows at a circus. Do you know what this is?" He asks, and before the girl can speak again, he adds, "And, fräulein, do you mind if I ask your name? I do not believe I know it."
  • !
  • KURT daylight warrior of skyclan, twenty-eight moons
    speaks with a German accent
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    penned by Archivist.archivist on discord.


There's a moment where she blinks at his beckoning, taking a moment to realise what he was doing and sits down across from him. Her ears flush in embarrassment, somehow wide golden eyes grow slightly wider as she realised that she hadn't given her name before now. “Oh- Sorry. My name's not sorry- it's Owlheart” there was disbelief that she hadn't introduced herself before now.

To distract herself from thinking too hard about her embarrassment she found herself glancing at the mouse that Kurt had been pawing at moments prior. “I don't think so? Is that a twoleg thing?” The forest was her home, Owlheart couldn't recall a moment where she had set paw in the Twolegplace. That may be why she was so curious about this circus that Kurt mentioned.

“What's this circus about? What do you do there?” She had heard of show cats before. The stories that she heard about weren't pleasant, Kurt seemed pretty content though so he mustn't be an unhappy show cat. Unless a circus wasn't the same? She felt like a kit again, badgering some poor warrior about stories about the world outside of camp. “I uh.. If you have any questions about things here in SkyClan at all I could try to answer them, so that way things aren't one sided?”

"Owlheart! A beautiful name! You must be wise, and I know you are kind." Kurt exclaimed, smile widening as he learned the young she-cat's name - strange as it was, it sounded in line with how the leader of SkyClan had introduced herself as Orangestar. With Owlheart's new offer of information for information standing, Kurt knew what the first thing he would ask would be - but first, he was to explain what a circus was, and the idea made his heart flutter.

"It is indeed a 'twoleg' thing," he nodded, "There, life is beautiful! There are many acts - this means, there are performances put on by various talents to entertain an audience of 'twolegs'. My performance is one of acrobatics - I believe that many of the cats here would be just as talented, if not more, than I am in this field." Kurt chuckled at the thought of subjecting himself to being a mediocrity amongst elites now that he had joined SkyClan.

He'd been born into the circus, though he didn't share this with Owlheart: born into a life of training in little tricks for treats, and the memory of being brought up that way made him wonder just how the younger cats in this Clan were trained. They certainly didn't have the little treats that the housefolk divvied out for a job well-done, though perhaps the praise of their elders was enough for such a honorable society here in the forest.

"I don't mind answering your questions, Owlheart," he reassured her. "But, I do have some questions of my own. Your names are strange to me - beautiful, but strange. How is one named in this neck of the woods?"


Compliments were not something that Owlheart knew how to take well. Kurt is met with blinking born out of confusion and the tabby could swear that her ears were on fire at this point. “Oh! Uh thank you , that's very kind of you to say” she smiles at him, not wanting him to think that he has upset or offended her in any way.

It was delightful to hear what a circus was, or rather, it was delightful to hear the passion in Kurt's voice as he explained what a circus was. Owlheart could gather a basic understanding of what one was but the appeal alluded to her. “So what do you do for your acrobatics? Do you climb things?” That kit like curiosity jumped out again, wide eyed and full of wonder. Knowledge was something that she liked to collect, finding out about something new had always grabbed her attention.

“Do you think you'd use what you learn here for your act?” Depending on whatever it was that Kurt did she could see it feasible. Did this circus even have any trees? What would a circus tree look like? What does a circus look like? Her mind branched off into different avenues for tangents, she didn't want to bombard him with questions just yet though. No matter the reassurances she couldn't help but bite her tongue, all in the name of being polite.

“Our names? Oh! That's easy to explain” That confusion melted into excitement as she realised what his question entailed. The tabby was delighted to jump on the opportunity to discuss her clan, Kurt's clan now as well. “So, you have to shadow one of our warriors for two moons” she gestured with a paw to the surrounding space where she could see different clan mates going about their lives. “Since you're a daylight warrior, right? Yeah, you could either take a full clan name like mine or you could combine your night time name with part of a clan name. These are assigned by Orangestar!” She was pretty certain that she got it right, she nodded to herself as she mentally recounted what she said to make sure that she hadn't misled him in any way.

Kurt let out a bark of laughter, though he wasn't laughing at Owlheart - rather, it was a laugh of contentment, at being able to talk about his other life so freely without feeling as though he were a burden or being annoying. This she-cat's curiosity was simply feeding Kurt's humble ego, which he would claim he didn't have - pride was a sin, after all. Ah, but what fun was there in life if one let everything drag them down?

"I do indeed. The twolegs, they set up pedestals and arrangements that I learn how to climb and maneuver. I think they think some of them terribly tricky, and while I do love a good challenge, after a few practice runs I can scale them rather expertly." Kurt nodded, and he paused to consider Owlheart's question about applying his circus skills to this second life of his.

"Hm, I could see myself using those skills." He finally decided, glancing up at the sky and the surrounding branches that sprouted off of the trees that surrounded them. Sometimes, the circusfolk would set up large standing pieces that were not dissimilar from trees, but Kurt had an inkling that there might be a little bit of a different between climbing the poles and climbing a tree. He supposed he would have the chance to find out, now.

His eyes widened as Owlheart explained to him the way that Clan names worked, and he followed her gesture to look at the Clanmates that were milling about. The thought of combining his already existing name with a second word sounded... funny. The idea of Kurtheart was laughable, and he smiled at the thought before musing aloud, "It would be rather interesting to take on a full Clan name. After two moons, you say... it would be a proper initiation."

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She was undecided on if he was laughing at her or the situation. The tone seemed pretty content so she was going to take the role of the optimist here. It's obvious that the young warrior is invested in the new joiners stories, with how she normally carries herself melting away to the whims of curiosity. She shifts to lean forward, a subconscious gesture to hear better even though she could hear perfectly fine.

Her face scrunches in confusion as she tries to picture this strange arrangement that the twolegs create for Kurt. Nothing she could possibly imagine seemed to compare to the reality of it, distantly she wonders if this circus was a thing that cats could attend.”Do you find yourself wanting more of a challenge? I'm sure that you make it look easy” She couldn't attest to his actual skills as she hadn't seen them yet but the confidence he carried did a lot.

“Would you like to do other stunts for your performance? Could you do anything else?” It didn't seem like Kurt was discontent with what he was doing or anything like that. “I would like to see this circus sometime, take notes on what SkyClan methods you'll be using” she mused out loud. The tabby wondered if it would be jarring to see something that she was used to only being seen in the confinement of the forest be taken out to something like a twoleg show.

These wonderings are benched as he muses about taking a full clan name. Owlheart carried a prideful delight at how pleased he seemed to be with the thought of earning a it. She couldn't recall when a daylight warrior had done such a thing, there was an understanding and a respect as to why they only take half names yet she wouldn't deny the interest that was held in him taking a full name.

She nods at his words, whiskers twitching as she thought about what to say. “You don't have to take a full clan name of course and it's not our choice of course of what names we receive but I'd be curious, do you have any ideas for a name?”