tell me, muse, of the man of many ways
May 2, 2023
Though Vixensong had spent much of his life in SkyClan at this point, he had never been particularly married to concepts like Clan allegiance. And perhaps that was a bad idea. Especially now, what with inter-clan conflict and catnappings and a rising sense of danger that permeated the world more and more with every passing day. But at the end of the day—he just did not care that much. Certainly not enough to change his behaviors about it. It was too much fun to stop, and he liked what he did. It wasn't like he had ever gotten in danger, or any meaningful kind of it.

Part of this lack of care for the rules was his tendency to skip territory entirely, weaselling his way out of SkyClan land and into the places beyond what the clans claimed. The clans were great for friends and for a place to sleep at night, but Vixensong liked to see the outside world whenever he could. It was much more interesting.

That interest today manifested in a curious fellow that Vixensong spotted, not too deep into the loner lands. From what cursory glance he could get of him, he was quite a looker, too. By Vixensong's standards, anyway. And the most interesting people were the handsome ones, after all.

"Hello, there," Vixensong half-crooned half-called, drawing out the "o" in "hello" for a considerably long time as he made his way over. "Always nice to see a face like yours." [⋆] ​