hey brother — duskpool


rather die on my feet than live on my knees
Jun 5, 2024
for all that wild charisma and wanderlust , you sure are vengeful
Steppin’ foot within their camp had been a surreal experience, molten amber hues skimming dens and mingling strangers with an interested curl of scarred lips. So this is where they go about livin’. It hadn’t surprised him, used to livin’ on the streets collectin’ scraps and breakin’ up fights in a world where the strong slaughtered the weak, but Outlaw had always been righteous in that regard, fightin’ for the weak.

It gave him some purpose after losin’ his kin. Somethin’ to make up for the rich, tar-filled guilt that filled his lungs like tree sap, sticky and a pain to get rid of. He chuffed, deep and guttural. It was why he never stopped movin’, always findin’ something to do — busy work he supposed to keep his mind busy and offer some good back into a stranger’s life.

“Nice place ya got here.” He commented, scar-ridden ear twitching, tone liquid smooth against the rough timbre. In search of his supposed kin, rough, calloused paw pads ventured further, gone was his relaxed grin, replaced by deadpan features tinged with natural charisma.

It hadn’t been hard to spot the familial tom talkin’ to whoever, throat rumbling in a quiet purr. “Long time no see, Youkai!” He whistled, noting the new ( older ) marks decorating his brother’s pelt. He noted the flash of surprise — disbelief clear beneath scarred features causin’ the other to grin, warmth spreading through his chest. “Squirrel got yer tongue?” He teased, steppin’ closer, nose-to-nose.

“Been a while, ain’t it?” He commented like nothin’ happened, shoulder bumpin’ Youkai’s with a friendly chuff. Long time, ain’t it? He thought, bittersweet, yet nothin’ gave way to such emotions, still grinnin’ softly.

thought speech
don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
A younger warrior had come up to him seekin’ advice, wantin’ to build their defensive skills. Duskpool had been happy to oblige. His tone was steady throughout the conversation, wooly tail skimmin’ the ground, patience endless despite the abundance of questions tossed his way — bright-eyed and ready to please their clan. He wanted to huff in muddled amusement at the expression, sure to wean the longer they lived, but Duskpool always had a way of thinkin’ negatively.

“Long time no see, Youkai!”

Brows furrowed, Duskpool peeled his gaze away from the young warrior to settle on familiar — far too familiar — features. Killian? He thought, disbelief clouding deadpan features, allowing barely concealed surprise to flutter against maimed features. “What—” He swallowed harshly, paw steps guiding him toward the other, nose-to-nose.

“Killian?” He muttered, timbre shaky. Damnit. This better not be a hallucination, or he was losin’ it.

At first glance, it was nearly impossible to distinguish the two, sharin’ the same toned molten copper and obsidian, ghostly fur and hefty builds. It was the disfigurations visible to the naked eye that split them apart. Of course. Outlaw had always been naturally open about his emotions, arguably, not as honest. Still, he grinned easier than Duskpool’s deadpan features, and barely there smiles tacked on to be half-quipped smirks and reluctant looks.

With the gentle bump of their shoulders, Duskpool nearly laughed, bitter and boisterous. Ya always had perfect timin’. He swallowed the ‘where the hell have ya been’ because that was somethin’ Duskpool had no right to know since those upwalkers split them apart. “It’s been a while.” He repeated, helm bumping Killian’s affectionately, scarred lips quirked into a barely-there smile.

“Yer insufferable, ya know that?” He shot back. “And it ain’t Youkai, not anymore.” He muttered. When was the last time? Not since Sorrelsong had come lookin’ for him, utterin’ his name with hope. He fought back a wince, features grimacin’.

Youkai was a name that brought nothin’ but grief. “Better start gettin’ used to callin’ me Duskpool.”
thought speech
for all that wild charisma and wanderlust , you sure are vengeful
“Consider me surprised, seems like we both got new names.” He grinned, returnin’ the affectionate bump. “Folks out here call me Outlaw nowadays. Fittin’, ain’t it?” He mused, grinnin’ cheekily.

Of course, that resulted in an exasperated huff, paw raisin’ to shove Outlaw’s face away earnin’ a loud cackle from the tom. Tippin’ his imaginary hat, “I kid. I kid.” He snickered, marred lips curling devilishly, revealin’ pearly whites.

Steppin’ back, only a tail’s worth because admittedly, Outlaw ain’t lookin’ forward to lettin’ the other out of his sight. Not if this was what happened. He sighed, smile turnin’ more genuine. “Say. Ya look like ya got chewed out by a bunch of angry mutts.” He prodded, straight to the point.

He watched Duskpool’s expression shift, turn guarded at the question and sigh, avoidin’ it entirely. Outlaw scowled, molten amber hues narrowin’. “I ain’t one to give up, ya know that better than anyone Duskpool, but I’d rather this good ol’ reunion remain civil before one of us starts bitin’.” He grinned smoothly.

Just what mess did ya get yerself into? He sure ain’t one for hypocrisy, havin’ his own shit to deal with — trauma ain’t all that great. He sighed, reachin’ forward to brush a wooly tail against Duskpool’s flank. “Come along now. Why don’t ya show me the territory? Spend some quality time with kin till I head on to see my folks for the night.”
thought speech
don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
He scowled, evident by the curl of scarred lips, willowy tail twitchin’ against the rough, well-worn path to flick upward, smackin’ the back of Outlaw’s helm ( it was harmless ). “And that there is why most folks find ya troublesome.” He muttered darkly. Uncomfortable, is another way of puttin’ it. His thoughts strayed to their younger days, parents that couldn’t be bothered and careless upwalkers.

“Keep yer nose to yerself. I ain’t gonna kneel over and die.” He sighed, shakin’ his helm. “I’m too damn stubborn for that.” He tacked on with an affectionate shoulder bump. Duskpool hadn’t bothered to mention anythin’ else of the sort, the prolonged helplessness — death after death did put a drag on his mental health. He probably never will mention the hardship, not to Sorrelsong or Outlaw. It was best kept locked tight where it didn’t see the light of day. Unhealthy, but it did the job. Duskpool sure ain’t gonna complain till it made a mess of things.

Stubborn fool. He glanced at the other through his peripheral, molten hues crinklin’ around the edges, creatin’ distant crows feet. “Let’s get goin’ then.” He grunted, pushin’ forward toward the camp’s entrance with a flick of his tail.

“Yer a kittypet now?” He commented, nonjudgemental, catchin’ on to the last detail with a raised brow, helm pivoting slightly to peer at the male. Outlaw nodded in confrontation, grinnin’ cheekily. He chuffed, shakin’ his helm. “They treatin’ ya right?” He added, concern dancin’ through honey hues.
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