hey brother — pollux , castor


fate leads the willing and drags the unwilling
Feb 18, 2023
.anger makes you stupid ———


——— stupid gets you killed.
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THE SMOKEY-HUED OBSIDIAN SCOWLED, WATCHING CASTOR WITH A FLICK OF his willowy tail that skimmed across the ground, kicking up poofs of dirt and leaves that fluttered from the movement. His molten copper hues twitched, brow raised at the cheeky grin Castor wore, frame tall, barely reaching Youkai’s height. “Idiot.” He grumbled. “Why the hell did you steal from my nest?” He quipped, jerking his head towards the semi-barren nest that lay, nestled beneath a pine tree.

He still hadn’t attempted to sleep in the warrior’s den, not since he’d woken up from that nightmare that seemed like ages ago. He sighed, reaching a clawed paw to drag down his scarred muzzle, shaking his helm. “You could have just taken them from the damn prey pile, you moron. Why the hell did you have to steal mine?” His tone was borderline annoyed, anger seeping into his words at the thought of having to go about collecting more.

Why the hell did Castor think it was a good idea? Taking apart the only thing he actually felt safe in. Sure. He knew he was safe in camp, but the prickling, itching sensation that danced along his skin never went away. How could it? He barely spent time there other than to patrol or hunt. Or whenever these two knuckleheads dragged me into their shit. Of course, he knew how dangerous it was to sleep outside of camp, but how could he when he wanted nothing more than to bolt the second he laid eyes on anyone? It was annoying as much as it wore him thin.

“Damnit.” He tossed his helm to the canopy of trees, teeth grinding as he fought to keep the bubbling words of anger from spilling past his lips. Castor meant well. He knew that.

thoughts speech
.people say that ———


——— i am heartless.
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THE SMOKED BRUTE WATCHED FROM AFAR, TAIL CURLED LOOSELY AROUND GIANT PAWS brow raised at the sight. Fuckin’ told you so. He wanted to shout, knowing better than to make things worse. He knew how much that nest, tucked underneath an old pine meant to Youkai, but once again, Castor never thought before springing into action.

Pollux grunted, clambering to his paw pads, gliding over towards the pair to give his brother a harsh lick across his nape while ambling over towards Youkai, pressing against the older male with a twitch of his whiskers. “Castor didn’t mean anything by it.” He quipped. “Dumbass probably didn’t realize what it meant to you.” He shrugged. “Nohin’ new.”

The blue-eyed tom pulled away to stare at his littermate, giving the other a shove. It wasn’t like it was entirely Castor’s fault either. The smokey brute might not have been there when it happened, but he sure as hell knew about it. Not that he’d admit that out loud and face Youkai’s silent wrath. Fuck no. He needed to live to bury his dumbass brother.

Of course, it wasn’t like they’d be warriors for very long, having joined just moons after Youkai, unaware of each other until they were placed on the same hunting patrol. It was an odd reunion. “Remember when Castor thought he could walk across the water?” He grinned, watching as Youkai’s demeanor sagged, snorting in agreement. “We were still kits then, huh?” He glanced over at Castor, liquid blue optics shifting back to Youkai. “You were a few years older than us.” He remarked head cocked. It was one of the few good memories they had when their lives revolved around nothing but death and rotting corpses.

thoughts speech
.fight it, or accept it ———


——— fear it, or control it.
———————— ————————
THE BLACK-AND-WHITE TOM WINCED AT THE TONE, GRINNING SHEEPISHLY at Youkai with a nervous flick of his tail. Way to go Castor. He thought with an annoyed huff, staring at the marred flesh contrasting against Youkai’s obsidian fur. Shit. He hadn’t meant to well cause that.

His amber optics met vivid blue, blinking in surprise. How long had he been zoning out? Whoops. His ears twitched at the silly memory, huffing in embarrassment. “I was curious! It wasn’t like we had the chance to see rain.” He shot back. “Didn’t realize it wasn’t solid.” He grumbled, cheeks jutting out in a pout.

Pollux snickered, bumping his shoulder until the male went sprawling. “Asshole!” He shouted, rolling back to his feet with sticks and pine needles woven into the long tendrils.


Castor stared down at himself, realizing the pine needles were sticky. “You didn’t—” He stared at Pollux’s face which split into a crazed grin while Youkai held a paw to his lips, muffling the wheezed chuckles that managed to escape. “Hahaha. Real funny. You guys are assholes, you know that.” He exclaimed.

It wasn’t long before Castor gave chase to Pollux who stumbled, rolling to his feet, snarling for the other to get away from him. “Nope! Give me a hug! You know you want one!” He called, cackling as he chased after his brother, leaving Youkai to watch the two with a fond smile.

“I knew you cared for me! You can’t deny the brotherly love, Pollux!”

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