hey hey hey


New member
Jun 30, 2024
hi there!

it's been yeeeaars since i've indulged in a good wc roleplay. i was deep in the trenches of animal jam "advanced" roleplayers at like 8-12 years old. and look where that's led me. i've been longing for that high ever since. i also study creative writing and art now, which makes a lot of sense. it really ALL starts with warrior cats. but i've never done forum rps or things of the like, so i hope i fit in well enough.
anyway, i'm 19 and i love birds more than most things. barred owls are my fave (peep the username) alongside the american woodcock. a lot of my characters are bound to be bird-inspired in some way because it infiltrates everything i do. i have an unfinished, entirely bird-inspired cast of wc clans hidden somewhere...... but i also love other things, like wildlife and vulture culture, writing fiction and poetry, etc. etc.
to keep it fairly anonymous, you can call me hoo :) i use she/her prns. i might not be too active, because school and social anxiety, but i'll try my best to get involved and not be a dead account.......

anyway, hi. i hope i did the intro thing right :>
welcome to tt! lucky for you, this is the perfect place for creative writers and artists! you're in good company ((: forum rp is the best way to do it IMO, it's so fun and we're here to help you get started! if you'd like, you can join our discord (a lot of plotting, character creation, and just general chatting goes on there)

looking forward to seeing you around!
Hi hi!! Welcome to TT! I’m blitz, I’m one of the admins here so feel free to ask me any questions or anything you need!! No worries at all about your activity, we welcome all rpers alike no matter how often they post. We’re super excited to have you here!
🤝 bird lover
im ghost btw! i also happen to be fond of birds and dead things and poetry etc etc etc. dont ask me about my pigeon because then i wont shut up about my pigeon. if you need help getting started (or are in need of a list of bird-based names >:}) id b happy to help!