hey, mickey! ; reintro


siren 𖦹⭒°。⋆
Nov 20, 2023
"Damn, what swan died here?" Sunsetfury peers over the bank, hulking frame still dripping water as she hauls herself from the freezing waves. No patrol or anything—the tortoiseshell was as fond of the river as any other proper RiverClanner, perhaps more so ( if you asked her ), and so she was apt to go for a dip whenever possible. Even if whenever possible was when leaf-bare still left the water with a certain bracing chill to it.

Pearly white feathers are splayed across the sandy ground and Sunsetfury crouches, muscles bunching in her shoulders, to inspect the smattering of plumes. Colorful butterfly wings, shedding fragile flakes of iridescent membranes, are tucked neatly behind her ears in a fan of sunburst color. Then again, those are only today's decorations—these feathers would make some fine adornments tomorrow. The tortoiseshell grins, displaying a mouthful of formidable fangs, and glances at whoever has appeared along the shore. "Well, ain't these pretty?"

"Do you think these'd make me look pretty?" The young warrior narrows her eyes, fixing her Clanmate with a scrutinizing blue gaze. Her tone implies the answer is apparent, that she'll be rather offended if it isn't a yes, obviously, until she breaks into a torrent of throaty giggles. "Just teasin'. I'm takin' em with me regardless."

// feel free to be the cat she's talking to!


Hawkcloud picks her way along the shoreline, enjoying the sound of the sandy grain crunching beneath her paws and grateful that — today, at least — there isn't snow covering it. Perhaps leaf-bare is slowly creeping towards its warmer days, or so she hopes for Sunsetfury — giving a shiver of her own as she watches the other she-cat pull herself out of the river, pelt weighed down by freezing water. However, her attention is quickly drawn to the pile of feathers that the warrior has discovered, blinking at the snow-colored plumes and wondering what happened to the bird that had left them. Perhaps it was attacked by something.

She then turns to the older she-cat, blinking in surprise when Sunsetfury directs a question at her with a sort of intense look in her eyes. She seems to be demanding an answer, and Hawkcloud is about to speak up when the tortoiseshell begins to laugh. "Yes, I think so!" the younger warrior tells her anyways, shuffling her paws together and giving a bright smile even though Sunsetfury had said she was only teasing. She did think so, and still wanted to let the older she-cat know even though she technically didn't need to. Hawkcloud didn't often decorate her own fur, not one to take the time to fuss over herself even before Gatherings, but she thought it looked very pretty when others did. The feathers would suit Sunsetfury, she thought.
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A sudden exclamation grasps the bicolored molly's attention, swiftly distracting her from her own fruitless searching. The question lingering in the air leaves the young warrior to glance at the ivory pile of scattered feathers adorning the ground. Periwinkle eyes sparkle with surprise upon closer inspection. They were rather pretty, gorgeous actually. Dark paws cruise to a halt alongside her fellow warrior, nodding her head in agreement. "They really are, what a lucky find Sunsetfury." Sablemist murmured softly. Although, she clams up the moment a pointed question is flung in Hawkcloud's direction. Blue eyes shift, watching and wondering in silence. Hawkcloud's answer does not come immediately but she answers anyway despite Sunsetfury's teasing. A soft amused huff flutters from her jaws. "Will you wear them anytime soon?" She piped up, tossing her attention back to the feathers below.
≖≖ riverclan warrior / sixteen moons old / she/her ≖≖
⸙͎。˚⋆ ⍋ ѧѦ ѧ⍋ ⸙͎。˚⋆

The notion is hard to imagine... he's not more than a pawful of moons old still and experiencing the variety of waterfowl that wander through the territory is in limited supply. A swan, Sunsetfury says, and he is left reeling for what kind of beast it could be to leave such large feathers behind. He thinks of a beak primed to latch into the back of his neck... or maybe it has sinister talons that could slap him so hard his head would spin?

He peers between the now claimed decorations and the tortoiseshell molly with a small frown. Well... finders keepers....

"They're just white," he comments, as if unimpressed by their lack of vibrance in comparison to the insect wings carefully placed behind her ears. How was this meant to be an improvement to her beauty?

Everyone else seems to be in keen understanding of the concept and he gawks at them in mild-mannered befuddlement. Huh? "They're just feathers," he chimes in, again, restating his point that they have little to no effect on the visual aesthetic of the she-cat in question.​
If Sunsetfury was the type of cat who liked to adorn herself, it felt more than possible that she would be dismayed by Larchtuft's perpetually unkempt appearance. Quite apart from adding things of beauty to improve his looks, he barely managed to keep what he already possessed in acceptable condition. In his defense, he couldn't always help it - his fur just seemed to like sticking up in as many different directions as it could within the constraints of its short length. It had always been that way - he was Larchtuft for a reason, after all. But it formed a vicious cycle, where he didn't spend too much time tidying his coat because it was always a mess...and it stayed a mess because he didn't groom it much...and so on and so forth.

Still, he knew that RiverClanners were fond of pretty objects, and he wanted to be supportive of his Clanmates, even if he didn't quite understand the appeal. Hawkcloud and Sablemist both expressed their admiration of the feathers, though Valepaw did not appear to be impressed. "Wish the bird was here." he remarked in his quiet voice, having left the water's edge to join the group discussing Sunsetfury's accessorizing. Larchtuft's warm eyes lingered on the elegant white feathers, and the disheveled tomcat's efforts to determine the appeal was almost visible on his face. He could not help but think of how tasty a mouthful of freshly-killed swan would be, but he shoved that away as he added, "I like the wings you've got now, too."

Ferngill had quite an affinity for gathering things- that much was apparent by the state of his nest. And when someone cheered about a find, you-bet he would be near, ears angled inquisitively, solitary eye of green bright and curious. With twitching whiskers he neared, hearing Sunsetfury's chuckled remark to Hawkcloud, Sablemist's admiring comment, Valepaw's misunderstanding and Larchtuft'squiet prayer. "Now, a whole swan would be a lucky find," he chuckled, flicking Larchtuf on the shoulder with his silken tail and drawing up to Sablemist's side.

Gladdened, admiring vision settled on the feathers for a few moments- it was hard to hide how beautiful he thought those feathers were, how envious he was that Sunsetfury had found them first (and he would look for his own swan feathers later, he decided)- before slipping to Valepaw. "They're rare, though. I think that's what makes them beautiful," Ferngill said- though his voice was a-brim with humour. Decorations, things markedly plain despite their rarity, weren't everyone's thing. "Sablemist has an eye for this stuff," he chimed, bumping his shoulder against Sablemist's with a grin.
penned by pin
♡​ why you so obsessed with me ♡​

bronzeshine & 25 moons & female & she/her & riverclan warrior

Feathers? The green eyed molly overheard some chatter about feathers. Bronzeshine was no stranger, though she had none on her at the moment. She sauntered over, gaze raking over everyone in the little group so far. She'd been taking a stroll to a more popular fishing ground when she came across everyone. "Hmm, I dunno, I think they'd look better on me," she teased, though she couldn't help but secretly agree with her statement, even when made in jest.

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    physically moderate && mentally moderate
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
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