sensitive topics HEY THERE JOHNNY BOY, I HOPE YOU FRY // attempted poisoning

(follow up to this thread, he has been gone since late the previous night)

Tybalt grimaced, scrabbling up out of the riverbed the moment he had drifted past SkyClan's border. He shook his wet pelt briefly, and then carried on into the Twolegplace, past the rows of neatly lined twoleg nests. These were not what he was looking for, and he moved past them quickly, slinking silently into the alleyways between the taller structures.

His pace slowed then, amber optics scanning the edges of the lane for the small, dark boxes he knew would be baited with twoleg poisons meant to kill the unsuspecting rodents that would surely come upon them.

It was the bait itself that caught his eye first, a sharp blue contrasting against the otherwise dull, dimly lit walkway. Tybalt leaned down tentatively, sniffing lightly at the small, heavily chewed chunk of toxicity that seemed to have been scattered out from its station. His stomach turned. It was fresher here, the scent sharp and offensive to his nostrils, far worse than the first time he had smelled it— it had been faintly, almost not at all—in the body of the sickened rat that had taken his mother from him.

His ears twitched as his gaze settled upon the bait station, the sound of rustling from within affirming his suspicions of looting rodents. Tybalt moved silently towards it, crouching just outside of its entrance with his foreclaws extended. He waited with bated breath as the rustling became louder, and he shot a paw out just as a small brown head protruded from the exit.

Lowering his head to collect his kill, Tybalt wrinkled his muzzle as the sharp smell met his nose once again. It would fade on the journey back, washed away by his trip back upriver until it smelled the same just as any forest prey. Skyclaw would never know its origins. Not until it was too late for him.

He moved quickly then, back the way he had come, once again skirting the river's edge until he came up at Sunningrocks just as the dawn had begun to break. He lingered for a moment, burying his poisoned catch beside his earlier forest one, and then set off into the territory to hunt. He would not come back empty-pawed. He would make sure ThunderClan was fed, and that Skyclaw died slowly and agonizingly.

He worked through the remainder of the early morning until his wet pelt had dried, and then returned to his various burial spots to retrieve his stashed prey, saving the Sunningrocks for last. The baited mouse had lost its Twolegplace scent, and any lingering scent of poison had been smothered by a mixture of earthy forest scent and the forest-caught mouse it lay beside.

He padded back into camp, depositing his forest prey onto the fresh-kill pile before lifting the alleyway rodent by the tail and padding up to Skyclaw.

"Here," he rumbled. "You must be hungry."

(please wait for @skyclaw , his attempt will not be successful but if someone wants to have an NPC villain eat the mouse for dramatic purposes, feel free to do that)
Tybalt was the stubborn sort. Even before his own leadership, Skyclaw noticed that the tom never truly adopted the Clan name gifted to him. It was a different form of normal amongst them, one that as a youth, the tom never questioned. However his sudden rise to power forced him to think, and think he did. Just what was a tybalt? It's of no leaf nor animal he's ever known of. And though he cannot claim to know every herb and flower in the forest, even Gentlestorm says his name with a strange unfamiliarity. What are you...?

The devil appears with a clean coat and a mouth full of freshly caught prey. Skyclaw lounges in beside his mate, his newly clipped ear crusted with blood but thankfully not showing signs of infection. The tom says nothing of Tybalt, feeling it to be another day where the tom may slip beneath his radar - and yet the brown warrior approaches him. "You must be hungry," he says. Kindness has never been in Tybalt's tone, not even now. It's a matter of duty. Skyclaw shares a glance with Redflower before turning back to the tom.

"Not quite," he says, eyebrows furrowed. He scrutinizes the other, his tail ticking with the seconds, "Though, I imagine the nursery to be wild with hungry maws right now. You should bring it to them first," he insists. There's something wrong here, and though it's a pull of will and suspicion rather than understanding. Skyclaw tilts his head, "That should be of no issue, should it?"
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Reactions: Tybalt [Stagstrike]
Skyclaw was quick to reject his caught prey, suggesting he take it to the nursery instead. He wouldn't--not this piece. The nursery had seen enough poison to last until the end of time, and he was no kitten killer. His face betrayed nothing as Skyclaw spoke, and he responded with a curt flick of the tail towards the fresh-kill pile, laden with his other prey. "The nursery has more mouths to feed," he rumbled. "I'll take them something bigger. A squirrel or a rabbit would feed more mouths than a mouse, and the queens need to eat more to keep their strength up if we hope to keep the kits fed."

"You, however," he continued coolly, "I'm sure you have plenty of work to do. You ought to eat anyway. It'll give you a boost of energy to keep you going, and it'll leave the bigger prey for the kits and elders. I insist." He prodded the mouse towards the younger cat with a large paw, his expression unchanging. He would eat it even if Tybalt had to pry his jaws open and force it down his throat.
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Redflower sprawls beside Skyclaw, sunning her tortoiseshell pelt and basking in the warmth of greenleaf and her lover's embrace. She's taken splendidly to her new position as the ThunderClan leader's mate; she is often offered choice bits of prey, and it seems Stagstrike has come to deliver them something caught fresh and warm from the forest beyond. Her amber eyes glitter greedily as they focus on the mouse. "Finally! I'm starving," she purrs, rolling onto her stomach and stretching. She has done little work today, but it has not impeded her appetite at all.

The young she-cat reaches toward Stagstrike's offering with a paw, but Skyclaw seems hesitant. She offers her mate a puzzled look. "I imagine the nursery to be wild with hungry maws right now." Redflower's fur prickles. He's suspicious. She would have eaten the mouse without issue, had he not been present, but...

She trusts his instincts.

"Take a bite of it yourself, then. We share prey here in ThunderClan." Her smile becomes a touch brittle. Go on. Show your loyalties.

  • ooc:
  • Redkit . Redpaw . Redflower, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 14 moons old, ages realistically on the 15th.
    — mentored by NPC ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — thunderclan warrior. npc x npc, gen 1.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh tortoiseshell with low white and pale yellow eyes. bright, spiteful, impressionable.

Redflower appeared more ready to eat the mouse than Skyclaw, and Tybalt pondered this for a moment. She was not his intended target, but to rid the clan of both of them at once would be more than he had expected. Not only would it rid the clan of Skyclaw, but it would destabilize and perhaps frighten off the rest of his band. Redflower reached for the mouse briefly, but pulled her paw away as her mate spoke.

"Take a bite of it yourself, then. We share prey here in ThunderClan."

An amused smile cracked at the corners of his maw. "It's a mouse, Redflower," he rumbled. "It isn't big enough for the three of us. The two of you can share it." The tip of his tail began to twitch as he spoke. This may not go as smoothly as he had hoped. He might have to go for giving Skyclaw a quicker death after all, and what a waste of poison it would be.
⁺₊ ☀︎ ⁺₊ Dwindlingpaw watched the tense conversation, puzzled. What the heck was the fuss about? He'd just brought over a regular mouse. For some reason, Stagstrike wanted to give it to Skyclaw, but he refused. He'd rather go to the nursery; since when has Skyclaw, of all cats, cared for queens or kits? Shivers ran down her spine. Weird.

Now Redflower didn't want it anymore. Dwindlingpaw huffed she was convinced that the mousebrain would consume it gleefully but something stopped her. Not that the young apprentice believed they deserved any generosity, but they should at least be appreciative. Dwindlingpaw walked over to the kindhearted warrior's side, her fur bristling. "They're just being mean, don't worry; there's nothing wrong with your gift," she said, smiling up at him.

  • ooc:
  • 84389885_V6q52PfdEXDypST.png
    Dwindlingpaw— She/Her ・ Thunderclan Apprentice・ PENNED BY @Ghostunes!
    ☀︎ A fluffy (LH) flame point cat with low white and has blue eyes
    ☀︎ Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon

she's not supposed to speak out of turn. in fact, she isn't supposed to speak to anyone at all. she was to stick close to nightbird, to keep her nose down, and to behave. she was to do as skyclaw says, and skyclaw says that the nursery must be full of hungry maws. it is. she is laying close to it now, blinking at where redflower was stretched warm and happy at the maw of howlingstar's den . . conveniently nestled just aside thunderclan's nursery. she watches as stagstrike approaches, a face she sees only briefly -- a warrior, one she can only assume busies himself with patrols and hunting in the way he demonstrates now. ruddy paws plod towards her cousin in a way that perks her ears ; he had a purpose.

any cat that approached skyclaw with a purpose ended up one of two ways ; closer, or gone altogether. he is not the first and bayingkit can only assume not the last, though she is far too young to comprehend the horrors that come with that sort of revelation. in fact, she scoots closer on her belly as stagstrike sets down a piece of prey . . a mouse. a big fat mouse, and she crinkles the soft fur of her nose as she looks at it, catches the thick of it's body crumple to a small mound at her cousin's paws. still, the brown sheen of it's coat brings a fresh wave of drool to her maw and she wriggles forward, all but sliding her front half with powerful back haunches to where her cousin and his mate sprawl.

she prays nightbird isnt watching because this close, she can scent thunderclan undergrowth ; the heady scent of dirt and cooled blood, of meat just beneath oily fur. in the background, warriors bicker. you eat it. no, you eat it. no you, i insist, " why's n-nno one takin' it? " she blurts, because it was gonna rot by the time they got done talkin' about it and skyclaw said nursery first, anyway. dualtoned eyes squint up at stagstrike, 'cuz he caught it, brow furrowing and tucking her head to add a grumbling, " i'll eat that thang. " redflower and skyclaw could hunt for themselves.

  • i.

  • 85639607_5td51SGC04Qn0fA.png

  • ” speech “
    a large, unsightly black tabby kitten.
    mongrelish, standing all thistlethorn fur and bared teeth, bayingkit would be thought roguesblood if not for the dogtooth crown she uncomfortably bears. a hereditary haunting lies in the shag of ornate black striping and long limbs that do not yet suit her wide, slouching shoulders ; her fathers daughter, laced in dredge and filth moreso than he’d ever been. a constant, incessant need to make herself small forms in hunched spine and weary, whale - eyed suspicion, communicating mostly in rumbling growls.. bayingkit tends to hold herself with a tuck tailed and trembling livewire of feral volatility.
    teething, easily frustrated with her lack of vocal skill and highly reactive. prone to biting, swatting and general moodiness it is highly encouraged to correct. powerplay is allowed for disciplinary swipes, scruffing and general redirection.

  • Haha
Reactions: Marquette
Skyclaw nearly circles his tail around Redflower's extended, greedy paw. He watches the rogue warrior with a burning gaze as he continues to push, push that they eat. Something is off. By all that is righteous and divine, Skyclaw knows something is wrong. Dwindlingpaw wanders closer and tries to assuage whatever pitiful worry is building in Tybalt. Bayingkit, likely too far from her mother and nest, clicks her jaws and asks (?) for the prey herself.

Skyclaw grimaces. He does not wish for more of his kin to get caught in the crossfire, especially Raccoonstripe's youthful brood. He gives the hunter one last chance, a glower in his expression. "Well? Give her the mouse," he urges. "I'm not hungry right now. Neither of us are." His tail lashes as somewhere deep down, he hopes that the tom will instead fess up to whatever he's done, rather than let a child die. If she passes... well, all the more reason to cut him down where he stands.​
Dwindlingpaw appeared, attempting to assure him that there was nothing wrong with his prey. If only you knew. He offered her a small smile before gently flicking Bayingkit on the shoulder with his thick-furred tail. Skyclaw told him to give her the mouse, and Tybalt suppressed a rumbling growl before briefly turning his attention to the child at his side. “There’s bigger prey on the pile,” he told her gently. “Fresher too. Why don’t you pick something out and take it back to the nursery to share?”

He, unlike Skyclaw, had no interest in poisoning the clan's youth. He gave the kit a moment to scamper off, paying little attention to wether she left or not, before turning his attention back to Skyclaw. He wouldn't take it. Not willingly. Tail flicking agitatedly from side to side, Tybalt's amber eyes narrowed. "I dont care if you're hungry or not," he rumbled, claws unsheathing and sinking into the flattened grass. "You'll eat it even if I have to shove it down your throat!"

He sprang at the other tom as he finished speaking, sinking his claws into Skyclaw's pelt as his claws met fur, aiming to pin him to the ground and shove his face into the grass where the poisoned mouse still lay while raking his claws down the other tom's face. If he wouldn't eat, Tybalt would kill Skyclaw himself.
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Again, refusal, dismissal. The insistence on the other's side only proves that there's something wrong with the prey. Skyclaw wrinkles his nose as Tybalt attempts to send off Bayingkit, however before long, the tan furred warrior's expression morphs and all that he's been holding in is unleashed at once. Claws unsheathe and Skyclaw braces himself, squaring his shoulders as the older warrior launches to brawl with him. He's knocked over briefly, the mouse dangerously close to his muzzle.

He clenches his teeth and attempts to buck the other off of his back, standing up as soon as he can and stepping out of the way. With the attempt on his life clearer than ever, Skyclaw does not hold back. As soon as he's able to, he launches towards Tybalt, slashing his claws into the other tom's throat. He'd go for a bite, admittedly, but after this display, Tybalt did not deserve a swift death. He deserved to be dragged to the outer reaches of the territory and left to bleed out.​
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His teeth sank firmly into Skyclaw's shoulder, and Tybalt rolled as the other tom threw him off and then leapt back to his paws again. Tybalt hissed, staggering back as Skyclaw's claws met his throat. His breaths were shallow and ragged as blood began to trickle from the wound, but he still faced the younger cat, poised to leap again. He had never fled from a fight. It was something that had been burned into his being at a young age. It was better to fight and die than to flee and suffer a loss. A raspy snarl emitted from his throat as Skyclaw's allies began to descend upon him. There were too many of them.

Tybalt sank his claws into the grass and tucked his chin in again as he was sent tumbling across the ground. They would kill him, and unlike every other scrap over the duration of his life, there was more at stake here than a skinny alleyway mouse or what part of the streets belonged to who. And—his stomach churned at the realization--there was more to be lost than his honor. ThunderClan would further crumble. Skyclaw would grow more confident at having killed him. He grow bolder, kill further.

Tybalt scrambled to his paws, feeling his pelt tear beneath the claws of his opponents. He met Skyclaw's gaze again, his own eyes burning with hatred as he ducked towards the entrance of the camp. "I'll come back for you, ThunderClan!" he yowled, his voice raspy as he spoke. "All of you!" And then he slipped out into the territory, vanishing into the undergrowth.
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⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ "bayingkit," nightbird's teeth snap as she attempts to bring her wayward child back into the safety of the nursery with word alone. it was futile, the child pokes her nose where it doesn't belong, and like a hound on a trail she won't let it go until her claws or teeth sink into their target. this time, such a trail has led her right to the paws of the very cats she was firmly instructed to avoid.

with a grit jaw, she warns the others to stay back, and by the time the queen's head turns again there is a brawl breaking out. stagstrike forcing skyclaw's head to the dirt, sinking his claws into the false leader's skin, and of course bayingkit stands just a tail length from it all.

she doesn't waste time, closes the distance to place herself in between the quarreling warriors and her daughter. how reckless of them both, to bring violence into a place where their most vulnerable resided. it was not skyclaw's first offense, surely would not be their last. it seemed even when ideals differed, none were safe from his tendencies.

nightbird doesn't care to try and break it up, to restore peace to thunderclan's camp. she'd only be wasting her breath. instead, she backs up until her heels make contact with bayingkit, keeps moving past that point to try and herd her back to her siblings whilst keeping an eye on the fight, making sure it didn't veer too close.
  • ooc ↛
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 36 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a white paw and pale silver eyes. currently a queen residing in the nursery.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / currently mentoring none.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.