other hey there, mr. blue sky! | new home, new friends



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"Dig, dig, dig..." Dig, dig, dig, dig, dig!

On that picture-perfect afternoon, Circus found herself scraping away at the earth to push her way deeper and deeper underneath the towering oak's heavy roots. She had been at it for close to three days now, manically clawing at the ground until a rather sizable hole had formed. It was really starting to take shape now! Her laughter could be heard easily mingling with the songbirds and the rattling orange leaves within the thick of the forest outside of ThunderClan territory.

This particular oak tree was outstandingly old and gnarled, and left the ground covered in leaves up to Circus' belly. Whenever she would get tired of rolling around in the dirt, she had made up an awesome new game of running at full speed through the leaves just to tumble around and watch the colors of leaf-fall crinkle and flutter all around her.

For now, though, digging!

"Dig, dig, diggin', diggin', dug! Diggin' a big ol' hole! Dig, dug, lug, mug, rug, pug, wug! Dug, dug, dig... Dig..."

It wasn't long before she had lost steam, and even though Circus had already made a fairly sizeable den for herself in the form of a hole in the ground that led down into what she wanted to be an open area underneath the tree itself... Digging was hard, and it was difficult to ignore the pain in her arm muscles when she didn't have anything to distract herself with. Eventually, she exited her little construction project and stared at the leaves covering the ground like a river of gold. "Aw, man... My shoulders hurt now... This sucks! Digging is terrible!!"

Her frustrated scream was only met with silence.

"Oh..." Suddenly feeling very disheartened, Circus sat down and let out a heavy sigh. "Well... At least the sky's nice and blue today... Yesterday it was all gloomy and grey..."
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Noise. He could hear something rustling near one of the oaks and he prayed that it was some rabbit warren with actual inhabitants. Right now he'd give anything to have a decent meal. Unfortunately his prayers had fallen in deaf ears when he came to realise that he had simply discovered another cat. The tom stared at her for a long moment, judging whether there was any threat to be had. Though he didn't feel entirely uneasy, not in the usual sense anyway. Though his body still ached from his tango with ThunderClan so he wasn't particularly keen on picking unnecessary fights.

"Yeah... digging like a rabbit will fuck you over." Talon remarked aloud as a way of making his presence known as he sat on his haunches a safe distance away. He just didn't fancy getting too close! He blinked slowly as he let his shoulders sag, ignoring the twinge of discomfort rippling from his muscles. Bringing his attention towards the sky he then let slip a soft hum. "You're right, it is better today."
"Why am I even talking to this weirdo anyway?"

If Talon thought Silver would leave them alone after thier first encounter when he thought wrong!. He had stayed with them under thier recovery, hunting for both of them and now he was following them around. It didn't took long before the silver and white tom had caught up to them and from behind the stray, Silver would peek his head out to take a look at whoever Talon had run into. Blinking his eyes a soft smile would appear up on his maw. " Ah, is that a friend of yours Talon?." he asked as he stept out from behind his self-claimed friend so he could face this shecat better. He had to admit this molly looked cute!. Why she had digged like a mad rabbit though was beyond his understanding he did not felt necessery to know about.

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As soon as she heard another voice, Circus' ears perked, and the sparkle in her eyes was reignited. She leapt up to her paws instantly, and upon seeing the two unfamiliar toms, she approached with her tail held high. The end of her chain dragged a few fallen leaves along with her, although she hadn't even noticed it herself. "Oh, hi! I haven't seen you two around before!"

New friends, new friends! Circus hoped they were fun; she hadn't had much luck so far with meeting people. The WindClan cats were all a bunch of prickle-pelts and most of the rogues in the area were the same, and normally Circus had fun with the serious types, but nobody ever seemed to want to play along with her anymore.

"Although, I guess I haven't seen most cats around before—I'm still sorta new here, so I've gotta meet lots of new playmates before snow comes! You're Talon?" She tilted her head as she studied the slender, dark-furred tom, and then she gave his friend a glance. "And who're you?"
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Since getting kicked and chased out of the twoleg place by a twoleg, Iguana wasn't in the best of spirits, but Worm didn't seem to mind their unfortunate circumstances so much. As the day wore on, Iguana lead the two of them further into the undergrowth, Worm tagging along hardly a fox-length behind her. He skipped back and forth cheerily, studying his surroundings with curiosity in his round, pale yellow eyes. He and Iguana were looking for a nice spot to stop at, but they hadn't been having much luck, even in a day as delightful as today. Iguana's plan to coax twolegs into giving them free food hadn't worked out, leaving the two of them to fend for themselves. They always had to focus on their survival, even mooching up to ugly, disgusting-smelling twolegs, though Worm refused to stoop as low as to steal dog food left outside. He poked his nose under nearby bushes and trotted off at random to inspect possible spots when he noticed a new sound on the wind—a melodic song, like a bird's morning call. It came from a nearby oak tree, and for a second Worm thought it was coming from the tree itself, only to turn his head slightly farther to see the shape of a new, strange cat digging away at the bottom of the trunk.

"Oh! Iguana, look!" Just up ahead, the lumbering molly raised her head curiously. In fact, there were quite a few cats now standing around this odd chain-necked molly, and Worm was more than excited. "I wanna go meet 'em! They look purrr-etty! Think they'll give us a nice spot to sleep?"

Iguana frowned and considered it for a second, before she released a small sigh. "Might as well. Stay close to me, I don't know how friendly these cats are." She pushed through the undergrowth, her footsteps light despite her heavy, bulky frame. Her olive eyes glinted sharply.
"Sorry for bothering all of you, but do you have room for two more? We just need shelter, then we'll be on our way." Worm poked his head out from behind her. Watching them from afar was easy, but it wasn't so easy when he was hardly fox-lengths away from them.

"Your voice is real pretty—!" He complimented Circus with an odd, scrunched-up toothy smile, hoping it wasn't too forced. It was true, he liked her voice! But compliments are always so hard to make...
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Oh great, his little pest had tracked him down already. So much for sneaking off. "I don't have friends." He growled lowly through gritted teeth, was that truly a hard concept to grasp? He was only tolerating Silver's presence at the best of times. Though at least he didn't need to bother introducing himself, not when Silver was so keen to announce his name to the whole bloody world it seemed. "Yeah, Talon. This guy here is Silver."

More faces appeared and it began to put Talon on edge. He sank down with his ears pinned back and he gave the pair a wary stare. Maybe he should just head back to his own den? Then again... there was power to be gained through gossip. It wasn't like he was facing down a clan or a gang of street cats. They were just a bunch of wanderers, unlikely to attack each other, but possibly carrying a plentiful supply of useful information. He made the bold decision to remain there.
( ) Silvervine was not adverse to company, nor to digging if said company called for it, so he was rather thrilled when he noticed the growing group of cats by the oak tree. He had been hunting for a few hours and was long away from his preferred sleeping spot. Perhaps he could convince one of these cats to let him join them in theirs?

The blue-point tom sauntered over to the crowd, an easy smile on his lips. If it didn't quite reach all the way to his eyes, well, noone would notice. "Why, hello!" He took a glance at all of the cats, from the duos to the single dirt-covered she-cat. How interesting! "It so happens that I am also Silver, though my true name is Silvervine" He liked his name and the gentle elegance of it. It was far better than just Silver. "Would you mind help with digging?"
( SLIPPING THROUGH MY FINGERS ALL THE TIME ; i try to capture every minute )