camp HEY YOU! ✶ pestering adults


get away from me, you cannot be me! ‧。⋆
Jan 29, 2024
Sheepkit is very... BORED! Being a kitten is really lame and horrible, yet one of the most awful things is that he is unable to go outside. Camp got a little boring for the long-legged kitten. For entertainment, he digs holes or trails after adults, squeaking out odd questions. He heard about the older cats making Windclan how it used to be, at least thats what he gathered from listening to passing conversations on the topic. Since there's so much snow around, he wants to do something with it at least. Lots of thoughts whirl around in his little head, he could go bother the other kittens around here. Other kits are fun too... but with one exception: being a kit is BORING! It makes Sheepkit want to fall asleep.

Sheepkit decides to go and roam around camp, he isn't gonna bother anybody... YET! With that the small messy furred kitten scrabbles onto his paws, wobbling a little as he pads off in camp. Plumed tail up, as he marches onward to go bother some adults. Maybe he could ask them if they could play with him, or dig holes with him! Digging holes is fun, though it gets a little bit boring at times. He spots his first victim, he smiles wide as he trots across camp on charcoal colored paws. "Hey you!" He announces himself, to the adult he randomly picked out of all the others. He pads up to the adult, craning his neck up to look at the adult with wide blue eyes. "I'm Sheepkit! Who's you?" He mews. He settles down onto his haunches, long hind-legs splayed out in front of him with his front paws planted between them. "Do you wanna dig.. uhm holes with me?" He asks, tilting his head at the adult.

  • no ref yet </3
    ✦ cisgender male ; HE / HIM ; kitten of windclan
    ✦ a longhaired black smoke with high white & blue eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, f8ede3"
    ✦ smells of early morning dew & windblown heather

    - tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone

  • nothing here begone!
Being back home is still very much strange for her. They had actually won the battle between Sootstar and her followers. While she knew that the former leader was mad, the last time they were here... She was still in charge. This will be the first with Sunstride talking everything in his paws back home. The deputy? New leader? Whatever he was, was doing his best. The injured were recovering, burials were made, and a good cleaning of their camp were in the works. As much as she wanted to resume her work in the tunnels, she knew there was more to do in camp before she along with all the other tunnelers could fully return to their own work. A little break couldn't hurt, right? Before she even has a chance to find a spot and laze around, a small voice demands attention. Rabbitclaw would turn and find herself looking at a kit

"Yuh?" Would it kill ya to be a lil' less demanding? Yeesh. Who are ya anyway? Thankfully, the little tom gives her an answer. At his introduction and question, she gives him a lazy smile and nods, "Hiya Sheepkit. Whose me? Why it's Rabbitclaw." Forgive her for introducing herself as such, she couldn't help it. The manner in which he asked was amusing that she just had to tease him a little. Normally this would be the time where she chases him around and cuffs him, considering her track record with kits wasn't so great. However, Sheepkit appeared to be nice. As such, she decides to humor him and listen to whatever it is he wants to tell her or do.

This time she can't hide her chuffs. "Why're you so scared? I'm not gonna bite your head off. I'll have you know I don't bite!" Most of the time anyway. The answer of whether or not she wants to partake in this activity is not given, yet it is evident that she is not opposed to it entirely. The lilac tortoiseshell smiles, "Sure! Lead the way Sheepkit. Just letting you know I'm an awesome hole digger already, so we're gonna make a big one!"
  • — rabbitclaw / windclan tunneler / feminine pronouns / 45 moons
    — pansexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — scar riddled short-haired lilac tortoiseshell with blue eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
He lets out a squeak at adult's response, not exactly expecting said adult to speak! "Hiya, Rabbitclaw!" He mews, lifting himself up onto his paws bouncing on his toes. He pauses his bouncing as fur raises up at what the older cat said, BITING HIS HEAD OFF?! No way! He shakes his head to the side, the thought entirely forgotten. He nods his head at want the older molly said about digging holes. YES! HOLE DIGGING! Finally! Someone can entertain him with aspect of digging holes.

He decides he likes this one, nodding his head firmly. Sheepkit turns his tiny form around, charcoal colored tail straight up with a big smile on his face. "Onwards! Lets go dig some holes!" He marches forwards, to find him and his new friend? an empty spot in camp to go dig a big hole!

  • no ref yet </3
    ✦ cisgender male ; HE / HIM ; kitten of windclan
    ✦ a longhaired black smoke with high white & blue eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, f8ede3"
    ✦ smells of early morning dew & windblown heather

    - tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone

  • nothing here begone!

Any kind of rest was practically a miracle at the moment, a scarce resource that Rattleheart found herself struggling to find as Windclan was being rebuilt. She hadn't even had the chance to make a proper nest of her own, just lazily curled up in one of the empty nests that had been left behind following the loyalists retreating. One paw was hanging casually out of the edge of the nest as she laid there, eyes half closed and body finally relaxed enough that sleep seemed like a genuine inevitability - that is, until Sheepkit's excited mews broke through the air. Though he wasn't bothering her, his excited and loud voice still roused her from her near slumber, blinking blearily in the direction of both the kit and her own littermate.

As soon as Sheepkit's questioning reached her ears, she couldn't help the faint grin that appeared on her face in response. It seemed like the little black smoke was already gunning for a tunneler apprenticeship in his future. A relief honestly, considering how many of Sootstar's absent loyalists had been tunnelers. Rabbitclaw also seemed eager to encourage him, her friendly words bringing a certain warmth to the inside of Rattleheart's chest. A uniquely new kind of warmth that she'd never experienced before, considering Rabbitclaw's past history with kits. It was actually sort of a relief to see, the tunneler's own thoughts lingering on her rapidly growing desire to have kits of her own sometime soon. Not during leafbare, but soon enough. When the flowers were once again sprouting up across the moors, and the sun was gleaming down on all of their backs.

Though sleep was still an enticing prospect, she pushed herself slowly up to her paws and out of the temporary nest that she had chosen. Shaking off her existing drowsiness was a battle, but eventually she found her way to Rabbitclaw's side, bumping her shoulder lightly against her sister's in greeting. "I hope you won't mind if I help out too. I mean, I've been pretty deprived of digging holes lately. Still not allowed down in the tunnels just yet." Rattleheart's wounds were slowly closing and growing less drastic and sore as the days went by, but it would still be a little longer before she could return to her supposed natural habitat.