heyyy (i'm new)


Feb 24, 2025
guys omg. I have searched far and wide for a forum after feralfront was shut down. I was on that site all day and night years ago when i was young and silly. I was sooo devastated when that whole switch-up happened and then when it eventually shut down I was like wow man. Just wow. What do I do with my life now? How have I not heard of this site? I'm excited to get to know everyone and eventually roleplay :3 unfortunately I am a noob tho. If anyone can give me some tips and tricks please do! How do u guys get those cool fonts and stuff for your usernames? Do u guys use one account for all of your ocs or do you link accounts? I'm looking thru the guides and rules to hopefully get some answers.

anyone from feral front here? Lmk who u roleplayed. My most popular oc was crookedsmile from shadowclan (cringe i know hope yall don't look at me differently). If u knew me from that era I'm sorry in advance I was just a baby LOL
OMG HIIII FELLOW FF REFUGEE!!! I'm so glad you found us!!! I was on there for YEARS but mostly stuck to fanclans and wolf rps until the final year where I finally got into trad. My most well known character was Brightstar, the final WindClan leader!

I'm one of the admins/the owner here so def let me know if you need any help or have any questions!! To get your username all cute you'll want to navigate to style settings under your Settings (see below). We all use subaccounts to roleplay, which you can create off your main. Click the chain link icon on the top right of your screen to do this! Remember to add a password so you can always unlink and re-link!

I am SO excited to rp with you!!
@BossTaurus omg no wayyy this is bringing back so many memories shedding a tear rn. Miss my oc's bae and the babies sorry for rping an absent father (sad face emoji). Fun fact about those two is that we had actually known each other in person out of pure coincidence! We were literally rping with each other not knowing we actually fr knew each other. What was your character's name?

@Blitz Krieg OMG GUYS YOU DON'T KNOW HOW HAPPY I AM TO SEE US REUNITE LOLL. I have a vague memory of Brightstar but towards FFs downfall I wasn't rping that much I was lurking instead. thank u so much for providing pics I am in fact a visual learner. so so sooooo excited to start rping with yall and to start playing around with these settings. So far I love this set up! I wish I knew about this place sooner
Hey, welcome to Tabby Tales! Super glad you found us, there is a tonnn of FeralFront refugees here. I played Lavenderstar in SkyClan, Tawnydove in Wind/Sky, and Pumpkinstar in ThunderClan (or at least those were my most notable characters that I can recall off the top of my head.) I went by myth back on FeralFront so that name might be more recognizable

Super glad to have you here! If you have any further questions feel free to let us know, the entire community is eager to help :D
THAT'S CRAZY TBH!!! I had Paintkit/cub iirc ?? He was an orange little liger ... also no worries at all man, life gets so busy so no worries at all and I'd love to get a chance to roleplay/plot with you once more :]
Hello! Im so so bad with usernames and I doubt I played anyone notable but I was also on FF! Winterwarriorcat / AKLM KITTEN / Kitty-Kat. was my main and my only notable guys I think were ocs like Hailcloud of trad thunderclan, Freak in trad Bloodclan , and ocs like Preciousmemories Caligo May or Timelesstemptations on extended; but I played at least 50 more over the years. Its always good to see new faces around!

Im not anyone fancy on here, but I play Shadowclans current leader, so feel free to yeet shadowclan related questions my ways FS! Actually Tern is a FF character redone ♡
hi hi !! welcome from the other side!!!!! i was also from ff and I vaguely remember crookedsmile but I also had a lot of ocs! welcome nonetheless!!! if u ever need any help around here, just hmu !!! <3
Welcome to Tabby Tales!!
I was also a FF refugee, some of my main characters were Frenchcapital (Ext. Riverclan), Samuel (Ext. Thunderclan), Flameseeker/star (Trad Thunderclan) and Lizardbounce/star (Trad Windclan)
If you ever need any help or want to plot, don't hesitate to ask :)
u guys are so friggin awesome. I feel right at home with these warm welcomes. Can't express how grateful I am to be treated like this :D Going to try and work on my character creation. I'm having so much fun exploring the site. I look forward to rping with each and every one of u heart heart. also I gotta say all of ur accounts look amazing so aesthetic. brock will change chihuahua pfp soon to be as cool as yalls
Ava! I actually do remember someone going by Myth... Oh man my memory is so terrible guys but the more I talk about this the more the memories come in. I might've seen u on the out-of-character boards and tbh I was wayyy too shy back then to even say something outside of rping.
I REMEMBER PAINTCUB this is truly mindblowing. what a small world.
Kitty-kat same bro. I played sooo many characters and only a handful of them were actually "successful." still had fun tho. I believe i remember a character of yours in the extended. I've def heard/seen timelesstemptations and it stuck with me cuz i thought that name was creative af.
THANK U SCAR!!! did u go by scar on ff as well?
Wait Icey I think I've def rped with some of your characters. Samuel and Frenchcapital are sooo familiar.
I gotta say yall played some pretty awesome characters from what I remember
Welcome to the site! We love having more FF refugees ^^ I mostly rped in extended with Jerseyboy (BlizzardClan) but also hung around BloodClan/Sanguine Ruins, SunClan/Solaris Kingdom, and ShadowClan/Shadow Veil from time to time!

I didn't rp much in traditional but I did play Snakehiss/Snakestar in ShadowClan around 2017 ish? And then BloodClan for a lil bit

Dittoing Deja, SkyClan is awesome and so is WindClan! Those are the only two clans I've consistently played in for the 2 years I've been here hehe
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I am also a FF refugee. I mostly stuck to the Wolf RP and other random things around the board. That was until like the last sixish months of the site. I penned Sourpaw in Trad. RiverClan. I was just getting started with him and then it imploded. *shrug*

I currently pen Heronpaw here in RiverClan.
Anyways, welcome to the site and glad to have you here!
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Hey there!! I'm also a FF refugee, it's always good to see another face from back in the day! I don't r remember Crookedsmile sadly ): but I also played mostly in extended way back when. I was leader of the exiles for a while with a character named Athena and I was whatever the healer rank was in the Blackheart Rogues with a bear character named Pantera

I'm glad you found us though, it sounds like you'll fit right in here with the rest of us for sure! Like Ava said please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any more questions or need help with anything at all!!
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HI HELLO !!!!! I can't believe I happened to log on to grab an avatar and I see YOU !!!!

my name is loki now but ALL THOSE YEARS AGO I also played a crookedconnie cub !! mine was firefly <3 oh extended shadowclan i miss you dearly. rough times as far as my writing quality but the MEMORIES !!!

I'm not very active at all anymore due to life stuff but welcome welcome welcome it is SO good to see you have survived the FeralReckoning <3

please feel free to dm me on discord (lokisaurus) if you wanna catch up at any time !!
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yall i am literally shaking in excitement just to know so many of u guys came from ff and i just wanna say im glad u guys survived the ff-pocolypse. u guys are soldiers fr. we're all connected B) AND OMF ANOTHER CROOKED/CONNIE BABY I REMEMBER FIREFLY

I have two silly questions pls forgive my noobness
1. how do u save the format code for posts? like i literally just have a google doc that I copy/paste the code for but ikkk there's a way to save it so that u can just pull it up easily and it's just not clicking for me LOL
2. where do u guys get all the cool artwork for ur characters :3 eventually I'd love to get an icon for my first oc on the site (Halfkit). I just ended up using picrew teehee
I and a lot of other people here usually save my format codes in my storage thread! You can check it out here if you want! I just have my storage thread open in one tab and copy and paste it into the thread I want to post in! You can also put them in a code like this
Code here
The code for this is code and /code in brackets with the text going between the two bracketed words
We have a coding guide on site that can probably explain better than I can lol

For art, a lot of us find artists on DA, Instagram or other platforms! If you join our discord, we have a lot of resources for finding artists there ♡
I highly recommend Lovette on DA but our site also has an Art Corner where you can find artists on TT!
waving HIII ik i replied to your plotting thread for halfkit but i thought i'd swing by and say hello here too!! great to have you here!!

right now i mainly play deerpetal in windclan but i've also got daisyflame in windclan, wolfgrin in skyclan, crowsmile and bramblepaw in thunderclan, and hemlockshine in riverclan!! feel free to poke me if you ever want interactions with any of them, i hang out in the discord a lot
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