Hghghhhg || morning sickness

The sun had risen and the morning light shines on another day. Normally, Frostbite would be up and ready to fulfill his duties as always. Today, however, he felt.... Sick.

He wanted to lay there and sleep.

But there's no rest for the weary, so he pushes himself out of his nest with an uncomfortable, quiet groan. He felt heavier... But he thought it was attributed to how he felt.

A wave of nausea hits him as soon as he leaves his nest and he wavers, drawing his head back as if to stop anything from coming up.

Perhaps he should see Starlingheart, or maybe it will pass. He lays down on his side on the cool dew speckled grass of the oak forest, hoping it would soothe his stomach.

He didn't feel like doing anything today....

But hopefully, this would pass. It had to. He had work to do. The fact that he was just a bit rounder than usual was lost on him.

As far as he was concerned, he was having a bad day. Frostbite had been having plenty of those lately, it wasn't surprising that it continued for another day.

He closed his eyes and took deep breaths. It will pass. He just needed to be patient.​
Honeyjaw had never given birth. An odd thing to clarify, but important nonetheless– mainly because it means he has absolutely no idea why Frostbite is behaving the way he is. Could've just put it up to a general illness, a bad bit of prey. It would have seemed like nothing more if he wasn't of such a curious nature. You'd think that he would call it that, if that was all that it was. He groans and tenses, looking like he's about to lose whatever it is that's in his belly. Once upon a time Honeyjaw might have shied away from that. Helping raise a kid, even one that he did not birth, really helped him get over that. She wasn't sick often. Pretty healthy, all things considered. He only wishes that– he doesn't know what he wishes, really, or why looking at Frostbite now makes him think about it. Like being homesick.

"You doing all right there? Looking a little....unwell." He walks a quick circle around the prone form, so very terribly tempted to probe his side. "Maybe kind of bloated. Did you eat something you shouldn't have? Or can stress do that kind of thing? You seem plenty stressed too." Honeyjaw dips his head and turns to look at his own belly. "Maybe that's just me."

  • ooc:
  • honeyjaw ╱╱ 36 moons old ╱╱ he - him - his ╱╱ warrior of shadowclan.
    ──── a former loner who joined the clan approximately six months ago (give or take).
    ──── named for the deep honey-brown of his pelt as well as his too natural charisma.
    ──── has an apprentice-aged kid he joined with, def scared of watching 'em grow up.
    ──── bisexual- kinda flirtatious yet never seems to really pursue a relationship. single.

    a short-furred dark chocolate point tom with the smallest splashes of white on his forehead, front paws, and tail tip. well-built, but overall average in size and unremarkable aside from his lightly curled ears and the magnetism of his smile. seems to show signs of aging earlier than expected, with a salt-and-pepper dusting around his jaw and muzzle.
  • "speech"
  • Love
Reactions: clearheart

Loki has never seen the real ShadowClan camp, and yet they've set foot on ThunderClan territory, an apparently forbidden place. They feel as though everyone had settled back into their old ways of life, leaving them behind to flounder in what generic apprentice duties the warriors could spare them. The sleek black form absentmindedly circles "camp", hoping no one would notice them if they stuck to the shadows hard enough, when a pale shape tumbles into the corner of their eye. Their head jerks back slightly, with its shape reminiscent of a little Friesian balking against its reins. The bears had been chased off, but now cats are just...keeling over? They slip over to investigate.

The tom they barely know as Honeyjaw has the same intent, it seems. Though they suppose they could execute it a little better than him. Maybe you should stop asking him questions, Loki thinks but doesn't dare say. They're neither ingrained enough in ShadowClan's ranks nor bold enough to criticize a warrior, even lightheartedly, and the bark-stained tom has never been anything but decent anyway. "Do you want me to go get Starlingheart? Or, er, Magpiepaw?" The lengthy names are still foreign to him; the syllables tumble like pebbles over his tongue. They shift from paw to paw, beginning to look almost as consternated as Frostbite should be. Is this serious enough? I don't want to waste their time. Viridian eyes lift and swing towards the rest of camp, scanning for one of the two tuxedo pelts. Could this kill him though? They don't have cutters out here... Oh, I can't just stand here watching him die. If he's dying, they finally decide.

"Uh, I'll just get them." Almost stumbling in their escape, they stride out to the most pungent of the dens, hoping to find Starlingheart's friendlier face rather than Magpiepaw's stranger one. "@STARLINGHEART . ? @Magpiepaw ? There's, um, there's something wrong with Frostbite," they call, tail swishing uneasily.
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Loki would, unfortunately, be met with the wide unblinking eyes of the medicine cat apprentice rather than his mentor; his broken tail looped around two brightly colored yellow and golden flowers as he narrowed his eyes desperately trying to recall which was which. It was beginning to strike him that too many of these plants looked alike by color only so he needed to count petals and sniff hesitantly to get a better gauge on their differences.
There is something wrong with Frostbite, he hears, and his ears twitch faintly. "There has always been something wrong with Frostbite." The apprentice states plainly, but not unkindly. Frostbite was an odd cat to be sure, rich coming from Magpiepaw but frankly he found himself quite the norm for ShadowClan. They were a collective of oddities and it was the more alarmingly normal cats he felt fully out of place. Frostbite was strange, but he was not ShadowClan strange and his despondent nature was only more reclusive with his apprentice passing away.
Magpiepaw taps a paw on the ground, he is still mulling over the difference in marigold and goldenrod and has finally deduced it is the form of the flower, the clusters peaked like golden towers as opposed to the burst of sunset orange. He blinks, Loki is still there, so he rises to stand and sweeps the herbs to the side to be put back later; apparently it was not an observation and something was actually wrong. Why the other didn't start with that, he had no idea but the fault was hers, not his. "Starlingheart..." The black and white apprentice turns to the back of the den, seeking his equally monochromatic mentor out in the darkness, "Frostbite has a health problem."

Starlingheart has a lot to think about these days. Her mad rush to sneak in here and take as many herbs as she could when the bears had been here had left her den is disarray. She is glad for Magpiepaw's help, though. Having an extra set of paws around eased the burden on her shoulders, even if it was only slightly. Her shadowed ears flick as she hears her name and she looks up to see her apprentice talking to the cat she recognized as Ferndance's son. She blinks in confusion for a moment, not seeing anything that ails them. Maybe they were lost? But as she listens it becomes more apparent that they are here on someone elses behalf.

She comes to stand next to her apprentice, tail flicking his ebony pelt in a friendly manner before she glances out of her den and sees the breakfast Frostbite had upheaved on the ground in front of them. Her own affliction comes to mind for a brief moment but she would not make assumptions. Instead, she dips her head in a nod "Tha-thank you for letting us- letting us know Loki" it serves as gratitude and a dismissal. She then turns to Magpiepaw, this was something she had not yet taught him. "Magpiepaw, we'll ne-need watermint to soothe any-any bellyache Frostbite m-m-might have and th-theen his throat is-is probably sore as well so we-we will also grab honey" she informs him "Don-Don't worry I-I'll show you- I'll show you what they-what they look like" she goes to her stores, still messy, and after a moment of searching she pulls down a light green plant with purple buds and oval-shaped leaves. "This-this is watermint" she informs him and passes the herb to him for his own inspection before she turns and pulls a stick wrapped with honey out from her stores, careful not to touch any of the sticky substance with her paws. She is certain Magpiepaw had seen honey before, or could guess what it was so she heads out of her den, flicking her tail in an indication that he should follow her.

"Fr-Frostbite" she says, her voice gentle and soft "He-here we have- we have things that will make you- make you f-f-feel better" she informs the snow white tom, placing the honey before him and then turning to Magpiepaw "Ch-chew this herb to a pulp then swallow it'll- it'll soothe your stomach" she informs him, indicating that her apprentice should give the tom the herb now "Wh-when your done t-take this honey, it'll so-soothe your throat"

He hadn't expected to draw so much attention. It made him want to hide in a hole, but that required effort and he hadn't the energy. He opens his eyes to look at his newfound company in faint surprise. Was he just... Not reacting the way he should to his condition? Was everyone rightfully worried, and he was just...Numb? Didn't register it?

All he knew was he had an audience and that stressed him more.

"Haven't eaten anything out of the ordinary." He says to Honeyjaw, who just called him fat. He wasn't fat..... He was fluffy. Though he supposed you can be fat AND fluffy at the same time. "I don't think stress can make you bigger.....Unless you eat a lot when stressed, which I don't....." He says. If anything, he eats less. He appreciates the concern, though.

Ferndance's son comes along, he hadn't properly met him yet. A lot was happening at the time and all he knew was his name was Loki. He's worried too. Should he. Should Frostbite be worried? Did he look that bad to everyone??? Was he dying and not realizing it???

He was about to tell him he can get Starlingheart and Magpiepaw if he wanted when he decided on his own anyways. He overhears Magpiepaw say there has always been something wrong with him.

Like what!! What does he mean!!

He has never been more self conscious in his LIFE than he is right now.

Frostbite has a health problem, more like he has a MENTAL problem.

They make their way over to him with plants he doesn't recognize. Which, seems to be a trend for him. He doesn't know anything about the herbs that are so often used in clan life....He probably should. But Starlingheart speaks to him in such a gentle, soft tone.... It catches him completely off guard. No one has ever spoken to him in such a tone before. Not ever in his life. It was almost enough to spur him to hide, like he wanted to.

"....Alright." He said quietly. He waited for Magpiepaw to give him the funny leaves. In the meantime for this brief moment, he would continue to have his inner crisis.​
  • Haha
Reactions: HONEYJAW
Granitepelt watches Starlingheart and Magpiepaw discuss the newest mystery illness. Adder-like eyes shift to the white warrior’s form; greenish about the mouth and maybe the slightest bit thicker around the middle, as Honeyjaw suggests, though he’d never have noticed it if he hadn’t experienced Starlingheart in this condition. She’d been sick, too, in the early dawn hours; she’s only just recently been able to keep prey down again. “D’you think he’s expecting?” He asks in an almost bored tone. He’s no medicine cat, but the signs seem to sync with his mate’s and with Forestshade’s. “Perhaps we should be expanding our nursery.” He’s not exactly thrilled—Frostbite surely will bring more annoying kits into the world, and he has no interest in them beyond what inconveniences they may cause him later.

  • granitekit . granitepaw . granitepelt
    — he/him ; warrior of shadowclan
    — heterosexual ; taken by Starlingheart
    — short-haired gray tom with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Meg

Honey, watermint...new plants or rather a new plant and something he is faintly familiar with already. A sweet treat. It had medicinal value? Surely he would be exceptionally healthy if he just ate their entire stock then perhaps? Thoughts to peruse later. He accepts the watermint herb and examines it with a critical stare, eyes narrowing as if doing so might better help his mind absorb the image of it for future use. Placing it in his mouth he rises to stand and dutiful follow Starlingheart over to where Frostbite hunches over, watching the stick in her jaw bounce with each heavy step, he has been eyeing the honey the moment it was brought up. "Watermint for bellyaches, watermint for bellyaches-" He sings to himself, watching his mentor offer the stick before he is instructed to pass on the rest of the medicine.

He dips his head, lowers the plant to Frostbite and in the same movement turns just enough he can stick his tongue out and lick the honey that Starlingheart had just offered the white tom; his gaze briefly darts to their icy eyes as though challenging him to say something before withdrawing back and swiping a tongue around his maw. Magpiepaw raises a paw and begins to groom it calmly, "Expecting? Expecting what?" The apprentice asks to Granitepelt's assessment and he can only imagine its not anything very interesting.
  • Haha
Reactions: Starlingheart