camp HIDDEN AWAY - intro.


Feb 20, 2023
In the part of the nursery that got the least light, a young she-kit was curled up, hiding her face in her paws, as if hoping that the world around her would disappear if her will was strong enough.

Larkkit, unlike most of her denmates and littermates, was not the biggest fan of playing, nor did she enjoy venturing out of the nursery or thinking about what they'd be doing as apprentices. In fact, she avoided the outside world as much as she could. Most of the other cats were scary, and the other kits were loud and rambunctious. Even apprenticeship, the thing most kits looked forward to, was something she was dreading. If the world allowed it, she'd simply stay a kit forever, hiding away in her dark corner, spending her days napping or looking at pretty plants.

And that led to her current situation - hiding away, hoping that she wouldn't be bothered, hoping that the loud noises would go away, hoping that her dream of solitude and darkness would become a reality. But, really, when do things go the way one wants them to?



sandpaw was in the nursery changing nests, a boring task and one her paws were slightly too big for. rest assured, it was getting done, but they wouldn't be winning any awards for their beauty. a frustrated sigh, the apprentice was ready to swallow her pride and ask for help, when her yellow gaze landed upon a curled up little tabby in a shaded corner. "hey, whatcha doin holed up in here? it's real nice outside," she questioned softly, half tail waving behind her. it truly was a beautiful day, with new-leaf just around the corner the sun was beginning to shine brighter than ever. she had also noticed more color popping up, in flowers and grass. after the leaf-bare they had, they deserved some good.
[ 𖤓 ]


Duckkit was nearby, he always was. Much like Larkkit, he reveled in the comfort and sanctuary that the nursery brought, though their motivations for hiding away differed. While Larkkit enjoyed the quiet darkness of her little corner, Duckkit simply could not be bothered to get up. Still, he found himself able to participate in clanlife in ways he had not yet seen Larkkit do.

The pointed tom had been lazing about, stretched on his side and facing the opposite wall of the den. With the recent thaw, the weather had gotten considerably more inviting. Duckkit had spent most of his day thus far ooo and ahhhing at the unfamiliar green and was now ready for his beauty sleep. Before he could even shut his eyes, however, the gentle voice of Sandpaw caught his attention. Turning to face the direction of the noise, his gaze was met with the curled-up form of his sister. He rolled with decidedly lacking grace out of his snoozing position, extending his legs into a shaky stretch before padding up alongside the cream-colored apprentice. "She's right Larkkit, there's all sorts of new stuff," Duckkit yawned, "I found a patch of clovers this morning, you should come look!"

Stormkit looked forward to apprenticeship. She had always wanted to make her father and mother proud. Their positions and prestige as hunters prompted her to try to be the very best that she could be. She wanted, no needed—to be as great as them. As a kit, there was only so much she could do.

As long as she did not meet a dog in her first moon of apprenticeship, she would be fine.

"Or you can come out another time. I'm tired, too." Stormkit shrugged, ears pricking when she noticed Duckkit make a move about the nursery. This was Duckkit's younger, shyer sister. "The sun and the flowers won't go anywhere." She purred.

A startled noise escaped her as voices suddenly reached her ears - and they were addressing her too! The fur on her back stood up for a second or so before Larkkit lifted her head up and turned around. One stranger, one denmate, and Duckkit.

"N-N-No, I'm... I'm f-fine..." Avoiding eye contact with the others, she desperately willed herself to talk and communicate clearly, without fumbling and stumbling over all her works. Alas, the she-kit wasn't the master of speech she wished she could be.

Larkkit contemplated just trying to ignore them, but maybe they'd leave her be if she gave her reason. "I... I l-like it in here... the d-dark is... dark is... I... I like it... The out... The outside is scary..." She turned around, placing her head back so that her face was once again hidden. This was too much for her...


It wasn't incorrect to consider Duskkit rambunctious and loud. She was an eager face, ready for the world. It seemed inconceivable that others wouldn't feel exactly the same. Larkkit was an anomaly, soft and quiet. It wasn't something that she could really understand, but it's not like she tried. If anything, she would try to coax her fellow kitten out of the nursery, to pull her from this odd silence. She could yank her, tug her, or roll her out with her nose. Stormkit takes a softer approach, and maybe that's good! But Duskkit? Oh, there's really no stopping her.

"Scary?" she remarks, clearly disbelieving. "Why would it be scary? It's just our clanmates." Despite her age, she speaks as if she's explaining something to someone much younger. In a way, it seems that Larkkit was. Young, and soft, and kind of scared. Instead of being gentle about it, she seeks to just... wipe it away. "Maybe if you go explore some, it'll be less scary? We can all go together! You can come meet my family!"

  • ooc:
  • ──── duskkit. kitten of thunderclan. she - her - hers.
    ──── blazestar x little wolf, older littermate of skykit.
    ──── does not know of her father / skyclan heritage.

    ──── an undefined kitten with long, dark brown fur that fades just slightly near the chest, throat, and ears, while the tip of her tail burns with the bright orange tabby flame. eyes are a deep, rich amber-brown, seeming red.
  • "speech"
"Yeah! You should come out with us for a bit, we'll make sure nothing hurts you." Skykit puffs up her chest from her place beside Duskkit, trying to look bigger than she is in an attempt at making the younger kit feel secure. All of the safest, strongest warriors in ThunderClan were big and proud, after all. She presses her side against Duskkit's, eagerness lighting up green eyes as they turn to Duckkit- "Clovers sound fun! They're nice and soft, we found some before we went to sleep last night."

  • 24_02_skykit_lines_by_ridraw.png
    skykit. tags.
    — she/her, thunderclan kitten.
    — under little wolf's care.
    — attack in #54ACD2. entirely unexperienced.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — lines by ridraw :]

"B-but... that... it..." A sigh escaped her, and she lifted her head up once more. This time, however, Larkkit got to her paws and turned around. "F-fine, but... but if I don't like it, I'm gonna... I'm gonna be mad."

Her steps were hesitant, eyes downcast as she stared at her feet, not wanting to make eye contact with any of the others within the nursery. A shaky breath accompanied each step, confidence fluctuating between non-existent and the tiniest bit of determination.

She reached the nursery's opening after an purposely prolonged period of time, shuddering as she contemplated giving up. It was right there, she just had to...

Quickly, quicker than her slow, tiny steps to get to the entrance, she made her way to the outside world. With a deep breath, Larkkit took in her surroundings. The world was pretty, but her clanmates were intimidating. There was just one question she needed to ask herself now that she had finally exited the nursery.

What would happen now?
