Hide under the mezzanine | Carppaw


Despite Petalnose’s suggestion, Snakeblink did not take Carppaw along on that first hunting patrol into Shadowclan territory. How could he? She could barely stand, let alone walk: the wounds she suffered in that first attack on their camp were still angry and red, suffering from their medicine cat’s feverish state. As willing and eager he’s been to help Ravensong, Snakeblink has not gained nearly enough knowledge through exposure to help with the pain — he can only pray they don’t get infected.

They have only just returned from their excursion, only mildly successful; while the others turn to the Burnt Sycamore to share their bounty of rats with the exiles, Snakeblink turns his paws towards the Shadowclan camp.

It’s strange to slip through the brambles and be met with only mild resistance, his presence warily accepted as he jerks his head towards the rocky alcove that has been pointed out to them as the medicine den. He sympathizes with the eyes trailed on his back: he remembers what it was like to have Skyclan in their space; outsiders in their home. He slithers into the dim space with only a little unease.

The confined clearing smells of sickness and fever, underlaid with bitter herbs. Quiet paws carry Snakeblink through the huddled forms of ill cats, to those injured during the rogue raids: they have been placed to the side, as far away from the contagion as could be managed.

Here he finds Carppaw, her smoky pelt still stained with bloody rust from the deep gashes across her back. The sight tugs at his heart; a mix of regret and anger, at himself and the rogues. He wonders if anyone has been around to groom her, as she can hardly twist to do it herself. He knows most are too cautious to enter the den for risk of catching yellowcough; a caution he ought to have as well, but doesn’t. Surely her family, though, her grandmother?

He places the small lizard in front of her sick-nest, murmuring, ”Hello, Carppaw. We went hunting without you, in the end; I hope settling in was not too difficult in the meantime.”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 46 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

Carppaw's time in the Shadowclan medicine den was... restless.

Her back burned, and every part of her wanted to just jump up and run around, shake was felt like stinging ant bites from her fur. Petalnose, despite the wound on her back- still relatively fresh and tender, and now it smelled awful- had asked her mentor to take her on the hunting patrol. Yeah, that would be wise. Take an apprentice who hardly knows how to catch fish on a dry-land hunting patrol.

She groaned, shifting gently in her bed as she turned, tucking her nose against her tail. The image of her grandmother running away from the fray flashed in her head, and she nearly curled up and sobbed all over again. She had done enough crying since she had gotten to Skyclan, and there wasn't any time for it here and now. And as Snakeblink approached, Carppaw's head picked up and turned towards him. Honestly, to her? He was like a little burst of sunshine in this dreary, boggy place.

She missed the fresh water in Riverclan.

The lizard he placed down was something she blinked at, leaning down to snuff at it as her mentor spoke softly. She shook her head gently as her vision lifted to his. Her normal energy was gone, dispersed and hidden behind curtains that she couldn't even begin to draw back. Her grandmother, for all they knew, had sewn them together and threw away the scissors to cut them open. "It is... it's strange, here, that's all." Carppaw shifted, tucking her paws beneath her.

Exhausted, she looked towards him again. "How was hunting? The Shadowclanners?" She whispered. Snakeblink was correct though, in the fact that she had barely been groomed since they got there. Her mother had been in to visit, of course, but the medicine cats weren't too keen on keeping healthy and uninjured cats around sick and injured ones. Her pelt was still stained red, and Carppaw couldn't reach it herself. She'd get to it eventually, even if her body itched now because of the dried blood, even if she'd had to plunge herself into one of the cooling rivers to rid of it.


——————————————————————————————— sinkin' in your ocean
  • Crying
Reactions: Snakeblink

At least she’s moving and aware. Snakeblink breathes a faint sigh of relief; that means no fever, for now. He's more glad than he can voice. Her subdued demeanor is still a weight on his mind but what else could he expect from an apprentice as injured as she was, far from home and nestbound?

”I can imagine,” he murmurs to her saying Shadowclan is strange. ”I was born in the marshes — have I mentioned this before? Before the clans. So it isn’t so strange to me, but… it isn’t home.”

He sits, his tail curled around his paws, and looks at her thoughtfully. His head twitches, wanting to smooth down her fur ruffled with blood but unsure of his welcome, and he busies himself looking her up and down to check for the state of her injuries instead. ”Hunting was slow and grueling; the Carrionplace is not rife with prey, and the rats put up a fight. The Shadowclanners… are more of the same. But they have left us alone for the most part.” He says this distractedly, clearly thinking it unimportant but wanting to take the time to answer her questions. ”And you? Are you in pain, is there anything you need?” He frowns, concerned. ”I have not seen your grandmother about — the elders are not with us at the Burnt Sycamore — but I suppose she has not been allowed inside, for fear of contagion… Would you like me to take a message to her?”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 46 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo