camp HIDING IN THE BLUE // intro


Apr 7, 2024

Today it was time. His mother had said so, that it was time to meet the clan. So she had stolen him away from the pretty garden back at home and into the unkown. His unkown, but something known to mom. A strange place for sure with so many faces all in one single place. New faces, and so many, many loud noises. Eyes that stared down with houndred of questions. Lotus finds it a hard time to know which one to look at, which eye to search for and which voice to listen to. All too overwhelming it was. How could....anyone know how to do this?. Lotus had quickly disappeared behind his mother for protection, for safety. To escape from the staring eyes, from everything that was unkown and unfamilliar. Instead of focusing on them his eyes drifted away elsewhere, anywhere really.

In the distance his blurry vision caught something of interest, far more interesting then to meet his own suppose clanmates. Lotus didn't know what it was, couldn't see it from here but it was something.

Just like that his mind had been stolen elsewhere, and as Lotus left his mother side to wander out on his own without his mother's awareness the kit reached closer to the blurried object that become a little bit more clear the closer this paws could carry him. However, suddenly, out of the very blue an unexpected obstacle had been put in front of the path making it impossible to continue on forward. Lotus blinked down at the obstacle that was between him and his way forward. It was long and brown, odd looking for sure. Some would call it a stick or a twig. That much Lotus knew. Mom had once told him that. But that was not the problem.

The issue was he had no clue on how to get pass it. How to defeat this stick that was blocking the way. So he stared while trying to come up with a solution. No, it had not crossed his mind that he could just walk over it or around it. A such simple solution was left undiscovered and unkown.

To him, this was a difficult puzzle to solve on his own.


Figfeather plucks another feather from the robin's breast, placing it in a pile just off to the side. Birds had always been one of her favorite pieces of prey, but they were time consuming to eat. Some cats could dig in feathers and all, spitting them out as they chewed, but last time she had tried such a thing it had resulted in her nearly choking. What a scene that had stirred...

Just as she prepares to go in for a bite, she spots one of the new kits in her peripherals. Orange eyes watch as Lotuskit struggles to get past a twig. Its a larger stick for a kit, yes, but the solution was blatant. Still, he seemed to refuse going around or even over it. He's stopped in his tracks as if his paws only worked when they were moving in a straight line.

Figfeather looks almost concerned when she glances to the clan-mate closest to her, "...Should he see a medicine cat?" Coffepaw and Sangriapaw had done strange things, all kits do, but not being able to surpass a twig...? She's never witnessed such a thing. Lotuskit is given a pitiful look.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Lead Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Sire to Sangriapaw & Coffeepaw
    » Mentoring Daisypaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
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  • Haha
Reactions: LOTUSKIT
〕Newcomers to the clan were of little interest to Slate unless there was reason for suspicion. However, a new daylight kitten was hardly of any concern to the outspoken anti-kittypet tom. Just another rascal who would run around and get into trouble and stick their nose where it didn't belong. Then they'd go on back to their twolegs and repeat the cycle the next day. It was not something to be excited about, at least in his eyes.

The lead warrior glances up from his own cherished meal—a well-enjoyed carcass of squirrel—to lend his attention to the peculiar sight that Figfeather was referring to. He chewed the tender meat between pointed canines, savoring the blood on his tongue as he watched the kit with dull amber eyes. Why was the child so fascinated with a mere stick? Or perhaps he was scared of it? Either way, he looked ridiculous. "There's no cure for empty-headedness." Slate responds to the other lead warrior simply. It was true — Dawnglare would be dealing with a lot of patients if such were the case. It was a shame that a boy so young was already so dull — maybe he'd grow out of it.

  • ooc.
  • SLATE —— lead warrior of skyclan , mentoring coffeepaw ✦ penned by beatles
    cismale / he/him pronouns / 39 moons & ages every 1st
    single / bisexual & monogamous / closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— hard combat difficulty & weak to agile, quick fighters / will start fights, will kill if necessary

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are ic
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 81989570_qOt9GUlhGgQcrtn.png

    a scarred longhaired maine coon with amber eyes. a large, 20lb tom with thick locks of fur. his chest and underbelly is ruddy from sun exposure. notable scars decorate his face and his ears are both torn with one being folded over.
  • Haha
Reactions: LOTUSKIT
Emberpaw had been dropping prey off to the queens and elders when she spotted Lotuskit from a small distance, her ears flicking as she realized that Figfeather had been close to her. Should he see a medicine cat? The lead warrior's question made her gaze flick shift over to the red tabby before reverting to the original position. Maybe he had poor eyesight or had something similar to what Palemoon dealt with? ”Probably.” The apprentice would state after a moment as her right ear flicks, her sharp gaze flicking to Slate and blinking at the comment made by him. It was obvious something was wrong with the kitten's eyesight and the dark tom-cat's statement made her roll her eyes.

”It's possible that he was born with poor eyesight.” The umber tabby states as a sigh follows in pursuit. It seems as none else had the idea to watch or help the child out, and she remembered getting weird looks because of being a rogue back as a child. The student of Silversmoke strides forth to the child and attempts to guide them around the branch, blocking his way, offering a rare smile on her typically hardened face. ”Is it hard for you to see?” Ember inquires after solving the child's puzzle for him as she glances around for Lotuskit's parents.
  • Love
Reactions: LOTUSKIT
"What are you all gossiping about this time?" Fireflyglow's soft, yet deep voice calls out as he saunters over, intending originally to settle beside Figfeather and Slate to chat with them. However, Emberpaw's voice speaks up soon after, and Fireflyglow turns his blind blue gaze in the direction of her voice. A newer scent mingles with the apprentice's as she asks the cat if it was hard to see.

A pang of sympathy wades through his heart. He had always had bad eyesight growing up, even before the rogues had blinded him permanently. If this kit was struggling to see, it would be a challenge to cope with as he grew up.

"Lotuskit, is it?" He calls out gently, a soft chirp leaving his lips as he rises to his paws. "Are his eyes cloudy?" Fireflyglow leans down to ask Emberpaw in a soft whisper, head tilting a bit. ​
  • Love
Reactions: LOTUSKIT

Aha, he had no clue about what was being said behind his back. Lotus was not good with paying attention to what was happenind around him after all. His mind could only focus on one thing at the time, and right now it was the stick blocking the way. It was possibly, highly so that Lotuskit would have remained in that same spot for hours to come just staring at the stick until someone came to his aid. Luckily, Emberpaw was generous enough to help the lost Lotuskit out.

He blinked in confusion when being guided around the stick until arriving to the otherside. Oh. Lotuskit looked puzzled, his eyes still watching the stick rather then paying attention to the apprentice. " So...that's how you do it?" he mumbled, just walk around it. Maybe he should remember it until next time. He could try anyway.

Hmh?, what...his sight?. Like he just had realized that Emberpaw actually stood there the kit looked up now in even more confusion. Lotuskit titled his head as he looked like a question mark. " see??." Lotuskit had no clue what they were trying to say. His 'see' was not bad at least he didn't think so.

Suddenly, the apprentice split and now there was two of them. They looked like two completely different cats though. How strange. The other split version of the apprentice started to address him with the word Lotuskit. " Lotus....kit?." For a moment the kit looked confused again before he remembered. " Lotus is the name of a flower, mom's favorite flower. Lotus often grows by the lake or river. It is white and pretty looking. The two legs often let them grow in the garden. They are usually white like snow but can come in other colors too.That's why my name's Lotuskit." he rambled on about all the details and information he had learned about the flower he was named after. He blinked when he was done, now sinked back to his silence once more.