
Oil-spill bird, whose wings weighed down with weariness... Your dreams are the only wind under your feathers.

It was a loose string of a poem that Eigengrau had devised, woven from words as untethered as moss, or perhaps more akin to the Twoleg garbage they shed like excrement. Too many felines did underestimate the power of words, he figured. He could hardly be considered articulate and verbose, but at least he knew the value of verses. Hypocrite, he was, to chastise the man for his tongue when he wrought his own to exhaustion. He couldn't help getting lost in his imagination, though. The walk to Skyclan had been nothing but boring, with skyscrapers softer than concrete surrounding him and a path that did not sting like cement's scorn in front of him. Eigengrau had grown used to the city's symphony, how loud the Monsters would howl, and how quiet they would hum as they perched upon unnatural nests divided by their sullied-white line. The Monsters were like flightless birds - creatures damned to asphalt passages, bearing clipped wings and destitute eyes aglow. He pitied them, truly. No matter how formidable or imposing, a chained beast was naught if it were chained. A storklike gait stumbled about with calculated grace, and though he was most certainly lost within the winding labyrinth of the arbor, he would find his way to the promised land. All cats had that innate sense of direction, he knew. Well, he hoped.

A serpent of a man slithered through the shadowed woods, with darkened coal hues blending into the gloom, as though he had been birthed from such primordial chaos. Turquoise eyes, beset in pluck sockets, were the only thing to distinguish him from the nature he bumbled through. This sneaky strategy was oft-used when avoiding trouble, which he did quite well. Misfortune seemed to belie him like a bear trap, though, and he often found himself in dire straits. Well, that was what the tongue is for - to untie one out of the knots of trouble. Every few steps, his paws would crack against underlying foliage, as though he were trying to announce his arrival regardless of his shade-colored pelt. Despite all his pompous swagger, he was but a housecat bobbing along the saline sea, and he could barely swim. Obviously, he tried not to allow such unbridled fear to break through a stone-carved facade. He danced and bounced around like he took the world for a spectacle, as if he was a fluttering hummingbird that evaded the grit and horror of the world, a mere observer instead of a player. It was indicative of how he saw the cats around him - mere pawns haphazardly placed upon the field, and he was no different. At least he acknowledged it! At least he took the universe's displays for a fool!

Eigen only stopped when he picked out an unfamiliarly tangled smell through that of the forest, as keen and whiplike whiskers nosed through forefathers' footfall, for trailblazers found it apt to leave a legacy one way or another. It was clear that they had just been here, too. Lucky day for me, I suppose. It was the same scent that many kittypets and loners dragged behind them, and he recognized it from when the daylight warriors retreated back to their warm nests. It was saccharine, almost, though interspersed with the sweats and toils of a life long lived. What idiots, he mused. I wouldn't choose to kill myself just for some points of honor. Honor, what's that? Nothin'! Seaglass eyes lit up with the candlelight of adventurous devilry, a toothy smile indenting the edges of jagged countenance, as though his creator's hands were imprecise and wobbling. Only an uncaringly-novice creator could let such a nihilist thrive.

"Heeeeyy!" He yelled with a gravelly yet unwearied voice, worn from the smoke that the city breathed out, and yet still sprightly with the energy of a younger tom. "Wake up, Flyclan! Or was it Styclan? Anyways, I want to jooooiiinnn! Let me iiiin!" He continued to shout like a mad drunkard, with giggles and laughs blustering through the wavering, willowy declaration. He was perfectly sober - he was just high on life. He never liked to take things seriously, and he wouldn't start today.
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"It's Skyclan." came the dull response of Quillstrike, whose own tone was far less enthusiastic, bordering on the edge of a monotony that would suggest disinterest were it not for the sharpness behind his dual-colored gaze.

The tall, scarred up chimera couldn't scent any hint of the moor or another clan on the stranger, which was enough to keep his hackles lowered as languid strides carried him forward. "You should be fine to join, but you'll need the approval of higher up most likely." he informed them in the same lackluster rumble, of which, Quill was not. "What's your name?"

skyclan - male - 12 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.
The call garners attention, deserved or not (and it certainly wasn't, unpleasant rasp of a thing; lungs belonging to a thing escaped from smoke and hellfire). The tom topples across the trees, climbing in that way he always did – throwing his weight around without much finese, but it always did well and good for him. His blood pumped eagerly from his being, a sick satisfaction in conquering these towering things. Though, inherently, Dawnglare stooped to many things for the sake of his god-given task, but to be compared to a carrion-breathing bug is something he would not stand. To peg them all as something nasty would be only falsehood. His hind-legs dance upon the branch he hinges on, and with outstretched claws, he'd reach toward the stranger, an eye squinted shut as if taking aim... "Lose that name on your tongue be-fore i cut it from you–!" he would declare, voice lilted in a hiss.

Then, a huff, and his body slides tiredly against the trunk, no longer maintaining the will to keep himself upright, for the repulsive thing did not deserve it; was barely owed the words from his or anyone's mouth. "Vile insect.... We ought not to speak to them," He mutters it to no one in particular, for few of SkyClan were hardly above vermin themselves. Accusing, Dawnglare's gaze. "And what for? Looking to sprea-d your... filth," the word is, figuratively and literally splat, his tongue keeping held between his teeth. And– oh, laughter was something Dawnglare always clung to. Weapon used against him, hear and now, the sound of him makes him want to rip free his own spine. Scrabbling for purchase, he huffs and puffs...
❪ TAGS ❫"Why should we let you in if you don't even know the right name?" Slate issues a snarky response, to no one's surprise, but perhaps to Blazestar's dismay should the leader happen to show up. Was it not a red flag that this stranger didn't even know SkyClan's name but was insisting on joining? He likely just wanted to mooch off of their fresh-kill pile.

The burly former rogue glances over toward Dawnglare and Quillstrike. It seems that the former isn't necessarily enthused, either. "Do we really want him to join? We don't have to let in every rambling fool who shows up to the borders, you know." In fact, Slate would love to escort this person back to the streets where he belonged. Hell, even chase him, if he dared not comply. There were enough idiots who ground Slate's gears living in SkyClan already and he certainly wasn't fond of letting in another.


Quill didn't react as Dawnglare launched into a rant about flys and how gross they were. The medicine cat was strange, but beyond that, Quill had no doubt they'd poison someone in their sleep if it suited them well enough, and he prefered to keep on their good side.

Mismatched eyes would shift to land on Slate as the other tom appeared, sharing in his skeptisicm, but Quill would only shrug his broad shoulders in response.

"Ignorance can be trained out- for the most part." A true enough statement, for the most part. "Question is, will he work for it. Skyclan doesn't do free rides."

His gaze would slide back to rest on the newcomer. It didn't take long to weed out the freeloaders, and Quillstrike would happily help Slate chase out any idiot who was dumb enough to try and take from the clan without giving anything back- and they'd better pray to the stars they reached the border before the chimera caught them.

skyclan - male - 12 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
Wherever Dawnglare is, Fireflypaw is most likely not far behind. He rounds his mentor's side, clinginess in his gait as he scoots close to flank him. With eyes shut, he listens to the conversation- this weird tom, who surely doesn't know the name of their Clan, was talking about wanting to join. Quillstrike takes initiative, his friend speaking of training this one. Eyebrows scrunch together, despite the smile on his lips that stretched nearly uncomfortably wide.

"The name's Fireflypaw, you can call me Fi!" He chimes, poking his head out from behind his mentor in favor of showing his face. It was rude to not introduce oneself, after all! "Why'dya wanna join SkyClan? Seeking a thrill outta life?"

The first dullard to arrive duly corrected Eigengrau of the name of this establishment, with a tone as ardent as a dull knife, and perhaps as much wit as one as well. At least he seemed friendlier than most of the stray cats he encountered in the conrete jungle. Skyclan, huh? Weird name. "Well, I was pretty close!" The oil-spill tom shrugged loose shoulders, in the manner of the ocean's rolling tides, a freeform and libertine flow. He even appeared to have been cut from the swirling night of ink, a depraved beast yet not a depraved man. "Name's Eigengrau. Eigen for short. Pleasure meeting you, uh... Stripes." Unnervingly-bright eyes peered at the patchwork-monochrome Quillstrike, who radiated a collected sort of air, and he sensed little true animosity from the bulkier feline. He simply waited, watched, offered. Yes, he reminded Eigen of a shrike. The brazen butcherbird, the courteous killer. It was in that wintry demeanor that he saw some of that elusive bird's own penchant for brutality. Hopefully, Quill was not as crude as the king of thistle.

The next cat slithered like a snake and talked like one too, leaning against the trunk of the trees, a performance that deserved some sort of honorary praise. Though, Eigen never liked snakes. They lurked, they glowered, they bit before asking questions. He could respect them, despite his grievances. It was like his mother said, it was a dog-eat-dog world out there. (He never knew his mother.) The other declared him 'filth' and glared down at him with sky-blue gaze, as though perched upon his throne of heaven, deigning words to judge a mere mortal soul such as himself. "Vile insect?! Aw, you barely know me! Give me a chance, at least." A boisterously grating laugh escaped untamed lips, more of a whistling wheeze of steam than anything of substance, a puff of smoke to taint the cloud-ridden sky. His voice was one of his damning features, his prized possessions, even as none could appreciate it. This one, despite such serpentine wiles, reminded him of a dove. A sprightly, downy thing, a flush of pallid hue against the asphalt paths. A fleeting, falling feather, lone against the miasmas of dead. Well, Dawn certainly did not have the demeanor of the herald of peace.

Another creature approached him, this time of rippling muscle and unpolished stone, as if he were carved of granite and gem instead of flesh and bone. This one was an eagle, a pridefully arrogant raptor. He had only seen that bird of prey a few times, as it fluttered along the margins of the grey trees. It was distant, uncaring. Slate, though, seemed more than willing to fly closer to the sun than the ruler of the skies. Eigen matched his height, yes, but he was not strong. It was evident in how gaunt features disallowed much substance to hang from it, a ghost of a better beast. Yet another name was tacked onto his pelt instead of his graciously-gifted true name, of which he had been so kind to bless them with! Perhaps it was too complicated for these simple-minded wild cats. He had been called every name under the sun, so mere slights of the tongue did not get under his skin. But he couldn't help playing the fool - it was a much better thing than composure, that fluttering freedom was. "I'm not a rambling fool! And I will work for it, I sweaaar!" He collapsed to the ground and let out loud and obviously fake whimpers, of which just sounded like obnoxious "waaah"-ing.

As soon as Fireflypaw approached, the pitch-colored feline stood straight up, as straight as seemingly-liquid limbs allowed him to. This one was fluffy, downy almost. He was an owl, with round eyes and moon-spelled face. He had seen the owl more than the eagle, surprisingly. The cats spoke of it as though it were a great bird of the twilight, but he had stared at those eyes once before. Rotund, pool-gazed mirrors. Though, Fireflypaw did not seem as ruthless as the queen of the night. It was as if Eigen had forgotten his previous act in the mere moments of a sliver of kindness. A toothy smile returned to the lithe and blithe tom, and he revealed his face to never have been marred with tears, only with the dirt that he had been lying in seconds before.

"Well, 'twas about time someone nice showed up here! Hi, Fi! Hm, about joining Ryeclan or whatever it's called... I dunno. I heard about it through the other cats in the city. I mean, some of your cats also live there. Which is weird, I thought it was a full-time job to be doing whatever you do out here. Must be pretty easy if those cats can just go home every night, no worries. So, that's why I'm here! I promise I'm a good hunter and a good fighter. Ask any cat in the city and they'll say: 'Oh my stars! It's Eigengrau the Dog-slayer! Eigengrau the Twoleg-eater! Eigengrau the Monster-hunter!' I can do whatever you guys want, except if it involves trying to find fresh food in the Twoleg bins. Seriously, it's almost impossible."