high achiever * getting lost


Oct 26, 2023

it's all very unfortunate timing really. the chill in the air sets in, clouds that have been looming threateningly all day begin to leak, slowly at first, and it's not long before the rain begins to pelt down. "awh." he complains light-heartedly. as happy as he is to wait for the cold rain to recede, it doesn't seem like it's going to dissipate any time soon, the disappointment that hampers him though is vague and temporary, his emotions fickle and not easily grasped. "is there anybody out here...?" he calls, his dazed as usual eyes flit over the area. he's found trees, trees, and more trees. as new as clan life is to him, the territory is similarly so.

he's not familiar enough with the land. thoroughly stumped, he lands on his rump with a soft sounding thud, his delayed reaction to getting mud on his lower half inducing something exceedingly rare from the former kittypet, deeply spiking frustration. getting has never been an issue, in the past never wanting to stray from his housefolk, never having reason to explore much of anything beyond the yard. dolly doesn't regard the whole situation with much, sitting and pretending he didn't just cake himself in mud. "hello..?" he tries again.
just because i carry it so well doesn't mean it's not heavy .
The cream-ticked tabby normally didn’t get lost, not as new as their recent additions to the clan, but he still fumbled a bit with the odd terrain, used to pavement and wooden fences. He hadn’t thought much about his life before, or well, if he missed it or not. He didn’t. Not really.

Blinking, the odd-eyed tom shuffled, peeking around a tree to see Dolly sitting in the middle of the forest. “Oh! Hey! Hey!” He chirped, padding up to the mud-riddled feline. Raising a brow, Lux chuckled, bouncing on the pads of his feet, nervous jitters covered up by untethered excitement. “I’m heading back to camp, do you want to walk together?” He inquired, helm cocked with downcast eyes, grin still present on dark lips.
thought speech