camp HIGH CHANCES | intro, fresh kill pile


by the river
Mar 21, 2024

Life as an apprentice had only recently come to an end for the flame point and, though he was grateful for the tutelage of his mentor, having more freedom to spend his time as he wished when off-duty was a Star-blessed concept. He'd never liked having to do all the extra tasks his mentor had demanded of him but they'd been done without hesitation, perhaps some sort of penance for running his mouth at other apprentices, perhaps because he didn't know anything other than doing what was told. When the dawn patrols were finished, lounging in RiverClan's camp had been a big priority come midday, and the tom had basked in the sun like a cold-blooded creature for most of the hour. An inner peace drowned out the sounds of kittens playing nearby, but a fresh smell wafted past his nostrils just when it seemed nothing could stir him. Pale blue eyes opened to watch a clanmate delivering a freshly caught fish to a dwindling pile of them, plumper than anything else on there. Quickjaw's jowls began to ache before he realised his mouth was watering - there were other benefits to being a warrior, no more relinquishing kills to grown-ups.

At least... that was the way it was supposed to be once the old and young were fed. Out of the corner of his eye, Quickjaw spotted another with a hungry look, gawking at the drum as if their life depended on getting that prey. Their steps were casual, as if not expecting any competition, and the sepia flame point rolled onto his belly and entered a crouch. With the wiggle of spiky haunches, he bolted forward, carving through camp like a path of lightning. Ears fluttered at the attention he received from a few onlookers, what was pride in his speed to some may have been confusion to others about what in StarClan's name he was doing, but Quickjaw wasn't above making a spectacle. Age had mellowed the worst of his attention-seeking, but it hadn't eliminated it. Just as he saw the other about to reach their prize, Quickjaw snatched the fish up and bounced a fox tail away, spinning to face the other with a wild look in his eye. "Oops, too slow!" An impudent grin stretched across Quickjaw's maw, teeth flashing behind the large piece of prey he'd picked for himself. "Maybe I'll share if you say please," he teased.


-ˋˏ ˎˊ- carawaypaw had a long day of training, paws aching and muscles tired. a meal had called her name for hours, in accordance with the warrior code she had to wait. it was stupid, unfair, and almost made her miss being in the nursery. the apprentice didn't complain, though. because soon she would be done with her work for the day. by then everyone would be fed, and she could finally get to one fish in particular that had been watching her all day.

finally, when it felt like her stomach was going to collapse in onto itself, she made the journey to where it sat. so close, she cracked her jaws to reach for it, but before they could make purchase her prey was gone. "hey!" carawaypaw hissed in protest, wide green eyes flying to the flame point with a nasty glint. quickjaw had stolen from her, and by that cocky look on his maw she doubted he had any interest in giving it back.

ears tilting back, her nose scrunched at his teasing. carawaypaw would rather eat a rotten fish than beg for for the one that was rightfully hers. she was not interested in sharing either. a banded tail lashed fervently as she made narrowed eye contact with the young warrior. "in your dreams, frog-brain. that was mine and you know it!"

  • IMG_0321.png
  • CARAWAYPAW she/her, apprentice of riverclan, 8 ☾'s
    carawaypaw is a pretty longhaired silver tabby with green eyes and a long, lithe frame. born into riverclan, she loves her home and has a deep rooted desire to defend it.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblepaw, minnowpaw, mosspool, and hazewish
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

i'm in the in between, honey

Hunting was not her fortitude. It took patience, precision, and another "p" word that basically was opposite to everything Turtlepaw was. She had been assured that, even though she didn't contribute much to the freshkill pile, her effort was enough on some days. When she did make a kill, though, it filled her with so much pride. She felt almost invincible to the world and the strife it could throw at her.

In her jaws as she pranced back into camp was a teeny shad, glinting in the sun. It had taken her almost the entire morning to get it. She had started to make her way to the freshkill pile to deposit it, when she saw Quickjaw snatch the drum away from Carawaypaw. In her excitement, the context was lost to the apprentice. "Ooh! I wanna play!" she cried, rushing up to stand next to Carawaypaw.


The sound of rushing past made her ears twitch, alarming her lids to shoot open towards the disturbance of peace. A nap was suiting after a night patrol, resting beneath the rays after already completing her days work and feeding whom she could. It was nice to get things done early, enjoying the sun. However, disturbances of chatter and commotion were frequent. Petalnose nearly laid her head back down to continue her rest until she caught upon the scene. Scold she normally yell, but the tones were of play. It was in good spirits, even if it was rude…

Carawaypaw was understandably upset about the situation, leaving her the responsibility of moderation as a lead, "What a show off.." Petalnose groaned as she stretched upon her spot, planting herself neatly near the scene. Turtlepaw squeaked in excitement, wanting to join in on the fun Quickjaw started. A look of warning was directed towards him, hoping to settle the excitement.

"The first who got it is the one of worthy paw, Carawaypaw. We shall get you another one. Quickjaw, I expect better manners as a warrior. Especially towards younger members.. " she had been similar, searching to find any chance of competition and challenge. She had still been that way, but of trauma and lessons a mellowed version formed. Higher ranked responsibilities were an aspect as well, if she weren't the title she was now, she would have just gone back to bed. Instead, she wasn't exactly done for work when patrols were attended to.


She finds herself dozing in the warmth of the sun, ebbing in and out of consciousness by forces beyond her control. As much as she fights sleep her body is beginning to demand more of it. It stirs up helpless feelings the more she thinks about it. Therefore the commotion at the freshkill pile is a welcomed distraction.

Robinheart rises to her paws and approaches the small group, standing somewhat near Carawaypaw. The daughter of her former mentor has earned a defender in the tortoiseshell. Petalnose diffuses the brunt of the situation. Robinheart has witnessed many instances of Petalnose righting wrongs inflicted by clanmates. Petalnose was a shining example of a lead warrior. Perhaps one day Robinheart may share rank with her, but for now she represents the warrior rank (and seems to be representing it better than Quickjaw). ”Bold move to taunt an apprentice, Quickjaw,” Robinheart states, tilting her head away to yawn away the tiredness weighing upon her, ”I wouldn’t be surprised if you find thorns or fish bones hidden in your nest tonight.” Hell hath no fury like an apprentice scorned, and StarClan knows RiverClan harbors some resentful apprentices.
[ penned by kerms ]
she/her || 17moons || RiverClan Warrior

Pale ginger muzzle pokes it's way back into camp after a small jaunt to the river just as a commotion is breaking out around the fresh-kill pile. Should she have brought a fish or two back herself? Probably, but Frozenlake hadn't been thinking of that! She'd just gone to watch the pretty water and admire her reflection... ahem, that is to say, she'd gone to admire the fish below the water's surface. Still, even if she got scolded, Frozenlake could just promise to catch twice as much next time! She'd never failed to deliver on that promise before!

"What's up, what's up?" She asks curiously, padding up to the small group that had congregated there. "Are you causing problems, Quickjaw?~" There's a teasing lilt to her tone as she addresses the other new warrior. That was one thing they had in common: both had been made warriors fairly recently, Quickjaw's own ceremony had been far more recent than hers had been, though. Sometimes Frozenlake still felt like her ceremony was yesterday, so she was able to sympathize with the brand new warrior... but that didn't mean she couldn't also tease him! ​

The grin on his muzzle only seemed to broaden past his grip on the fish in his maw as he stared down the silver tabby, a challenge in his eye that translated to: 'what are you gonna do about it?' Being a warrior meant he was higher on the pecking order than Carawaypaw, as cruel as it seemed, he knew he had every right to gorge the prey before the other could even get a whiff of the freshkill pile. Eyes widened as they settled on Turtlepaw, about to address the excitable youngster when a senior voice (at least to a new adult) cut the conversation short. He looked to Petalnose, ears pinned back at the light scolding. "Fiiiiiiiine, I didn't mean nuthin' by it." He looked to Carawaypaw and, in a gesture of peace, mewed "D'ya want the head or the tail?" Quickjaw wouldn't be willing to sacrifice the most nutritious part, good faith or not, he'd earned the right to devour something good after he'd run like a leopard to attain it. He'd let Turtlepaw have whatever Caraway didn't choose - if the young apprentice could swallow her pride enough to accept something from him.

The striped ears of Quickjaw popped right back up as Robinheart addressed him, puffing out his spiky fur in pride. "Hah, they wouldn't dare! I'm the king of finding thorns, someone puts one in my bedding and they'll find themselves sleeping on somethin' spikier than a hedgehog." It was both a dare and a promise, he welcomed misgivings, but he wouldn't let any slide, even in front of Petalnose. "Besides, the culprit'd be obvious." Only one apprentice had shown him irritation, and it was the one he'd snatched the fish from. Turning his head towards Frozenlake as she addressed him, the flame point scoffed. "Nah, I mean..." A glance to the silver tabby, then, back to Frozenlake, the teasing look returned to the patched tabby. "S'all good. Speedy bird gets the worm, but this speedy bird'll share, it's the least I can do for one of RiverClan's prettiest warriors."

-ˋˏ ˎˊ- closing the distance to wipe that challenging look off quickjaw's face, but stars did her paws itch to do it. if petalnose weren't stood a few paces away, she just might have succumbed to the urge. doing so would be a bad look. in front of a lead warrior, to the younger turtlepaw who stood by her flank, upon her family. willowroot certainly wouldn't waste her time entertaining squabbles with clanmates over fish.

carawaypaw sighs something haughty. even if she didn't agree with petalnose's sentiment that the quickest was the most deserving, the tabby's tone left little room to argue. her nose wrinkles at quickjaw's offer even though it came with good intentions she was far too stubborn to accept it. "i'm getting another one, one that's not covered in your spit." through her declaration, she pretended not to hear the discussion of thorns placed in his nest. quickjaw may be the king of finding thorns, not so kindly she wondered if he held the same title with spiders.

true to her word, she scoured for another fish. a better fish. once she found it, carawaypaw quickly turned heel to leave. her paws were not quick enough to spare her ears from quickjaw's nauseating flirting. "get a nest," she grumbled, muffled through the prey, before stalking off somewhere else to enjoy her meal.
  • // out!

  • CARAWAYPAW she/her, apprentice of riverclan, 8 ☾'s
    carawaypaw is a pretty longhaired silver tabby with green eyes and a long, lithe frame. born into riverclan, she loves her home and has a deep rooted desire to defend it.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblepaw, minnowpaw, mosspool, and hazewish
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.