high hopes | skyclan patrol


Nov 11, 2022

Everything seems okay right now. Besides the whole thing with Windclan ending up not very favorable. Still he keeps his head up as he beckons with his thick tail on where they need to go. Where pines blend with oaks and a little further. Taking a deep breath in he can already smell Thunderclan. But they have no issues with them. And really he prefers the forest dwellers any day on compared to the rabbit hunters. They are much nicer and the two clans are much closer. "Okay, mon amies, we are primarily here to check our border. Mark it and move along. Ah, but if you chance upon any Thunderclanners don't be afraid to say hi. We have no enemies here, ouais?" The large and scraggly older tom pulls a smile onto his tired face as he turns his head away from his patrol. Really he is happy that Deersong saw something in him to allow it but he is also nervous. But there is nothing to worry about and they will be back home soon.

So he then shifts and starts to walk along the border, eyes of soft blues searching and wandering. Things seem relatively quiet and he wonders if they will see Fireflypaw or Morningpaw. A light smile pills at his muzzle before he goes to mark the border where he currently is.

@REDSTORM ! @Winterwink @ThistleBack @Quillpaw

out with a small patrol, nightbird hears the skyclanners before she see's them. gazing across the border she takes in the sight of the other clan silently. really, she had no desire to chat. the warrior knew they were on friendly terms, but that didn't mean she had to actually talk to them, did it?

she caught herself staring for long enough for it to feel a tad awkward, even for her. the molly delivered a quick lick to the fur on her chest before raising a stony stare back to their neighbors. nightbird offered the patrol a small dip of her head as a greeting. "hope this season's treating you all well enough," she drawled confidently, her expression void of emotion. although making friends was not her strong suit, she didn't want to sour the relationship between the two clans by just staring them down from her side of the border. her words would do just fine until a more verbose clanmate decided to pipe up.
[ ☾✩ ]

Mention of Windclan as of late, would draw a jagged line on his hackles and a hiss through tight teeth. A coldness to defy even the hardest freeze coming, lay within his heart for the moorland mice. Those thieves who stole his son, his apprentice, his protege. Thistleback never made a comment though, for his silence spoke more on his loathing than his words could ever- luckily his glaring wordless moments were enough. If Sootstar’s throat was between his teeth, he’d crush Starclan’s ninth gift back to the stars.

" ouais " Thistleback responds with a taste of the language so foreign on his tongue, he was starting to learn it seemed. Well, simple greetings and yes~ It was all at the hand of Foxgecker. It sounds strange with his own accent, like a veil of ambiguity cast on mere word.

" perhaps I’ll be able to speak your tongue by the time i’m in my elder moons " he chatted idly while marking the border.

He wasn’t angry anymore, his head was held high and his prowl was quick behind Foxgecker’s step. Occasionally tossing his maw over his shoulder to check his apprentice, but his stare was always muted grey orbs of ice and judgment. Although, with a splash of mischief of course. " how does the snow feel on those little uncalloused apprentice paws? like a thousand bee stings I’d imagine " he prods a jest at his striped company with a smirk. His own paws no longer stung, moons on the cold concrete did well for him- but his shoulders simply ached.

A black coated warrior stands within the Thunderclan’s snow clad forest, simply staring. She speaks finally but it was as though she was simply obligated to do so.

" well enough indeed, dear. I pray the same for Thunderclan as well. " he pipes up with a gravel lined tone.

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. ・゚✧
  • bVBPWus.png


Lanky legs of gray and off-white would carry Leafshade to Nightbirds' side, his usual glare of impatience on his face as he glowered at the Skyclan patrol across from them. It wasn't that he disliked Skyclan exactly, he was just wary of any cats who were not Thudnerclan. There was always an enemy to watch, always a shoulder to look over after the banishment of the traitor.

Still, much like his clanmate, he knew that politeness was better than silence, so he would nod stiffly to the oddly accented tom and meowed curtly, "It is. Thank you."


Jay comes to stand at Nightbird and Leafshade's side, eyes trickling over the two strangers as he tries not to make it too obvious that he's sniffing them. It's been a little hard but so far, he thinks he has most of the clan scents down. Well, some of them. Okay, just Windclan and Thunderclan itself but he's working on it. The thunderpath was too smelly to accurately get Shadowclan's and he can only scent what he's visited. So these guys smell like... well, too much honestly, and his eyes widen slightly at the notes of familiar scents. Scents that were like the ones he grew up with as a kittypet. He tries not to let the nostalgia pull him down and instead tries to focus on the visitors themselves. They're big cats and sort of intimidating for it. What do they feed em' in Skyclan? His brow furrows then, realizing he heard a word he didn't recognize and so he looks up at Foxgecker and Thistleback in confusion. "Ouais? What's a ouais?"