high on believing | patrol assignments

Flycather's belly grumbled that morning. He had eaten sparsely in the last few days, taking his fill after the most vulnerable had eaten. He had eaten a little last night but clearly not enough to sustain him. Hopefully, the hunting patrols today would have some better luck catching prey. Padding out of the warrior's den, Flycatcher said a few greetings to the cats around camp as was customary, before sitting in the centre of camp ready to give out his assignments for the day. "ThunderClan, please gather to hear today's patrol assignments!" Flycatcher called out clearly. He would wait a few minutes before pressing on once several of his clanmates had gathered.

"Raccoonstripe, I want you to lead the dawn patrol along the border with RiverClan and SkyClan. Honeydapple, Moonwhisper, you will accompany him. Also, Berryheart has requested to join you today, so please help him should he request it."

"The dawn patrol along the border with ShadowClan and WindClan will be led by myself. Shiningsun, Silverlightning I want you both to accompany me. Get some prey when you can, I would like to head out as soon as we can after these assignments are complete."

"Burnstorm, I am tasking you with our dusk patrol along the border with RiverClan and SkyClan. Take Mousenose and Sandthorn to join you."

"The dusk patrol to the border with ShadowClan and WindClan will be led by Wolfwind. Sparkwing, Grizzlyjaw, I want you to accompany her today."

"Hunting patrols will be led by Freckleflame and Roeflame. I leave it to their discretion as to which warriors they want to join them."

"Howlingstar has asked to lead a training session today, so I will leave it in her capable paws for which skill she wants to focus on."

He waits a moment for the assignments to sink in and for the cats on the dawn patrols to ready themselves for action. "You are dismissed. Good luck today everyone."

// threads to make
dawn river: @RACCOONSTRIPE @honeydapple @Moonwhisper @BERRYHEART
dawn wind: @SHININGSUN @Silverlightning
dusk sky: @BURNSTORM ! @MOUSENOSE @sandthorn
dusk shadow: @WOLFWIND @Sparkwing @GRIZZLYJAW
hunting: @FRECKLEFLAME @Roeflame .
training: @HOWLINGSTAR
Raccoonstripe ignores the thorns piercing his empty belly, padding to where his deputy sits with a measured expression. He is in no hurry to parry with RiverClanners, but he's been wanting to check that border anyway. He dips his head at Flycatcher's directive, dark eyes narrowing. "You don't suppose RiverClan would take this opportunity to start sending warriors to Sunningrocks again, do you?" His tail swishes thoughtfully. He half-turns, scanning the gathering cats for his patrolmates. Moonwhisper, as usual—the tortoiseshell-faced she-cat has been at his side more often as a warrior than an apprentice, it seems, and Honeydapple. "We likely don't have enough fresh-kill to eat before we go, but we'll hunt on the way back."

It's only then that he remembers his new burden. With a sigh, Raccoonstripe peers into the apprentice's den. "Rainbowpaw. Dawn patrol. We're going to the RiverClan border." He's sure the golden-splashed tom isn't an early riser. They don't strike Raccoonstripe as particularly disciplined... yet.

  • talking to patrolmates and @RAINBOWKIT
  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai
Grizzlyjaw lumbers over with both of his feathered ears perked forward as he and the rest of his clanmates are assigned on patrols. It seems that he and Honeydapple are put on different ones but the smoke furred tom isn't bothered by it, he would be going with Wolfwind and Sparkwing that were two cats that had a lot of spunk and energy to them whilst he remained quiet and kept to himself. It would be fine, he nods to Flycatcher before walking off and get ready.

  • grizzlyjaw.png
    ✦ 50 moons old
    ✦ thunderclan warrior
    ✦ bisexual demiromantic, mates w/honeydapple
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✦ difficult in combat; relies on brute strength, street smarts, and his large size
    ✦ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✦ penned by bosstaurus
A patrol over to ShadowClan – it wouldn’t be her first time; probably not her last, blegh. While she and her family had come to ThunderClan and flourished, ShadowClan appears to be just as miserable all these moons later. of course you were going to be, living somewhere where you could only gnaw on the lowest tiers of prey. Not to mention, leadership went way downhill after Briarstar. At least Chilledstar didn’t seem crazy, but they sure weren’t the cheery sort, that’s for sure.

A patrol with Sparkwing is always bound to be a good time, though. And on top of that, it’d make a good first outing for Emberpaw, and maybe even let her get to know Grizzlyjaw better. Spotting the tom not to far away, Wolfwind would come up and offer him a grin. " Just you, me… and potentially the loudest cat in the world today, " Wolfwind tells him with a snort. She’d glance around the crowd until she spots the familiar red tabby pelt and call to her former apprentice. " That's you! "

As Raccoonstripe pads toward the apprentice den, Wolfwind only assumes that if Rainbowpaw comes, his brother won’t be too far behind. She’d dip her head to Grizzlyjaw, watching as the warrior takes his leave. " See you at sundown! " Maybe she and Emberpaw could get some time in, first.



life has been difficult. life has been very difficult, for someone of her stature. she’s never been ashamed of the frame her father had bestowed upon her — she is a broad thing, heavy about the limbs and tummy where thick rivulets of ember and black conceal thick muscle. she is a thunderclanner, tried and true.. but in all honesty, she never knew how much a true thunderclanner would take to feed until now. greenleaf had graced them with bountiful mice, the shrew and vole that hide amongst sunningrocks had saved her life, once upon a time : she had fed on what she could, fed twice a day, sometimes thrice if starclan had been so gracious. now they’re lucky to scavenge a single bite, lucky to catch wind of so much as a living soul not already shredded into crowfood by trespassing cats with no regard for life or border. she feels sorry for the souls sent out time and time again, only to return with empty claws. she thinks it over as she gathers under flycatcher’s yowl, gathering herself to a slouched sit along the outskirts. a yawn escapes her maw.

hunting patrols will be lead by freckleflame and roeflame.

she freezes mid - yawn. it takes everything in her power for squared features not to fall in dismay.

a hunting patrol — her first time leading, leading any patrol, and it had to be a hunting patrol. now? when even raccoonstripe trudges into camp without a morsel to add to their ever - waning collection of scrap and bones. she prays to whatever divine eyes that watch her and condemn her life to their own personal entertainment that it does not cross her face, the way nerves prick and burn beneath thick fluff. she knows that to do : fake it. fake it, and things will be alright — she could be a warrior, she could. freckleflame knew what to do, really. surely. she could do this, even if the smile that crosses her maw seems too wide, too put - upon her short muzzle. she could do this, even if it felt like she would make some sort of mistake her patrol would remember forever. she tries not to let how much that particular thought drops her belly to bicolored paws, ” once you’re done, how ‘bout you show off them new lead warrior skills to me, huh? “ the woman trills teasingly, coming alongside a dark - furred tom with an amused glint to seaglass eyes.

burnstorm is an easy soul to get along with — they’d grown together, and despite his sometimes muted demeanor, he is nowhere near the river of ice that is his mottled point sister. roeflame is leading the other patrol, and that stretches her grin into something more natural — if even just a bit. it didn’t take a starclanner to know how often his gaze drifted towards her. her eyes drifts, hoping the she - cat around somewhere near when her voice lifts, ” rumor has it, there’s a faaat flock ‘a pheasant millin’ around near the twoleg path somewhere. “ the occasional whisper, perhaps only wishful thinking of the hungry, but there was no harm in heading out that way anyhow. she hopes if roeflame is around that the she-cat takes it for the friendly challenge it is, even more so when freckleflame wriggles in place, eager ( or nervous? she can’t tell. lightning fills her veins ).

when she speaks again, it is to burnstorm, mischief dancing in the way she turns her d from roeflame and bats her eyes dramatically, leaning close, ” bet if we find ‘em, we’ll be the taaaalk of th’ clan, yessir. theyll be all ohhh burnstorm ( and freckleflame ) you’re so cool and sooo talented.. “ her voice lifts at the end to something obviously not her own raspy meow, a short giggle following before finally relinquishing the new lead to look around for more poor souls to gather under for patrol.

  • i. subtly challenging @Roeflame . to find a rumored flock of pheasant near the twoleg path, then quietly bullying ( and recruiting ) @BURNSTORM ! about it
    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large, fluffy cream - ribboned tortoiseshell she-cat with seaglass eyes. fire - forged, smoldering ; shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over a well - toned form.
    in warriorhood she has grown to full, hulking height ; unspecified maine coon heritage born of sunfreckle's kittypet background shows itself in large, round paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. freckleflame is broad shouldered and square - jawed, wild cheek fur like the blazing edges of a red sun — a hulking, thick - furred thunderclan warrior, forever blaze - kissed. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers, all while bearing a lazy, bright - eyed grin.

  • FRECKLE-removebg-preview.png


"Understood, sir." Shiningsun nodded his head eagerly as he mentally prepared himself to head out on patrol with Flycatcher and Silverlightning. Though he felt a slither of worry too, what if they ran into any trouble with rogues? Or even with the other clans for that matter. He kept his concerns to himself however, for now he maintained that warming broad smile of his as he headed off to eat before the patrol began.
Nodding in agreement with Flycatcher's instructions, she slowly moves beside the patrol lead. Offering the other a polite smile as he laid out their plans for the day. Food was always a priority, so she didn't find any reason to go against the decision. Watching intently as the tabby called to his apprentice, her halved ear twitched with intent. Oh!

Ignoring the cry of her healing stomach, she followed behind Raccoonstripe and gently called out next to the larger feline. "Shardpaw! I'd like you to come as well." Honeydapple was determined to make the most of this opportunity to show them the ropes and keep a close eye on their progress. Ignoring her own discomfort, she looked forward to the task ahead and the prospect of some hunting.

OOC; talking to @shardkit .

It felt strange, being a lead warrior, being in charge of many who were his elder. Usually, it is him that must defer to them and show them respect but now it seems to be the other way around. He notices the shift in the way others treat him almost immediately. It is strange, to him, this feeling. But he does not mind. This is what he had wanted, after all.

He looks to his former mentor while he lists off patrols and a small part of him is grateful that his first in his new position did not hold any cats who were too much older than him. Everyone who was going were cats he had grown up alongside. Even his own apprentice, who he now turns to. "We will go out and train until then, you can show me everything you already know so we can get an idea where to start. You two" he says, turning to Mousenose and Sandthorn "You are welcome to join us but either way we meet back here at dusk.
Do not be late"
if they were late or embarrassed him in any other way he would be certain to make sure they paid for it.

  • ooc : — ​

  • he / him
    thunderclan lead warrior
    single ; crushing on roeflame

    - - Burnstorm is a hot headed tom who, above all, loves his clan and his family. He cares deeply and passionately for those closest to him and is one of the most loyal friends a cat could have. Because of his half-kitttypet heritage, Burnstorm is always hard at work, believing that he has to put in twice the amount of effort a normal cat does in order to prove himself as a worthy clan member
    ISTJ-T 'the logistican'

    - - a large, black furred tom with golden eyes
    toyhouse [ ]

    skilled fighter and decent hunter
    LITTLE WOLF X BLAZESTAR ; sibling to Fireflypaw, Howlfire, Morningpaw, Moonwhisper, Duskpaw and Skypaw

From his new mentor’s side, Falconpaw listens as patrols are assigned. Though he assumes that he’ll be going along with Burnstorm, he doesn’t want to be too presumptuous. Maybe Burnstorm would rather not have his apprentice tag along on his first patrol as a lead warrior. So the tabby-striped tom stays silent as his father tells everyone their patrols for the day, tail flickering nervously. He’s trying to seem nonchalant, as though he doesn’t care whether he stays or goes along with Burnstorm—but the moment the slightly older tom acknowledges him, Falconpaw’s face lights up. "Of course," he responds, hopelessly eager despite the anxiety that lurches in his chest. The way that Burnstorm turns to the others and warns them not to be late only serves to make him more nervous—what if he forgets, and is somehow late to his first patrol with his new mentor? What if he messes up their training session and makes Burnstorm think he’s useless? Agh, it’s all a mess.
[ find me way out there ]