pafp high on life // cindershade


fire glows bright in the dark
Jun 9, 2023

Littlepaw was on patrol with a few others, including-- ugh-- Cindershade. She wasn't fond of the molly, but, once again, she didn't want to make a fool of herself in front of everyone else. She was told to do this, do that, and until she was a warrior that's all she would be doing: listening and doing what she's told. Which, frankly, she barely even did that much.

Everyone else was marking the borders or whatever and she was stuck with-- ugh -- Cindershade as a partner. Honeystone wasn't on the patrol, and for what reason she wasn't really sure, but for now she very, very, badly wanted to get away from Cindershade's cold, calculating gaze. She snuck away, not without multiple tries, though, and managed to find a quiet spot by a creek's edge. It wasn't often that she was able to just relax like this, what with her apprentice duties. She laid out in the cool water, letting it soak her through. What she didn't know, was that she hadn't successfully snuck off. Cindershade knew exactly where the apprentice was.

ooc note: please let @Cindershade post first!
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly
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Cold and calculating she was, a dark serpent amongst land and water, not much went unnoticed to the lead warrior. A simple patrol she had led, marking borders and no matter how repetitive and tedious it was—it was an essential thing to he done daily lest curious paws decided to cross over stale scents. Sleek rosetted fur rubbed against the base of a swaying willow, tail pressed in a crescent shape against the textured bark when a certain apprentice had dared to follow suit with her ridiculous plan. A planned sneak away, a chance to laze about when plenty had to be done whilst the sun still perched above them. A sway of a tortoiseshell patterned tail, steps not as silent as Littlepaw had imagined they were. She hears the kicking of pebbles under paw, the slight brush of reeds moving due to a force that was no billowing breeze. A body moved from behind her and the woman inwardly groaned with a roll of verdant irises.
She trails after Littlepaw on silent paws, her gait swaying with a irritating purpose. The fact that she had to go off and find her, to chase after her as if she was a mere infant exploring camp for the first time. Would it be that bad to strangle one apprentice? A grim thought it was, sneaking it's way into her mind and she laughs to herself. If only. Shaded paws would move as silent as a midnight phantom, her helm lowered as if stalking prey. Ahead of the lead warrior, peaking through cat tails that she sees the apprentice soaking in a shallow stream. Knuckled toes would flex, calloused paws kneading against the soil with a palpable ire. She makes a swift entrance now, heading directly behind Littlepaw before halting just before the shoreline. "Littlepaw." She mews, a tone laced with jagged ice and steel. Verdant eyes narrow, honing in on the crown of her helm as she waited for her to face her. "What do you think you're doing? I didn't realize this was a field trip to the stream." Venomous sarcasm drips from a blushed tongue, sharp as always whilst waiting impatiently for her counterpart to answer.


Littlepaw's green irises glared at the sudden appearance of her superior, her languid body making no move to get up from her place in the water. She turned her blotchy nose to the side, cocking her head at the molly. "I don't believe there's anything in the warrior code that tells me I can't relax on a really hot day, is there?" The calico molly didn't even try to hide her dislike for the Lead Warrior. What was the point in hiding her beliefs when they were all just ants in a really, really big world? There wasn't. Simple as that.

She still didn't get up while she waited on an answer, instead licking a blotchy paw with little care to be seen.
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly
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The borders had been quiet... that much was a blessing at least. Lichentail was glad to be free of the confines of 'light duty' and had insisted upon joining Cindershade in this expedition, even if it only amounted to a border patrol (the bristling inescapable gaze of a hawk - like leader made her want to leap out of her skin at home sometimes) it was still something better than lazing in the sunshine. Passing by a group of trees that lined the edge of their territory, the blue-gray cat rubbed up against the bark as if to satisfy in insatiable itch before plodding a small distance off to refresh the marker nearby.

As their eyes swept back towards the party to ensure there were no stragglers, they could make out the tell-tale sign of Cindershade's tail making its way through the undergrowth. The way it twitched with agitation answered for them that she was not in a good mood about this little side adventure. Trailing after to ensure the other lead's safety, it was with a stifled sigh that they were made aware of the issue.

Littlepaw, as rebellious and self-absorbed as ever, had wandered off to do whatever it was that she wanted with wanton disregard for structure... or rules... or basic discipline. The obsidian-pelted she-cat had already tried to dig at the uncouth behavior but it fell on deaf ears quite blatantly as a very bland, unbothered retort came from the youth in a tone most disrespectful (one that would drive Cindershade absolutely mad).

"There is not," they conceded, brushing a shoulder against the temper-prone lead warrior as a show of silent support (children were... pretty much just mandatory pests). "There are, however, rules about apprentices wandering off unattended..." How many had to fall into traps, fall off of gorges, be ambushed by enemies, fall in the rapids, drown and die before children got it through their thick heads that they weren't invincible?

"The patrol is almost finished anyways, Littlepaw... it is in your best interest not to cause trouble before we return home. I doubt Honeystone would be very impressed with the report of your ill-timed practice of free-will."

Multiple lead warriors on a simple border patrol was, perhaps, overkill — but Snakeblink appreciates the company, and the opportunity to hang back a little and let Cindershade and Lichentail take the helm. With the former’s naturally assertive presence, it’s easy to let himself be led.

It also allows him to focus on what he does best: watching, from afar, the silent communication flowing between clanmates. An ear always swiveling to follow sounds in search of a threat, he focuses the rest of his attention on his patrol companions. Lichentail is attentive, clearly happy to be back on regular duty and out of camp — they ill-bear Cicadastar’s sharp focus. He makes a mental note of it. Cindershade is in no particularly dark mood — he is glad of it — but that is bound to change as Littlepaw peels away from the group. There is tension between the apprentice and the dark lead, and his eyes narrow as he watches the younger molly slip through the reeds and Cindershade follow in her steps.

”Rest is earned,” he tacks on to Lichentail’s patient response to the apprentice’s cheek, giving his fellow lead an appreciative nod. ”And considering how obvious your little escapade was, you would do better asking Cindershade to give you remedial lessons in stealth rather than trying to give her the slip.” He quirks his whiskers, hoping to soften the sting of his words with a smile that fails to be anything but slightly condescending.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 42 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

A response that was unsurprising coming from the young apprentice; however, Cindershade still felt the muscles in her shoulders tighten as the trenchant words passed over her forked tongue. A serpentine snake she was, defying authority as if she had any grounds to do so. Indignation flares within her chest, flames licking at the back of her throat and scorching her tongue. Even as Lichentail brushes by her flank, a chill to her ire—the rosetted warrior's pelt bristled along the beginnings of an arched spine. A fierce retort budded against her lips, ready to spew but a clack of gnashing teeth kept her mouth sealed. She wanted to swat at the calico, or perhaps dunk her head under the water's surface; it'd at least shut her up lest she swallow the while river with that big mouth of hers. The blue point mentions her mentor, Honeystone, bless their soul for having to deal with such blatant disrespect. She wondered if Littlepaw had gotten any training done with a sour attitude like that—like rotten carrion on a Green-Leaf afternoon.
Snakeblink, silent and slithering as his name, revealed himself by her side and she merely grunts at his input, nodding to both of the kids that take place beside her in acknowledged agreement. Littlepaw was proving to be quite a pest, an insect thst needed to be squished—or at least taken down a few pegs. Her tail lashes fiercely behind her, a whip as it scored the reeds behind her. "I have half a mind to get Cicadastar to reassign you to a mentor that will quell that dung-filled mouth of yours. But I would not wish a punishment so dreadful upon their paws." She snaps to the half-submerged molly, black lips pulled tight to reveal ivory teeth. "They are right, Littlepaw. Rest is earned; obviously something you know nothing of. We all pull our weight, we are not lazy. If you want a comfortable life, then leave for the Two-Leg Place. I'm sure some half-wit Two-Leg will take you and feed your sqawking with their slop." Her words are steely, yet mocking. Laziness will never be something she tolerates, especially from a blundering apprentice who couldn't even sneak away properly.

  • Wow
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She rolled her eyes as the other two Lead Warriors ganged up on her, ears tilted back in annoyance. "Yeah, yeah, I know rest is eArNeD but I went on a hunting patrol today with Honeystone and some others 'n now I'm with you so I think I deserve some rest, thank you very much." Her smart mouthed answer was still made from where she sat in the brook's cold, babbling embrace. She lifted a paw and licked it, patting down her head fur that had bristled at the three of them telling her what to do.

"See, that's just it, Two-Legs are too stupid. They wouldn't know how great I am." Littlepaw's simple, self-absorbed comment was accompanied by her standing and shaking herself out. She enjoyed the water, but she wasn't stupid enough to spend the rest of her apprenticeship in the nursery watching kits or helping Ravensong with his patients. That just wasn't, how would one say it, her.
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly
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  • Wow
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