HIGH WINDS // coyotepaw's return

"Coyotepaw is home!" Sootstar cheers after slipping through the gorse tunnel, her patrol of WindClanner's pooling behind her. She makes swiftly for the Tallrock and perches herself upon it, aiming to give the apprentice a warm welcome back to his rightful home. "Many of you may barely recognize him with how much he's grown, but this is our Coyotekit. One of the children that Leopardcloud had stolen from us, but luckily today we were able to safely bring him back home." Sootstar announces with a strong purr, genuinely seeming to be in high spirits.

"Unfortunately, Squirrelpaw was not willing to return home with us... I will not open our walls to cats I know cannot be loyal, so she remains in SkyClan by her own choice. However for young Coyotepaw, I encourage you all to help him settle back into WindClan. Apprentices, help him place down a nest, show him the ropes of camp, and warriors be prepared to help and answer whatever questions he may have." Yes... they needed to make sure he was able to settle down, it'd been a long time since he's been in the hills.

"And since Coyotepaw is in need of a mentor, due to the special circumstances of the situation, I have decided I will be his mentor. However, since I'm already mentoring my son this will be a temporary arrangement until I am confident Coyotepaw is comfortable and where he needs to be." Aka... Sootstar needed to undue the many brainwashing sessions SkyClan likely put him through... She didn't trust anyone but herself to undo that properly.

"But that is all, welcome home Coyotepaw! We celebrate your return to WindClan."

// @Coyotepaw (no need to respond just felt like we needed something after the patrol!!)
everyone is free to post in this thread


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 32 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. romantically interested in Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to windpaw & sootpaw
╰ ‣ mentor to sootpaw & coyotepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

Bristlekit doesn't know who Coyotepaw is, or was, for that matter, but as he listens to Sootstar's words, he can't help but feel agitated. Who was Leopardcloud? A SkyClanner? Had SkyClan stolen WindClan kits? His fur bristled at the thought. Those mice for brains didn't deserve WindClan blood in their ranks! If they tried to steal Bristlekit, he'd surely claw their eyes out! At least Coyotepaw was back home now, and trained by Sootstar herself. How lucky was that? He can't help but feel the sour taste of jealousy. At nearly four moons old, it was only a matter of time before Bristlekit got his own mentor, and he wondered who it would be. As for Coyotepaw...

"I can show you around the camp! I have some feathers you can put in your nest, too." Bristlekit purred, his toothy grin flashing toward the newly returned apprentice. The boy still had some robin feathers left over, so he'd might as well use them for this homecoming.

Galeforce had worn a haunted expression the entire way back from their excursion to SkyClan to retrieve Coyotepaw. Hell, the usually chatty tom had been stone cold silent the entire time! He wasn't himself and there was deepening conflict within his heart. At first he barely registered that the patrol had made it back, but then Sootstar's proud announcement tore him back from the haze of his inner thoughts. The warrior looked on with an icy stare before finally dragging his attention towards that of Coyotepaw. Bristlekit was already offering to handle the tour of the camp, so Galeforce decided to offer something else. "I could get you something to eat, if you wish?"
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Weaselclaw lifts his head with a purr at Sootstar's arrival. He'd wished he could have gone, but a wise leader does not leave her camp unprotected, and with Hyacinthbreath's resignation, he and Duskfire are having to split more duties that he'd have liked. He eyes her, satisfied to see no wounds, no blood. He'd doubted the Kittypet King himself would have attempted attack, but some of his warriors might have dared it.

He goes to Sootstar to nuzzle his cheek against hers -- a quick flash of affection -- before he narrows critical blue eyes at Coyotepaw. The kit in question. He looks more like Leopardcloud, the traitor. He wonders if that means anything.

His heart softens for the young tom, who looks decidedly out of place. He'd been born on these moors, and his father is a strict and loyal warrior. Coyotepaw has a chance at becoming a real WindClanner now, and he gives the pale, flecked tom a stiff nod of acknowledgment.

"Welcome home, Coyotepaw. You're among your true Clanmates now." He misses Galeforce's angry look, directed at his mate -- had he seen it, he would have snapped at the young warrior. As it is, he only gives Galeforce a nod of approval to get Coyotepaw a piece of fresh-kill.

- ,,

Coyotepaw this, Squirrelpaw that.

Lemonpaw doesn't remember either of them. Perhaps he was too young, when Leopardcloud had them. When they made their escape from WindClan. Perhaps it was the fact of who his own mother is, the fact he spent more nights in the medicine den than the nursery.

Either way, no matter how much the flat-faced apprentice stares at the homecomer, he does not remember him. But even so, the tone in Sootstar's voice as she speaks about the former SkyClanner's mother is all too familiar - a tone shared in the discussion of Lemonpaw's own mother.

Why come back? Lemonpaw can't help but wonder. What is there to offer for sons of traitors here? What is here for either of them but to be trapped here, looked down upon by their leader?

A celebration, this is supposed to be. An implication that his return was by Coyotepaw's choice. Maybe so. The cinnamon tom bows his head at the supposedly familiar face. "Welcome home," he greets Coyotepaw, "WindClan is grateful for your return."

The trek back had been marked in silence and he would let it continue as long as necessary. The sudden shift in territory and company would be jarring at first but he was confident Coyotepaw would adapt in time and even come to enjoy being in a proper clan and not that soft kittypet drivel back in the pine forest; it was a mercy they had left without spilling a drop of blood because frankly none of those cats looked anything even remotely close to competent.

"Mentored by Sootstar herself, a great honor really. She'll train you well, I'm sure." He himself was mentoring one of the leader's own kits too and this revelation was comforting news; knowing his son would be cleansed proper of whatever nonsense had been drilled into his head. He'd be a proper WindClan warrior now and perhaps in time even Squirrelpaw would seek to come home though he hadn't much confidence in that.
Juniperfrost regarded the younger tom now with a more skeptic eye, he had the same cream and dappled form that Leopardcloud had but a sharper and more piercing gaze that surely came from him. There was a similar build as well, he didn't have his mother's more slim frame.
"For the time being rest, get comfortable. We can talk when you're ready."

I won't apologize for being who I am
Coyote shuffles silently in behind the last of the patrol to enter windclan's camp. The sound of cats milling about a surprise to his ears. Especially since the walk back from skyclan had been painfully silent. He'd hardly been paying attention, his mind thoroughly fixated on Squirrelpaw, Thistleback, Deersong and the others. All he could see were their disappointed yet understanding faces riddled with the warmth of tears over the loss of their son and brother. An image that would surely haunt him more many months to come. The boy finally lifts his head, glancing fleetingly over in the direction of Juniperfrost before turning his attention to Sootstar as she scaled tallrock.

He listened half heartedly, feeling very much out of place as he noticed the extreme lack of pine trees and underbrush amongst the rolling hills of the moors. Yes, skyclan often made it seem like windclan was nothing but a group of monsters, that he could attest to. However, the boy's mint green eyes narrowed the moment the smoke furred molly spoke of his sister. Squirrelpaw was plenty loyal in his eyes, he could not fault his sister for wanting to remain behind. He would have still been in skyclan too had a fight not nearly broken out over who owned rightful custody over Squirrelpaw and himself. Soon after Sootstar announces herself as his new mentor and Coyote's expression mirrors a strange mixture of shock and anguish. "So soon?" He manages to word his question carefully, although inside his heart is grieving the loss of Thistleback. Not even a full 24 hours and his beloved father figure and mentor was already being replaced.

Not too long after his inquiry he was being flanked on all sides by cats of various ages. He takes a careful step back, pastel eyes quietly regarding them all before speaking up himself. "A tour would be nice." If he was going to be spending his time here then he at least needed to be familiar with the layout. He looks to Galeforce next, one of the toms that walked back with him on the patrol. "Um...no-no thanks, I'm not hungry." He could hardly stomach the thought of a meal after everything he's been through today. A brown tabby and an apprentice aged tom make their way over, welcoming him back to windclan and Coyotepaw manages a small nod of recognition. "Thanks..." He mutters after wrestling through the rising tide of his shifting emotions.

The blue ticked frame of Juniperfrost slid into view and the boy's mint green eyes lift to meet the warrior's. He mentions what an honor it is to be mentored by Sootstar herself and Coyote fights the urge to purse his lips. His mind instantly falling back to Thistleback. "Right," His voice trails off momentarily as he glances around windclan's open camp, longing for the comfort and security skyclan's camp offered. "What was your name again? Leopardcloud never told me." He asks after dragging his gaze back to his biological father.
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you
( ) The sound of Sootstar's call catches Aspenpaw's attention from across camp and she glances over, eyes wide with interest. Coyotepaw was back? She can't say she knows who that is, but Sootstar is evidently happy about his return, so it must be a good thing. Trailing along after her other clanmates, the apprentice settles down below the Tallrock to listen, though even after everything's explained she still finds the situation somewhat incredulous. This Leopardcloud, someone she also has no idea of, stole Windclan kits and took them to Skyclan? And it had taken this long to get just one of them back? It's almost too much to believe, and even worse, one of them hadn't wanted to come back home, and instead stayed behind in Skyclan, of all places. Aspenpaw shudders at the thought - if the idea of being taken from her clan is bad, the idea of being separated from her siblings is even worse. And Coyotepaw is having to go through that right now, coming to a clan that's probably totally new to him without his sister. She searches among the gathered cats for him, sympathy for his plight evident in her gaze.

It doesn't take long for Aspenpaw to spot him - after all, plenty of other cats are already gathered around, welcoming him home. It must be strange, she thinks, all these cats that he hardly knows all welcoming him back to a clan he probably hardly remembers, and for a moment she wonders about what it must have been like in Skyclan. Had they welcomed him and his family like this? The idea that Skyclan could have cats that might be welcoming, enough so that they had convinced Squirrelpaw to stay somewhere she doesn't belong rather than come back to Windclan, draws a frown across her maw, though she's quick to shake it off in favor of a genuine smile towards Coyotepaw. Admittedly, he looks a bit overwhelmed, though she supposes that's to be expected given the circumstances. Padding a little closer, she tries to give him space, waiting for an opportunity when he's not being bombarded with greetings to introduce herself. "Hi there - I'm Aspenpaw. Let me know if there's anything you need and I'll try to help," she tells him, hoping that the offer makes him feel welcome. Hopefully, she'd get to know him better later on, maybe while training together or doing chores around camp.
periwinklepaw | 04 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff

Padding over to join his sister, Peri can only look on in uncertainty. He doesn't understand why they couldn't just let them stay with their leopardcloud. It wasn't like she'd actually kidnapped them - wasn't she their mother or sister or something? the details are blurry, but part of him knows this isn't right. He says nothing though - he never does. Instead, he gives a shy smile and a hesitant wave of his paw, pelt brushing against aspenpaw's. "H-hello..."

I won't apologize for being who I am
After the majority of the chatter dies down there is another voice that captures the cream tinted tom's attention. Eyes of mint fall upon a young molly gifting him with a warm and welcoming smile. Was that sympathy in her eyes or was he merely imagining it? Either way Coyote straightened himself, doing his best to look somewhat put together in lieu of everything that has taken place. Though he found it rather difficult to feel remotely excited or happy in the moment. "I'll keep that in mind, thanks Aspenpaw." He offered her a small nod, gaze lingering for a moment longer. Perhaps she wouldn't be too bad to hang around, if he ever had any questions. He then glanced over at another cat making their way over to voice a soft greeting. "Hey," Based on the close proximity they had to have been family. "What's your name? I'm sure you already know mine..." He murmurs, gesturing with his tail in the direction of Sootstar and tallrock.
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you

So many people seemed eager to meet this apparent stolen kit. Bristlekit is still unsure, but he supposed that with time, Coyotepaw would realize what had been taken from him when he had been stolen away to those kittypet lovers.

"I'm Bristlekit, by the way. I'll go get those feathers for your nest, and I'll show you around when you're ready." The small tabby purrs toward the newly arrived apprentice. With that, Bristlekit bounds off toward his nest to retrieve those robin feathers. He'd grab some bedding too. Coyotepaw was going to need a nest of his own, after all!