HIGHWAY HOUND [✨] WindClan Battle Patrol


Twilight has long settled upon the clans as a battle patrol, smelling of peat and heather, spreads out at the ThunderClan border. Their narrowed eyes pierce through the night with determination, but first they needed to get past their first obstacle. ThunderClan.

At the center of the moor cats stands Sootstar, her chin raised and tail stuck into the air. ”ThunderClan!” She yowls into the forest, pitch black yet much more lively than the one she’s visited in dreams. ”WindClan must pass through, we’re on urgent business!” The words are shouted to any felines hiding in the shadows, any who might be listening. If she was lucky, Howlingstar would be close and they’d get to SkyClan before the moon reached its peak.

Inpatiently, her paws wiggle in the earth and Sootstar appears twitchier than usual.

// @Bluepool @BLUEPAW @SCORCHSTREAK @RATTLEHEART @cygnetstare @GHOSTWAIL @cedarbark

& @HOWLINGSTAR . EDIT; wait for howlingstar if you’re thunderclan**
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Twilight settles over the land like a blanket, the promise of darkness looming just over the horizon, but for now the sky is painted in hues of purple and pink. The sun's last hurrah before disappearing and giving way to the moon. She finds herself hoping that the stars come out for their battle, that they are not obscured by clouds and trees, so that StarClan may bare witness to this battle and guide their paws. It is her hope that while in SkyClan they can finally pluck the weed that had settled there. She had longed to sink her claws into his traitorous flesh at the last gathering but she had held off, and now the stars were blessing her with this opportunity. It was a gift, truly.

Following her sister dutifully is the silver furred moor-runner. As they come to a halt at the border, her yellow eyes peer into the tree line. Once, she and Sootstar and Mintshade had all lived under a canopy of pines, but now she nearly cannot imagine such a thing. She much preferred the open skies of the moors, the moonlight that shone down on them. The freedom.

Her golden colored eyes find her sisters gray pelt as she speaks, making her request to ThunderClan known. Bluepool watches, waits with anticipation for the shadows to answer. They always seemed to when they needed it.

In their opinion, asking ThunderClan seems a useless endeavor. Why not simply cross through their territory—ThunderClan had no qualms with taking the territory of another clan, so surely they will be accepting of another clan passing by. But still, the lead warrior can understand not wanting to trespass onto the land of the only clan that has yet to outright scorn WindClan. As insufferable as Howlingstar and her ilk are, they have done little to provoke WindClan thus far.

Silently they stand at Rattleheart’s side, blazing eyes trained on the land ahead. They hope that ThunderClanners will appear soon. Their teeth ache to sink into the flesh of another, their claws flex idly in the dirt. They cannot wait to rip into whatever deserving SkyClan cat gets in their way.

Finally, blessedly, after a day of waiting breaths and dreams, twilight has fallen. Cygnetstare had not permitted the battle to interrupt their usual duties—much of the day had been spent in the tunnels, except for a short rest in the early evening to eat and pray and prepare for this moment. Moons of tunnel work have settled sinew in her skeletal frame and proceeding about the standard tasks has not tired her; instead, she is invigorated, imagining the sweet purchase of flesh and heady odor of blood instead of soil. It feels like fate to the chimera that the evil sun has sunk away when they proceed, that the moon and star-draped sky hold dominion over the hours of battle—the white-dotted sky and curved moon so like her own fur.

Darkness cloaks their pelt until they appear to be only a head and leg, alabaster so bright it's almost glowing and interrupted only by piercing greasepaint eyes that stare like twin pink moons into the dark forest. Sootstar stands at their center, yowling into the shadowy forest for ThunderClan's permission. It's a formality, Cygnetstare thinks; they are the wrath of the stars and they will take what they want, but they're inclined to silently agree with her fellow warriors. She does not like these beasts that caper in the cloistered suffocation of the trees, but they are not outright enemies like the birds whose wings she will soon bend until they snap. The thought makes the crescent-moon warrior dig pearl claws into the earth beneath; soon they will drink in the sweet smell of the birds' blood.
// @Flamewhisker @OAKFANG are the ThunderClanners with her. This is closed to other ThunderClanners!

The dusk patrol draws late; normally, they wouldn't be out at this hour. They should be back at camp, sharing tongues and meals as they wind down for the night in their dens. But they'd taken a detour chasing a rogue hare that had wandered here from the moorlands. Failed to catch it, too. A regretful delay in their boundary-marking, and as it turns out, also a fateful one.

Sootstar's voice cuts through the night air nearby, causing the tabby's head to jerk up in the direction of the sound. "What is WindClan doing here so late?" She trills to her lead warrior who stands at her side. Casting a glance to Oakfang, she adds on, "Come on. Let's make this quick and get home." Snow-tipped paws carry the older she-cat carefully through the undergrowth before she appears in the moonlight, a moth being drawn from the darkness. What she finds causes her heart to leap into her throat, the fur along her spine standing up as fear begins to take hold. More WindClanners than she can count stand lined up at the border, claws flexing and teeth bared. Even Sootstar herself appears fidgety.

Her breathing picks up and she has to force her voice to remain as calm as possible, but one would be able to hear the twinge of apprehension. "What business?" She demands in as neutral a tone she can muster, her scanning eyes finally landing on the WindClan leader. "Sootstar, what is going on?"
don't try to rush your enemies .
Oakfang grew perplexed, staring at the lined warriors with a wrinkle of his nose, amber optics calculating as he stood, helm held high. The fur along his spine rose like that of a blossoming bud on midsummer's eve, nervousness trickling like a fading stream. Now what would she need all these cats for? “Nothing good.” He remarked, remaining stoic, standing beside Howlingstar’s flank.

The brown-smoked tom hummed, leaning heavily into his side, tattered ear twitching at the heavy tension oozing into the air, turning it frigid. Does she truly think…? Oakfang hummed. Someone was tempting StarClan, no? “Perhaps they’ve come here to be in our good graces.” He mused, tone airy, nonchalant despite the heaviness in his heart, glancing at Flamewhisker. “But must you come with so many? One would think you have more sinister plans.”

If a fight were to break out ( based solely on the many Windclanners lining the border ) Oakfang was optimistic, but eight against their measly three-member patrol? They might as well resign their fates to StarClan, but he wasn’t one to dwell on it for long. So what if their odds seemed unfavorable?

After all, weren’t the underdogs the most favorable in these situations? It was simple. They’d just have to cheat death, tittering on the edge in an intricate dance. Let us hope StarClan is in our favor. He glanced at the Windclanners with a peculiar expression, optics hardening.
thought speech
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The foliage rustles before three pelts emerge from the dimly lit forest. One of flame, one with a white muzzle, and another all so familiar. Sootstar did not know a life without Howlingstar in it, she's known the leader standing before her since she was a mewling she-kit. Sootstar seems to relax a little and though not shown, she takes pleasure in the twinge of fear scent. This must be a frightening sight? Sootstar knows she'd tense up like an owl in sunlight if their positions were swapped.

Despite relishing in the suspense she must've given them they are alas, not her prey. To the brown tom at Howlingstar's side she shares an unamused look, "No." she says, "We want to pass through so we can chitchat with SkyClan." Its difficult to suppress a grin, but Howlingstar and her patrol were not stupid. Claws glinted in the moon's pale light and the muscles of her soldiers were tense for a fight. "No blood will be shed on your side of the border, and none of it will be on your paws. You can even put on a show at the next gathering, spit at us some for trespassing, Blazestar would never know you granted us passage." The tiny she-cat leans in, antsy for an answer.
Dusk patrols weren't particularly her favorite, but she much preferred them to dawn outings. This patrol was running behind, all because of some hare that managed to squeeze past their grip. If there had just been a little more to the clearing...that hare would have been toast. She trotted alongside Howlingstar, giving her an update on Acornpaw's training, when suddenly a voice filled the area.


The fur on her shoulders prickled slightly in alarm, casting a quick glance at her leader. "Sootstar at night is never a good thing." she responded darkly, then nodding in response to the brown tabby's words. The lead warrior quickly followed Howlingstar, glancing back to make sure Oakfang was also in tow. As they emerged, she spotted the line of warriors behind the famed Windclan leader, and she narrowed her eyes slightly. Were they here for a fight? It would hardly be a fair one...if they were here for them, it would be certain death. If this was how she was going to go, she would put up one hell of a fight. The red tabby straightened her poster, and puffed her chest out slightly.

Sootstar's response was not exactly what she expected, but it also wasn't something she didn't expect either. How many times had Windclan and Skyclan attacked eachother? Truthfully, she had lost count. Flamewhisker turned to look at Howlingstar, knowing that there was no way she would allow such an act. She then turned back to Sootstar, and let out a huff. They are going to attack them at night...what a cowardly act.

I DON'T WANNA HURT EM' ✧°.☀ ————————————
Cowardly was less the word for it, and more tactful planning. The night gave way to espionage, he reckoned. It was a strategy- nothing personal. In the eyes of battle, nothing was fair, and nothing was lost. There was no moral compass to any of those on their way to Skyclan- beyond not harming kits and queens, but that was given. Anyone who did as such was a monster.

The large tabby stalked through the undergrowth with the rest of the patrol, unblinking green optics akin to an owl's gaze as he looked forward. The predator, ready for a hunt. He itched to bolt through the trees and get this over with.


[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BUT I DID, I'M IN A FIT OF RAGE
Sootstar’s words send a chill down her spine. So they’re not here for them, but for their neighbors. The thought is unsettling and Howlingstar sends a poorly-hidden nervous glance to Flamewhisker and Oakfang. “So you’re attacking their camp, I can only assume. Why?” She isn’t hearing the full story. She cannot be expected to step aside and allow an entire war patrol to traipse through her territory without knowing why SkyClan deserves to be attacked in their own home, where their kits and queens are, where they can’t run away. She forces her tail to remain still, otherwise it would be anxiously twitching behind her. The glares of the WindClanners bore into her pelt uncomfortably but she cannot back down. This isn’t right!

It's hard for Rattleheart to hold it all together, even surrounded by her clanmates. Usually the darkness of nightfall would be a comforting cloak over her, providing her with protection and a sense of being close to Starclan. Now, though, she knows it signals the coming battle. Blood spilled and cats injured, another potential opportunity for Windclan to lose. Sootstar and the others seemed confident that they'd come out of this with a win, but the tunneler honestly wasn't so sure. Part of her hoped that they would get turned away by Howlingstar, so that perhaps they could just return to camp with no bloodshed. Though really, she doubted Sootstar would take no for an answer, and instead they'd end up fighting Thunderclan instead of the Skyclanners they were headed for. The thought formed a lump in her throat, and she glanced at Scorchstreak, hoping her sister's presence would soothe her nerves.

It's almost disappointing when Howlingstar doesn't immediately say no, and instead begins questioning their motivations. Rattleheart can't blame her for it. If - Starclan forbid - he were ever a leader, he wouldn't want to just let another clan go strolling through Windclan's territory to potentially start a war. Sootstar could promise all she wanted that the only ones affected would be Windclan and Skyclan, but things often didn't go to plan no matter how much they all wanted it to. She sighed softly as she waited for Sootstar to respond, claws churning the dirt beneath her as she offered Howlingstar an almost apologetic smile. While the tunneler couldn't control the whims of her entire clan - nor did she want to - she could at least show Thunderclan that they weren't all bloodthirsty.
The tunneler need not say anything more as Howlingstar approaches, thinking herself so high and mighty upon her pedestal already, and though they don’t believe Sootstar’s platitudes are needed, they are glad that their leader is attempting to keep some kind of peace. Not that ThunderClan deserves it. The patrol that Howlingstar comes with is only a couple cats in number—if Sootstar gives the order to attack, none of them stand any chance. The calico’s claws flex with the thought. With this much of a size advantage, they could tear away all the enemy leader’s lives one by one.

Their tail brushes against Rattleheart’s shoulder, hoping to calm the black and white tunneler—she seems nervous, which Scorchstreak attributes to their nearness to another clan’s territory. The calico sees no issue in attacking in the dark; any warrior worth a damn should take every precaution necessary to win, and that is what WindClan is doing. However, they don’t believe that ThunderClan will judge them for launching an attack when the enemy is weak—the forest clan had done the same only months ago, after all.
don't try to rush your enemies .
Oakfang hummed, peering at Sootstar with eerie amber optics, head cocked. “Oh? A friendly chat, mhm? In the cover of night, no less.” Subtly jabbing at the group of hungry-battle cats, gaze staring eerily at the Windclanners. I would not have expected a leader to stoop so low. Attacking with only the moon’s rays to guide them, StarClan bears witness to their bloodshed. Cowardly, indeed. Did she not believe in her warriors? It was the only logical explanation that made sense, but when was Sootstar logical? Pity. A leader who did not believe in her own clan to attack during the sun’s awakening, but attacking while it sleeps. He wondered if Windclan sought pity if this ambush failed them. Or did they wish to gloat about killing queens and kits as felines watched on in horror? Ah, I see. How peculiar.

The brown-smoked feline snorted, amber optics veered to stare at Howling while she spoke, noting the poorly hidden glance she sent their way, offering her a tentative grin upon darkened lips, the tips of his fangs gleaming. Will you be the reason? He wanted to ask his leader, but after all, optics were the eyes of the soul, perhaps she got the message, but Oakfang would never know. He wondered if she will refuse, and then what? Nothing pleasant. He thought with a flick of his tail. If she allowed them to pass? They would bear the weight of SkyClan’s downfall. Such a delicate matter. He was sure it wouldn’t be a straightforward choice.
thought speech

She cannot help the soft snort of a laugh that escapes through her nose when Howlingstar asks them why. Was that really any of their business? Who is ThunderClan to judge their actions? If another clan harbored a traitor, much less multiple, would Howlingstar not want retaliation? She finds it hard to believe she wouldn't. The patrol the black tabby had arrived with is pathetic, there would be no honor or glory to be had fighting them. One was on the verge of being an elder, the other was what she only could assume was a queen and the third? He may actually be a bit of a fight but with one ear tattered to shreds she is certain there was an easy win to be had there. That and their sheer numbers would crush this small patrol. Snuff them like a light.

Still though, she doesn't speak, her golden eyes find the one who's voice is like a fly, annoying and isignificant, and she cannot help but wonder if Howlingstar always allows her warriors to speak for her like this. Her scrap of a tail whips back and forth behind her and her paws knead the earth. If ThunderClan wanted a fight too, she was ready to give it to them. That was for sure.



So you’re attacking their camp, I can only assume. Why? Sootstar nearly snorts in her face, she shares her sister’s sentiment. How was it any of her business? If she wanted to have any lie or cover up for Blazestar the less she knows the better, but Howlingstar’s always had been one of those irritating ‘honor above all’ cats.

Despite the blatant displeasure on her face she meows, ”Yes, camp or a patrol, whichever we run into first.” It truly did not mater to her.

She narrows her eyes. ”WindClan has dealt with blatant displays of disrespect for long enough. Cats like you and I demand respect, Howlingstar, and my clan will be getting it.” Surely she did not have to remind the tabby of the events that unfolded at the gathering? Blazestar smothering it in that he had taken in her exile, ShadowClan cats hinting and threatening to spill her blood, to kill her, RiverClan lying.

”You would not deny my clan the right to stand up for themselves, would you?” She presses, doing all she can to keep the fur on her hackles from bristling. However, she does cast a hard glare in the direction of Oakfang, his jabbing not-so-subtle to her.
Her ears twitch as Oakfang sarcastically retorts, her eyes focused on Sootstar as she speaks. Cats like you and I. “We are nothing alike,” She shoots back, ears angling back against her skull. “This isn’t how you gain respect. Not by invading camps and dens. Your former warriors are gone, whether they ran off or joined other clans. Let them be and move on with your life! Constant war is not the way! Don’t you want peace?” Howlingstar urges, borderline pleading with the tyrant but she can see the mad look in the she-cat’s eyes and she knows Sootstar won’t change her mind. She’ll get to SkyClan one way or another. Howlingstar glances left at Oakfang, then right at Flamewhisker. She can feel her heart hammering in her chest as she makes her decision: ThunderClan will not aid in any part of this madness.

“We will not let you pass. Go around the long way if your claws are so thirsty for blood. But if you step over that boundary line, we will show you what it looks like to fight with the strength of LionClan.” They are vastly outnumbered. The fear scent rolls off her in waves as she widens her stance, her tail giving a lash. She prays her warriors stand by her, but she doesn’t worry much. They’re both brave and honorable to the bone. If this is how they fall, standing up to injustice…then so be it. She forces her legs not to tremble as she bares her teeth and pins the WindClanners with a narrowed glare, waiting for their next move.
don't try to rush your enemies .
The frosty-muzzled tom’s muscles rippled, coiled like snakes with pearly fangs bared the second his leader finished. His smoky brown fur stood on end along the lengths of his spine, amber optics glittering dangerously. And a fight we shall give.

Oakfang grinned wickedly as he stood beside Howling, stance widening with a quivering breath, tail raised high, bristling like brambles. His heart thrummed loudly within his chest, the crippling fear returning tenfold, but it would not show, masking with unfeathered pride for his clan. If they were to go down, then they shall do so with the strength of Thunderclan.
thought speech


We are nothing alike Howlingstar’s ears fold back against her skull. Sootstar’s eyes dilate in anger, her fur bristles and she allows her tail to lash in every direction. This old crow was testing her patience! The voice in her head howls and barks, She blocks your path to victory! Her patrol is meager in comparison to yours. Shed their blood, teach them what happens when you deny Sootstar what she wants!

Step over our boundary line, and we will show you what it looks like to fight with the strength of LionClan. Sootstar laughs, ”Like the cats from the old queens tale? You fool! You will kill the warriors who stand at your side, for what? A bunch of kittypets? Then you’ll return to your clan and call it honor?” She snaps and sneers, labeling Howlingstar’s stand as dumb bravery. It was worse than she had thought.

The seconds that pass are tense, Sootstar begins to lower as if she was preparing to pounce. Breathing hitches, blood boils, claws flex.

Yet no blood is spilled. Sootstar hisses, ”My fight is not with your clan, stubborn old featherbrain! You may have your peace tonight, but not all of us will be so lucky.” Crazed eyes stare Howlingstar down as spit flies from her snarling lips.

With a wrinkled nose she withdraws from the border, ”WindClan, with me!” Back into the heather she sprints, her paws carrying her to the thunderpath.

//out :)
So her suspensions were correct…they were here with no good intentions. Her tail gave away her irritation, flicking dangerously behind her. A patrol or their camp, whichever comes first. They were going to raid Skyclan’s camp in the night, and they wanted to cross through Thunderclan’s forest to get to them? That was absolutely insane!

Howlingstar denied her request, and the red tabby lifted her chin proudly. If Sootstar decided to go this way through force, then her and her clanmates were sure to die…but she would follow Howlingstar’s orders. She would rather give her life, then allow Windclan to bully them into such a ridiculous request.

She could smell Howlingstar’s fear beside her, but it was probably being amplified by her own. Despite how hard she tried to push it down, it was hard to not be intimidated by the battle patrol. Finally, Sootstar left, and she let out the long breath she had been holding in. She pressed her side against her leader’s, looking over at her with worry glittering in her gaze. “Skyclan is in trouble. We bought them some time…but Windclan won’t just stop now.

//quick mobile reply!

A glimmer of anger shows itself in her leader, enough to set the phantom's veins alight with adrenaline. ThunderClan, their first conquering of the evening, the first casualty in the empire's march on the forest. She had wondered not too long ago what it would be like to meet their tabby leader in battle, how she would fare under the weight of WindClan's superiority. But within a moment, the transgression is overlooked, the looming cloud of retribution dissipating into thin air. Sootstar whips away with only a snarl to spare.

You call for peace when it suits you. The words hang on the tip of her tongue, her burning gaze trained on the ThunderClan leader for a beat too long. She wants to ignore the call of her leader just this once, wants to extend her claws and feel blood against her pads. But Sootstar calls and the dog obeys its master, turning wiry tail and following, her burning eyes fixed on her sovereign ashen-phoenix pelt.

ThunderClan would pay for their insolence another time. Hopefully, they will not squander the queen's mercy while they have it.

/ out!
- you call for peace when it suits you