highway man [elders den]

//tagging the elders! let me know if i missed anyone! you don't have to be an elder to reply to this thread, but it's a funky little intro for them. <3
@ivy @M. MOUSER @Earthsoul

Fireflypaw carefully aids the new elders on their way to the elder's den, nose raised high to scent out just where he was going. The smell of ferns is faint, but present, and Fireflypaw points his paw in the direction of the scent. "This," He begins with a smile, tail flicking behind him. "Is your new den. Um.. Fresh-kill is for the apprentices to bring you all, so I'll grab a few pieces if any of you are hungry. For now, you can rest." He meows, turning to face the newcomers.

"Ah, once again- My name's Fireflypaw. I'm Dawnglare's apprentice, his student. If you need anything, my den's not too far from here."
To be called old so casually had Mouser chuckling even in the midst of the chaos. It was the truth, of course, but that did not make it any less amusing to him. Perhaps in this world, there was no shame in his age. Though the tom had grown to be grateful for it in the shelter, perhaps even proud, it was a weapon to be used against him were he to return to the streets. He is old, and infirm, and he could not run away from whatever dangerous saw fit to snap him up. And here he is instead, offered kindness and a full belly. The promise of a nest that he may rest himself upon is a comforting one. Even if there were no blankets to fill it as there had been in the shelter, he was pleased enough with the accommodations. Grateful, that's a better word. Wholly and unquestioningly grateful.

"You and Dawnglare...you study wounds? The way that the twolegs do?" His yellow gaze, dulled by age but no less full of life and wisdom, crinkles at the edges. "You'll probably be seeing much of me, then. Thank you, Fireflypaw." What strange names these cats have. Speaking of– "I have heard several of you with that name: paw. Why?"

  • mm_trim_fix.png
  • mm_trim_fix.png
    ──── monsieur mouser, casually known as mouser.
    ──── elderly shelter cat. dmab male, and neutered.
    ancient as he is, life alone is a miracle for mouser. but when one takes in the extent of his scars, it becomes even more so. his dark, silvery-tinged fur is broken up by heavy scarring along his back leg and tail, with one bright yellow eye turned glossy with blindness.
  • "speech"
In the early morning light, Ivy can just make out the green of the ferns around her as she's ushered into the den. It's a far cry from anything she's used to; no plush bedding or thin scraps of nesting material to block out cold cage bars beneath her. She can taste rain on the air, but can't locate it - how weird to be out in the open like this. She doesn't know if she likes it as much as Mouser does.

"Hmph. You Clan cats sure have funny names. They all match." She muses aloud as this Fireflypaw introduces himself, Mouser echoing her thought in more detail (and much more kindly, though she's hardly inclined to care).

  • ivy. tags.
    — she/her, shelter cat.
    — mostly blind due to cataracts.
    — attack in #32cd32.
    — mean old lady.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]