
Jun 9, 2024

A terrible start to the season. When everything seemed so sweet it took to a rotten turn, everything crashed at once and clanmates were now holding crestfallen expressions upon their faces. Deaths, disappearances, mishaps and new members some didn't know how to trust yet. Even with the loss of members, most took a bitter look to the new faces. Some weren't even clan cats. Which.. was understandable to look at them that way to Driftwood.

Driftwood decided to face the day rather sulk within it, gazing down the stream and watching as the ripples gently crashed and shoved through river stones. It was all chaotic but gentle in a way; relaxing. The hiss of the camp stream was one to flatten fur, it put them to sleep every night. It felt like a warm embrace to them, washing the daily worries away; a reminder that everything would be anew tomorrow.

A goose feather floated across the stream and Driftwood arose with a long stretch as if it were a command to rise, bounding into the camp's stream after it. Their paws stretched towards it, a couple of misses and slaps of her paw into the water in result of slippery element but finally they had caught it. Perhaps a fur decoration.. a play thing to the kits. Stars knew Robinhearts kits had been through a lot. But to their clanmates, it could be a reminder of the good acts. But.. Driftwood needed that as well. A reminder that life wasn't so serious at times.

The feline found themself fiddling with the feather within the stream, shifting as their mind played into the possibilities. They couldn't get comfortable with their decision, but finally finding that the fiddling was rather kittish and pulling their paw away to see it float across the soft current. "Hm, how odd..." Driftwood chuckled, lifting their soaked paws to shore to watch it drag away.

Hardship is a never-ending cycle that the clans seem to endure.... again and again. There always seems to be a brief moment of peace before the storm rolls in; and the storm rolled in hard. It started out as a tiny drizzle of rain— clanmates fishing out twoleg trash in their river, finding 'buckets' of fish at the numerous shores, etc. It didn't seem like much of a concern, at the beginning. Twoleg activity always seemed to increase once Newleaf rolled around.... this isn't RiverClan's first time handling twolegs during Newleaf. But then the drizzle turned into a downpour as twolegs set out traps, and put fear into RiverClanner's hearts— would they be next if they ventured out?

The young lead warrior pads through the familiar territory of RiverClan, padding in the direction of camp. Today is the first day that Foxtail has ventured out, without being on high alert— he had been desperate to ensure he, nor his apprentice, would fall victim to a twoleg trap. The twolegs are gone, to his relief, but the battle isn't over for every RiverClanner. He thinks of Robinheart & Rivuletkit.... Petalnose and Aspenhaze.... all of his clanmates that were (temporarily) taken by the twolegs. Much like Driftwood, he too decided to face the day rather than sulk in his nest— despite all the devastation RiverClan has faced, he... he has to keep pushing forward.

Foxtail lets out a sigh as he listens to the soothing flow of water that is headed to camp. The flow of the stream, accompanied by the peaceful songs from the birds and the buzzes from the bugs, put his mind at ease. His olive green eyes glance at the stream beside him, his gaze catching the single goose feather that floats along with the current. The young tom was about to pull his gaze away from it, but then a paw stretches after it. He blinks— Driftwood bats at the feather as it floats into camp, and with every swipe, she seems to be short by a few whiskers. He mrrows in amusement as he pads into RiverClan's camp, and Driftwood's attention seems to be glued onto the feather.

They fiddle with the feather one more time, and Foxtail believes if she makes one more attempt, she'll be able to pull it out of the stream. ...But she doesn't give it another go, and pulls her paw back.... watching it float alongside the calm current. "Hm, how odd..." The younger warrior chuckles, and Foxtail finds himself padding over to them, with a flick of an ear. "You were p-pretty close to reaching it," He mews with a light smile. Perhaps Foxtail needed this reminder, that life doesn't have to be serious in every moment. He watches as the goose feather that floats further, and further, down the current, letting out a soft sigh. "....That isn't something you see everyday, huh?" He'll take a bird feather floating on their river over fishing out twoleg trash any day.

  • apprentice tag @PEBBLEPAW
  • 82418929_FoLQDUUK9zQigyb.png

    credit to raphaelion (via da) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    lead warrior
    20 moons
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to meghan for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)


Seasons changed and Riverclan changed with it, Tigersplash was adjusting herself to everything trying so desperately to cling to normalcy. It'd take a while she understood that but she wouldn't drag her paws as life continued on without her, she'd meet it head on; would be the ever steadfast cheery warrior she'd always been. All this doom and gloom did nothing for her spirit nor did it do any wonders for her pelt which was not as shiny as she'd like it to be (but she had less time to groom - they had a lot of mouths to feed now). She'd be out later scoping out both land and water for anything she could get her teeth around but for now she has a rare chance to relax and she heads to a place that'd always coaxed her into a easy rest.

The babbling of the stream is music to her ears as she comes closer to it's coaxing rhythm. It saddened her that her river had been polluted, that trash and twoleg trinkets alike washed onto the shores but as she comes closer, to where Driftwood sits she sees something that was truly beautiful; a treasure that belonged to the babbling stream. She watches Driftwood pawing after it, playing like they were a kit again and her whiskers twitch with amusement at the sight. Foxtail had also noticed, and she'd nod her head to him before plopping herself down right besides Driftwood. "Pretty ain't it?" she muses, her tail swishes close to the water, she doesn't seem to mind as it babbles against her fur. "It's a good sign though don't you think" she looks between the two then back to the feather.

"It's good luck, a sign of good hunting too. We'll have a goose honking around looking for it's lost feather" she mraows jokingly.


Voices pulled the feline's head in direction of their clanmate's voices, a playful scrunch of their nose as they pointed the stimuli through humored tones. Ah, embarrassing. Although, it was good to lighten the mood during losses and frets. Atleast, they were grateful for that, they all had to lounge back and be a cat at times. Falling into curious instincts was fulfilling from time to time, speaking of, it was temping to leap at it as it floated along. Alas, they held themselves together in the name of maturity in front of their clanmate's. They'd allow them to chuckle at their fiddling at least. "Mm pretty, I agree. You know... It could have brought good cheer and of many uses to a clanmate young or old. Ah.. but sometimes your limbs have bad days too." They chuffed towards the two warriors, splashing her limb lazily against the stream.

Tigersplash mentioned the luck of the feather and they "mrrowed" in humor, "Oh? Do you really think that? Or are you coaxing me to chase it so I look more ridiculous..?" Driftwood prodded lightly, aiming to splash a light amount of water their way with a wick of their tail. "Shame! I thought I humored enough." They clicked their tounge and shook their head in mock scold. It was as if they ever did anything immature their clanmate's were right there, chuckling and playfully prodding. It was amusing, embarrassing but amusing.


After being battered so continuously with misfortune... disaster, disappearance, death... Ferngill was glad to find some reprieve in the company of his Clanmates. He had always been a social being, bringing a grin to everything best he could. Brightness was the best he could bring to most conversations, to any eclipsing darkness- but even now, there was a deadness behind his single eye, a regret that gripped his heart desperately for the fate of the silver-pelted Windclanner who had met her end in the gorge.

There were happier things to focus on, though- there had to be, absolutely had to be. Hearing the lilting, smiling tones of light conversation between Driftwood, Foxtail and Tigersplash, Ferngill began to pad over, catching the tail end of the conversation and watching the feather rock softly down the stream. "A goose would be a good find, but... not an easy catch, definitely. It'd take all of us- you wouldn't be the only one who looked silly, Driftwood." Ferngill laughed, sure they'd probably have to end up running after one in a long, disastrous burst if there was indeed one.

"We could use its feathers to line a nest," he mused, mostly wishful thinking. And boy, that'd be a lot of feathers, wouldn't it?
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