highway robbery |➹| unfortunate encounter

Mar 28, 2023

Hunting, hunting, hunting. It felt as though from the moment they got out of their nest to the moment they finally collapsed into it for rest, Sparrowsong was out hunting. Yet it seemed that no matter how hard they tried, cats were going to bed hungry; themself no exception.

To make matters worse, patrols have been finding more and more signs of trespassing and even theft from cats beyond their borders, those who have no regard for scent lines in the face of an easy meal. It made them frustrated. Everyone was working so hard, trying to support everyone as best they could, and- and―

Everybody had to press on, though. All they could do was keep going, defend their borders, and hunt what they could.

Pale paws pounced upon a mouse, and it was dispatched swiftly after. Sparrowsong puffed, pride swelling in their chest. While it may be small, likely a meal for one, it was something, and it would fill a belly.

Yet when they lifted it up, the scent of mouse in their nose, they had been unable to catch the distinctly unfamiliar scent until it was upon them. They had thought the pounding of paws was a Clanmate, a smile already upon their maw and head held high to show off their catch, but outstretched claws barreled into their side and sent them tumbling with a wail of surprise. The mouse fell dejectedly to the earth.

"Stop!" Sparrowsong gasped, scrambling back upright, but the intruder was faster, and snatched up their prey. They snarled at them, fur rising, and the SkyClan warrior flinched back, ears flat. With a sneer of victory, the enemy turned tail and fled. Although they briefly pursued more out of desperation than anything, it wasn't long before they slowed to a halt, tail drooping to the ground.

Just like that, their mouse was gone, and they were left with nothing. Gaze downcast, they felt their ears grow hot and their eyes blurry, breath hitching in their chest in their frustration. What were they meant to tell their patrolmates?


Sudden commotion ripped Dog's attention away from the undergrowth he'd been rooting through in search of his own prey. The cacophony of noise and chaos had him springing into action without a second thought, dashing toward the source of the disturbance.

A stray branch snagged his fur in passing, on their impaired side, but he paid it no mind.

By the time they reached Sparrowsong's side, the confrontation was already over. A pungent scent of rogue mingled with earth and blood painted a clear picture of the recent struggle. Fury surged within Dog, but an older, wiser part of them reined it in.

In the alleys, anyone could get beaten down, and the losers were left to lick their wounds in solitude. However, in Skyclan, things seemed to be different, and he realized he'd have to adapt their mentality accordingly.

Suppressing their anger for the brute, they turned to Sparrowsong, casting a concerned glance at the other. In a calm and low tone, he inquired. "Hey, are you okay? Did they hurt you?" Worry and genuine care laced Dog's words as he examined Sparrowsong's brown tabby pelt for any signs of serious injury.

  • ooc ;
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 27 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited:

Stop! An unmistakeable voice, Twitchbolt rushed toward the sound, eyes stunned wide. Though distracted by hunger, the protective surge he felt toward his Clan hadn't faded in the face of this sudden hunger. Like leaf bare already, Blazestar had said. Last leaf-bare, Twitchbolt had been an apprentice- he still remembered rather vividly the scraping hunger he felt, as if it had been seeping into his very bones. Everyone was weaker in leaf-bare, driven to savager means by survival. But what did it mean that it felt like it was here, already? Surely with so many cats off on the Journey, it should be easier to feed everyone...

Clearly panicked as he arrived, Twitchbolt skidded to a halt beside Dog and Sparrowsong, offering them a hurried once-over. The air was thick with prey-blood and, worse, with rogue-stench. Again. Twitchbolt was beginning to lose his patience- worry and anger warred for dominance within him, and his caution stepped forward in a form of aggression, this time. Worry that he might not be able to help feed everyone- anger that he knew exactly why. "Tresspasser," Twitchbolt hissed, visibly irate. The matter of whether Sparrowsong was alright was tended to by Dog, and Twitchbolt fought past his want to reiterate to focus on something else timely. "Did you- did you see which way they went?" Wouldn't be a good idea to go alone, but maybe they could figure out whether they were based anywhere...
penned by pin ✧
After his last run-in with rogues, Fireflypaw had always been hesitant to go on patrols. His paws carry him through the forest, listening to the sound of pounding paws and hurried breaths as someone goes racing past him- Sparrowsong, desperately panting as they slow down not far ahead. Dog and Twitchbolt follow soon after, and Fireflypaw has to hold back his bitter attitude over Twitchbolt's question. Has this been happening for a bit already?

"What are we going to do about these cats stealing prey, Twitchbolt? Surely the Council won't allow it to continue." Fireflypaw asks curiously, moving to stand beside his chocolate tabby friend before gently pressing his nose to their cheek to comfort them. His eyes are hardened, maw twisted into a snarl. Someone doing this to Sparrowsong, when they had put so much effort into their kill.. It angered him. He lets Dog do all the questioning, making sure Sparrowsong was okay- Fireflypaw merely lets his side brush up against theirs in solidarity. "Can't even catch their own prey in their own territories.. How pitiful."

The second time they heard paws pounding, Sparrowsong was quick to jolt and flinch away. Upon the realization that it wasn't another rogue, SkyClan scent washing over them, their shoulders sagged with relief. The tabby reached up to swipe tears from their eyes.

Not far behind Dog was Twitchbolt and Fireflypaw, and they felt far more secure as saddened gray eyes turned up to them. Fireflypaw brushed against them, and they briefly leaned into it. "No, I'm not hurt," they said with a shake of their head. While they wondered if they may bruise from the rough impact, they knew it wasn't anything to worry about.

"They- they ran off toward Twolegplace," Sparrowsong replied nervously. Twitchbolt seemed angry, and while rightfully so, it was an unusual sight. "They stole my mouse... I'm sorry I lost it." Now, very likely, they would have to find a new location to hunt. There was no doubt that the prey in the immediate vicinity had been scared away for the time being.

