hihi <3


lay my curses out to rest
Jun 30, 2023
my name is doc (or austin!) and im new here! i joined because of a couple of friends and im hoping that maaaaybe i can get back into roleplaying and such? i may lurk for a while or keep to just my friends for a hot second, but i'm nice and typically dont bite so!

the last time i did forum roleplays was back in 2014 when i was in middle school, so if I seem very rusty then don't mind me, its only been like 9 years since i've touched a forum. i have roleplayed warrior cats off and on through discord though, and written some of my own personal stuff, so at least i'm not rusty with that.
i also do art, though i havent recently due to how much i work. i do work full time, so if you cant get me, there's the reason. (i'm also forgetful so pls be patient LMAO)

fun facts for myself: im transmasc, freshly 20, and my special interest is FNAF. (im also fixated on overwatch rn and its awful! /lh)

cant wait to talk and roleplay with you all <3
Welcome welcome!!! Nice to meet you, doc! I’m blitz, one of the admins here. I’m so excited you came to join your friends here 🤩 if you ever have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out!!