camp Hippity hoppity get off my property || Alleged Frog Rebellion




Algaekit couldn't believe what he was seeing. The little cinnimon tortie was face to face with a frog. A little spotty guy. He stared at the frog....and it stared back.

"What are your secrets?"

The frog did not reply.....

" Why are you here?"


"I bet you're up to something..... I bet you have your own clan somewhere. And you're gonna overthrow us."

The frog made a small ribbit.



The frog did not reply.



Algaekit pounced on the frog. It squealed in terror and Algaekit was quick to finish it off. He held it aloft in his mouth and gave a muffled victory yowl.

His hunting skills were a little sharper than most kits, they had to be. He had to survive somehow, and he had to learn....Quickly. He briefly wondered if his mother would be proud, but.....She was not here anymore. The thought nearly killed his mood, but still. He had quelled a REBELLION.

Seeing their newfound kit scowling so fiercely at something on the riverbank, Snakeblink is immediately curious as to what might have attracted this adorably ferocious expression. Kits are funny things, but he remembers the day this one was brought to camp, and he gets the feeling the target of his ire is as likely to be a venomous snake as a particularly menacing leaf.

He dips underwater, lets the current carry him downriver, and comes up for air under the tortie kit’s nose just as he holds up a vanquished frog in his tiny mouth.

Well. That’s one frog that will never bother us again with its croaking,” he states with affected gravity.

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 34 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


He was startled to see Snakeblink rise from the depths, little green eyes widened with surprise.

"Now the frogs know they can't overthrow us!!!" He said, dropping the frog and watching Snakeblink float when he had a thought. A single thought.

"Do frogs freeze in leaf bare because they're slimy......?" He asked. An excellent question.

"..........Do we eat frogs."


Overthrow…?” He blinks, bemused, but decides against trying to follow the kit’s train of thought. “Good job protecting the clan from… frogs...

Snakeblink pulls himself halfway out of the water and paws at the frog. It’s dead alright. Some might even say it… croaked. He smirks at his own bad joke. “Most don’t eat them,” he says, “But I do. Do you want to try a bite?” It’s always good to encourage kits to try new food. Wouldn't want them to turn into picky eaters as they grow.

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 34 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

"cats with self-respect don't eat frogs." a rasped voice breaks through, with clear disgust at snakeblink's admission. frogs are for the marshers, fish for the river cats, hares for the moor cats, and voles for the foresters. she does not consider herself as picky in any way, just not desperate. nor is there a child in riverclan desperate for food. her attention is soon placed upon a rambunctious child with an imagination too large, though that's nothing new. it's nice to see.

"thank you algae for your valiant and brave efforts of protecting us from these beasts!" now she might not have to see the things be so careless of hopping around camp with algae around. although her mouth goes slack with the thought of ever putting a frog near her mouth. something about them has always bothered the molly. it must be the mucus covering their little bodies.
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Algaekit was a loud new attraction to their clan and he sighed as he heard the child's shrill voice in the distance, knowing he would have to get up to ensure something wasn't trying to eat the little scrap of fur and noise. When he arrived he found the kit with Snakeblink and Buckgait, both enthusiastically encouraging his little game and proud of his accomplishment. Good imagination in that one and scrappy too. He'd be a decent warrior if he honed it to a more porductive means.

The deputy's remark rubbed him wrong and he gave her a brief sideglance at it before turning back to the kitten.
"Give it a bite, kit. Try it. It's dead anyways-waste otherwise." He was no stranger to the occasional frog eating, preferred fish but beggars couldn't be choosers and perhaps he'd lived a struggle enough he stopped being picky entirely. The two-leg place was an entire life of scraping by on bits of litter and the occasional rogue rat that caused a sickness but you were forced to choose between it and starvation. He remembered being cold, cowering under chilled stone archways and abandoning his kithood dignity to mewl and plead passing two-legs for scraps because he had seen them toss them on occasion before; unfortunately Smokethroat had been a gangly and unattractive kitten. All black wire hair and big angry eyes. Some cats just weren't cute enough to not die.

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Everyone was so proud of him!! He was so happy! His fur puffed out with confidence. He was an EXPERT.

And now they were saying he should try the frog.....


It looks gross. He wasn't sure. But it was his catch...He had conquered it...Why shouldn't he eat it.

He took a hesitant bite into the frog and....... Decided it was not for him. It was cold and squishy! He much preferred warm blooded prey.

He makes a face at the frog. " Why is it so cold and squishy?" He asks. "And slimy?"

Why were frogs like this?

"Don't think I like frogs." He determined. "But I can catch frogs for you, Snakeblink!!" He piped up again, looking at Snakeblink.

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Run, run, Lost Boy
Amsuement sparked in sunset colored hues as they watched Smokethroat prompt Algaekit to eat some frog for once, and they snickered a bit at the kits delcaration of not liking it. Getting to uneven paws, Raccoonpaw made their way over to the pair with an amused huff, "You wanna know what prey is really gross? Snails! Those things are slimey and nasty," They stuck out their tongue to show their distaste before letting out a soft laugh, looking down at the ground awkwardly. They were never awkward. Then looked up at Smokethroat with a curious glint to their gaze, "Whats the grossest prey you've eaten?" It had to be something like trash or rats right? Something apart of the places way beyond Riverclan? Or maybe it was also snails? They've eaten slugs before too and those are also very gross to eat. Fish was definitely something they preferred over anything else.

Snakeblink flinches away from the kit when Buckgait speaks, ears pinned to his skull at her disgusted tone. He never likes to be on the wrong side of her scorn. Her opinion carries a lot of weight in the clan — especially now that she’s their deputy — and frankly, she intimidates him. She seems like the kind of cat who would break his spine if it served her family: a trait he admires and fears in equal measures.

But it’s just a frog. Frogs are everywhere, and when it’s cold you can just scoop them off the bottom of ponds and slow parts of the river. That’s much more useful than self-respect, which you can’t live off of.

Besides, they taste fine, so long as you don’t mind a little sliminess.

He relaxes a little at Smokethroat’s interjection. Hearing him agree is good; means Snakeblink didn’t fuck up too much. He focuses back on Algaekit, who demonstrates an admirable willingness to try new things by biting into the frog despite everything. He looks disgusted, but that’s fine. It’s an acquired taste.

Thank you,” he says to Algaekit, deeply touched by the kit’s offer to hunt frogs for him despite their much-revilled sliminess. “Clearly, you’re bound to become a fierce frog hunter. I think our esteemed deputy would rather you focus your prowess on fish, but in the meantime I’ll be glad to rid you of any foe you vanquish in your battle against frog domination.

Actually, he might start with that one right there as soon as no one is looking. But a new arrival distracts him from plans of grabbing the frog for himself: Raccoonpaw, asking Smokethroat about his worst eating experience. Curious, Snakeblink elects not to comment on the taste of snails — he likes the way they crunch — to focus on the dark tom’s eventual answer.

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 34 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


His whiskers quiver in amusement as Algaekit declares he's not too big on frogs. It was an aquired taste and the kitten had the luxury of being picky for now at least. Snakeblink would make sure it didn't go to waste for now. Orange eyes burned like twin suns as he glanced at Raccoonpaw's innocenctly asked question and wondered how cruel the truth might be; they were still young and of course there was also a kitten present. He wasn't going to go so far as to mentally scar any children but he wasn't going to soften up the blow entirely. "I fear if I told you then you might not find me too trustworthy anymore."
Was it a joke? A warning? It was always hard to tell with Smokethroat, his humor was as dry as a bone and his delivery as brittle. The dark tom didn't waste time in mincing words usually but he often witheld information at times to avoid conflict, the result was usually honesty so sharp and brutal it felt like it'd be more a mercy to kill a cat than speak to them.
"You'll pick up fishing fine, I think, Algaekit. You've the tenacity for it at least." But perhaps not the patience, dialing down the energy was going to be this child's struggle he could already tell.