his mind is up to no good .. granitepelt

can we leave it behind? A final traverse to ensure their Clan could rest easy. Sabletuft had to be sure, had to be certain their tactic had worked. That they had ridden their lands of the beasts filth and destruction. Bringing along a trusted warrior to accompany him, it was with little hesitation he chose Granitepelt. Ferocious courage and fortitude, the Lead felt akin to how much effort the young warrior put into defending his Clan. Even more now with the future of a legacy behind him.

Much of what he had gone through, what he had shown, was favorable to Sabletuft. He had known, and grieved, Flint's unfortunate demise at the Great Battle. So much loss involved in the ordeal. Yet Granitepelt still succeeded into the warrior he is now. Willing to use claws and teeth. Succeeding where even the Lead himself did not. Sabletuft believed great things for his future.

Muddy paws tracked past the Burnt Sycamore and further toward the border beyond the stars touch. "I appreciate the mettle you've shown." Sabletuft broke the silence, his voice neutral. "ShadowClan is in deep need of warriors of our caliber. A clump of brambles, flattened by massive paws led them further away. A good sign. "Do you feel capable of that? Continuing to fulfill that role? I understand, facing death so boldly and being expected to succeed the threat isn't the easiest expectation." He hadn't even been as young as Granitepelt when he took on the challenge with Briarstar's colony. Though he had little doubt he would have still tried, Sabletuft doubted he would have been ready enough to survive. — tags

The two stone-pelted warriors pad side by side, working tracks into the damp earth near the Burnt Sycamore. Granitepelt does not mind that he’d been selected to patrol the area with Sabletuft; the scarred tom is one of few cats on Chilledstar’s council he feels deserves his title. Sabletuft is courageous, and he does not put up with the foolishness some of his peers and superiors do. He also shows Granitepelt respect, which is something of an anomaly, but not an unwelcome one.

His ears flick as the older warrior’s words. “I’m honored to be compared to you,” he says, watching Sabletuft closely. “You faced the bears with more bravery than any of our Clanmates, for sure.” His tail begins to whip behind him. Did he expect himself able to continue exacting his façade of loyalty to their hellbent Clan?

I’ll be honest with you, if that’s alright, Sabletuft.” He meets the other’s bright gaze. “I was afraid when we faced those things… but I have much to live for now, as I’m sure you’d agree.” He furrows his brow, as though he were deep in thought. “I never intended to die and leave Starlingheart alone.” This is true down to its core. “Besides, there are those among us who would not have shown the courage we did… don’t you think?

  • granitekit . granitepaw . granitepelt
    — he/him ; warrior of shadowclan
    — heterosexual ; taken by Starlingheart
    — short-haired gray tom with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Meg
can we leave it behind? Sabletuft had little hesitation to believe Granitepelt's statement, his only rival in that being Chilledstar. He hoped that in due time he would know more Clanmates who would act the same, feel the same as he did when he bore his claws for his Clan. While he had grown to have little patience and even worse tolerance for the naivety and foolishness in his younger peers, he had to rely on them all the same.

A Clan doesn't thrive when everyone acts individually, and while ShadowClan hadn't exactly been thriving these last few moons, he doubted it was due to any lack of unity.

Granitepelt's request for what sounded like a confession made him pause. He heard the words of someone who would do anything to survive, and to an extent the Lead can agree. Cats like Loampaw he has little care for. No drive to succeed into anything that could be useful. Freeloaders who spent more time burning their eyes into the sun than their work. He doesn't think he would hesitate very long if it came to choosing if he should make it out alive at their expense.

"Sometimes it's necessary, the fear. A different kind of drive for fighting to live. And sometimes, it's worth acting on it."

That's all he would say. He wasn't about to list off all the cats he saw as unfit for his protection, but he assumed everyone had their own. There is always a point where someone is pushed to only save themselves.

"From the performance both Chilledstar and I saw, it's undeniable you have true merit. It won't go unnoticed, at least I won't let it." He still didn't quite understand Smogmaw or Chilledstar's dislike for him. From the perspective he saw in Granitepelt, he saw an upcoming warrior with a goldmine of potential.

"... With Starlinghearts skills and your strengths, I think you'll leave a remarkable legacy behind." — tags
Sabletuft speaks with the hard-nosed tone of a battle veteran. The younger warrior eyes him curiously. Sometimes, it’s necessary, the fear. The gray tomcat nods his head slowly. “I agree.” He’d shook with it, watching Pitchstar’s throat seize, his tongue shake amidst crimson foam. “As long as it does not cripple you.” He owes that to his sister—had Siltcloud not assisted him in hiding the evidence, in concocting a believable story, Granitepelt would not be here today to serve ShadowClan, to father kits by his beautiful mate.

Sabletuft’s praise causes green eyes to light up with surprise—and light suspicion. He had detected the note of insincerity in Smogmaw’s blanket statement praise… but Sabletuft has never been anything but sincere to him. Granitepelt is hesitant, but he accepts the compliment with a respectful dip of his head. “Thank you. That means a lot coming from a warrior like yourself.” He finds himself meaning what he says. “I wish I’d had a mentor like you, instead of… well. Nevermind.” He clicks his tongue, thinking of the days wasted watching Pitchstar rot to bones inside of his den. The best days of his apprenticeship had been squandered by that fool.

  • granitekit . granitepaw . granitepelt
    — he/him ; warrior of shadowclan
    — heterosexual ; taken by Starlingheart
    — short-haired gray tom with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Meg