private HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF — rivepaw

The moor runner's ears prick up as he spots the chocolate-patterned form of Rivepaw approach him at the camp's entrance, cool gaze boring into his trainee with little enthusiasm to offer. Snakehiss could recall the days of his youth, when Badgermoon had stood at the edge of the apprentice's den and roused him out of his slumber for training. He, on the other paw, had a much stricter schedule to adhere to. Snakehiss fully expected Rivepaw to be punctual and ready to embark at the break of day each morning unless stated otherwise. Slacking off and arriving late would not be tolerated by the moor runner, who would quite frankly prefer to be doing anything else than dealing with the likes of children.

The lanky black tom beckoned toward the moorlands on the horizon and meowed, "Follow me, then. Keep up." He would then lead Rivepaw toward one of the first places he had been taken as an apprentice. Green eyes survey the site, a rather grim look surfacing upon his sharp features as distant memories of his former mentor crop up in his mind. "Rabbit's Run. This is where we will be conducting most of our training." The cleared stretch of land, ground trod across and trampled by generations of cats, was ideal for practicing running before taking to the open grasses.

Managing a sigh, his mood burdened by the memories that feel sinful to even reflect upon, Snakehiss plops onto his haunches and instructs Rivepaw, "Go run around that rock and back." He wanted to see how Rivepaw took to running naturally. Her parents were burly and stocky former rogues — mountain men — and were not built to race the moors like cats of his own lineage were. It was yet to be seen if their spawns possessed natural running abilities.

  • @rivepaw
  • 71016142_9rYADptBxGUs9zn.png
  • gJTx1fs.png
    —— he/him; moor runner of windclan
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and a notable bite mark on his right foreleg
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
———————————————⊰⋅ ⋅⊱———————————————
Rivepaw was extremely punctual. There was no way she wouldn't be, after all. The day was waiting, sunlight burning down, and her mentor's expectant look boring into her fur- which, by the way, was extremely bothersome. Her nose wrinkled as she approached, unsure if the burning in the tips of her ears was from being stared at, or the ever-cooling sun. Which was, by the way, kind of freaky. She missed greenleaf.

"Keep up." Rivepaw repeated to herself, as if it would motivate her. Snakehiss was larger, his legs longer- so she was stretching her body to keep up with him. Vision widened as they left came, winding through the moor to a place that every new apprentice would come to know deeply and intimately. Her head turned, viewing the training area. Cool.

Snakehiss was sighing dramatically then, causing Rivepaw's head to whip back towards him. She blinked gently, before turning to look where he indicated. "B'okay." She grinned wide then, settling her body down to point towards the rock. Her parents may have been stocky, and it was far too easy for anyone to tell what Rivepaw would look like in her future- but her limbs were longer, body more narrow then that of some of her siblings as it was.

And her paws dug into the ground, taking off. Her form was far from perfect, considering this was some of her first real running, but her paws drove into the ground, her balance good and speed showing great promise. Despite her run, she almost ghosted over the ground, pawsteps near silent. It appeared she had a natural talent for staying quiet. Rivepaw passed the rock, skittering around it and heading back for Snakehiss.

She drank in air as she came to a stop, vision shifting towards her mentor. "How... was that?" She questioned, bright eyes expectant.

(i rolled a 10 out of a d20)

An observant gaze watches as Rivepaw follows his orders, taking off immediately for the rock marker and rounding it with ease. Her young paws were more graceful than they ought to be, and her speed was notable as well. Hmph. A prodigy in WIndClan's midst? A juvenile-natured jealousy threatens to itch at his paws, though he is quick to remind himself that surely Rivepaw would not have such luck in her hunting and fighting lessons. Perhaps he ought to be proud of his apprentice being such a quick learner—her performance was a reflection on him, after all—but a part of him wanted her to struggle as he did. Why should Sunstride and Wolfsong's kit coast on through their apprenticeship while he hadn't even managed to catch a rabbit until he was nearly a warrior?

As the tabby youth returns to him with wide, shining eyes, he meets her with little to no enthusiasm. Only a slightly arched brow is offered, a sign that Rivepaw had managed to somewhat capture his attention. "Hm. Your parents' roguish brawn doesn't seem to precede you." He could barely hear her even move. Snakepaw's first lap around that very rock had been less than perfect, he recalls.

Perhaps... perhaps it was only beginner's luck. Rivepaw's initial performance could not possibly indicate her actual skill level. So, utilizing his newfound authority as a mentor, he curtly orders his trainee, "Again. Twice more." Green eyes would scour Rivepaw's performance for any hiccups, weakness, or bad form. Something would crop up eventually, and when it did, he would not hesitate to correct the chocolate tabby.

  • apologies for the super late response, i just wanted to get something in before i completely forgot ;-;
  • gJTx1fs.png
    —— he/him; moor runner of windclan
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and a notable bite mark on his right foreleg
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles