camp hit 'em with the right of way! ↷ [ hare intruder ]

Look intently and at length upon a wild creature from the wider marsh. Say, a rat, or a frog, or perhaps one of the songbirds dallying freely amongst the treetops.

What might you see, then? An animal witless as it is unpredictable, operating on impulse and driven by inherent urges? A pair of bulbous black eyes, deprived of the sentience and sensibility found in the cats of the warrior clans? The longer you look, the more questions claw at the ridges of your skull. What divides their mind from your own, and why? Could there be a whisper of thought beneath their brutish actions?

As per Smogmaw's perception, there stands little distinction between the clans' dealings and those of the animals they hunt for sustenance. Both are equally fierce, equally capricious, and equally prone to primal violence. The one true boundary lies in the common tongue shared by all felines, used to rationalise their barbarity and uphold hierarchies. This fact steeps his veins with a strange envy for the wild animals of the swamp. They are bound by one pecking order, and one alone, that being the raw order of nature itself. No morals. No traditions. No ranks, or leaders, or StarClan. Just the dance of survival, precarious and bloody as it is.

Smogmaw tarries at the margin of camp, eyes pinned to the skies and fastening to every bird that passes overhead. He's as stiff as a boulder, solidified into a state of silent contemplation. The wind pushes through rustling reeds and carries with it the distant cries of unseen creatures—songbirds, mostly. There is something else, though. A disturbance which tears him from his reverie. A twig-snap, then a rumble amid the underbrush, both causing the deputy's brows to narrow and setting his ears atwitch. His head swivels in the noise's trajectory and he'd painstakingly rise to his paws, before an astonishing spectacle stupefies his nerves.

"Prey in camp! Kill it!" he cries whilst breaking into a sprint, as a swamp hare penetrates through the pine tree barrier and shoots wildly towards the hollow's opposite end. Its movements are unpredictable and nigh impossible to gauge, and no amount of adrenaline can route Smogmaw in its path. He draws close to the unexpected quarry, muscles tense, and when it becomes painfully clear that he's being outpaced, the tom lunges.

He misses, unfortunately, and by virtue of momentum, he's propelled into a feverish tumble in the hare's dust.

// roll a 17 or higher on a d20, and the hare is caught :3


maggotpaw & 09 moons & female & she/her & shadowclan apprentice

Maggotpaw moves on sheer instinct - she doesn't even hear the words the deputy shouts, only catches the sent of prey and sees the flash of fur pass by in the blur - one large paw swipes, striking home, and yet she only snags fur and a bit of flesh as it tears pat her. Turquoise eyes blink and then widen as her mind catches up to what has just happened, finally leaping to her paws from where she'd been sitting and grooming herself. "Fox-dung," she curses, a snarl upon her lips - if only she'd been a bit more attentive, more aware, maybe she would've caught the thing.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: rolled an 11
    tw/cw: —
  • a massive tabby she-cat with striking turquoise eyes, there has always been something not-right about her. cold and apathetic, and more than a bit unhinged, the monster that is maggotpaw is a volitile presence within shadowclan. she seems strangely taken by magpiepaw, putting herself in role of both tormentor and protector.

    physically medium && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=mediumpurple]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

Betonyfrost had been mid groom, her hindleg fully extended towards the sky, when the call comes it. It is moments later that she processes the call for what it is, tongue still sticking out and wilted ears perked in sudden interest. The hare dodges Smogmaw and Maggotpaw — it is instinct that sets Betonyfrost to her feet and has her bounding towards the wild thing, and then it is basic reasoning that has her skidding to a halt before she can meet it.

"StarClan, let it drop dead in fear instead, I'm not losing my pelt over it," It has crazy eyes. Betonyfrost backs away in large steps, her tail bushed and lashing low.​
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 22 moons | tags
Speed has never been Needle's strong suit. She was born in the marsh colony to two flat, web-footed parents and she shared that trait with them. She was night-stalker more than an chaser, but for some reason when she sees the hare, her body tenses up and in a flash she is after it, her small paws kicking up dust as the chase is begun on her end.

The hare swerves left and right, ducking and leaping towards the entrance. Needledrift, despite everything she had thought about herself, is on it in a heartbeat, ivory claws outstretched, grasping at small ribs. Her paws find purchase instead at these hips and she pulls back hard, yanking the thing to her misaligned jaw at the same time. The two go tumbling, head over tail, into a nearby needle pile, Needledrift curling into herself to protect herself from collision.

She slides to a stop, dusty and disheveled and bloody. Pine needles shift as the she-cat moves to stand one paw at a time. The hare dangles limply from her mouth when she lifts her head, her green eyes wide with disbelief. She had actually caught it!


Lilacfur had been spending the remaining daylight she had free of any patrols or hunts to groom herself. Mud had dried onto the small tufts along her forelegs, and she would rather tackle the problem rather than let it build. Plenty cats here did not care for the feeling of mucky paws or tangled fur, but the she-cat could hardly handle it herself. Thankfully her fur was not so dense is it appeared, and the tangles were easy to keep in control as long as this was frequent.

As her tongue rasped over her fur and attention locked into focus, she practically jumped straight to her paws at Smogmaw's shrill. Prey in camp? There was no time to question it as the hare darted across the clearing. At once her instinct came into play and with no further hesitation the tabby was sprinting after it.

Her paws thundered against the cool damp earth, and she glanced over to see Needledrift gaining on the small creature. The grey warrior manages its frantic movements easier, and Lilacfur began to slow her pace once she noticed where the two were headed. She wasn't looking to barrel-roll into anything half-way into tidying her fur, and seeing the pride on Needledrift's face was contagious.

"That was amazing, Needledrift! You kept on that hare so well, Tadpolepaw's got a great mentor." She purred loudly as she glanced around for the black pelted apprentice. What a prize to gloat about!
[ sad hello's and mad high low's ]